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Friendship Online, Why Not?

I’ve heard (1)… stories about making friends via the Internet, but I remained (2)... until I (3)... Elba. She’s from the USA. We constantly email each other and (4)… personal messages through our favourite (5)... . Just imagine: we used to live in the same city! She moved to the USA more than five years ago.

I met my friend Elba through Friendster network four years ago. At first, I thought she was just one of the ordinary girls who wanted more than (6)... . But that common notion proves me wrong. I (7)… her visit on someone’s page who paid a visit on her page. We (8)... how things have been in our lives like the recent events in the country we live in: pleasant, funny or sometimes dramatic things; anything under the sun. We (9)... our common interests such as school life, music, shopping and most of all, beauty! What is very particular of Elba is her (10)… . We talk about fashion and would love to shop together one day. I am (11)… visiting her in the USA in future.

There are times we are busy with our (12)... . But what (13)… me is that, whenever the two of us (14)…. a thought of communicating through the network, we are sure of (15)... . Every (16)… or the web-page visit is definitely worth it.

This is how me and Elba have been friends for four years now just because of the (17)... . That is where our friendship began! And I’m glad I did!

Key: 1. countless, 2. skeptical, 3. got acquainted with, 4. exchange, 5. network, 6. to have numerous friends online, 7. was fascinated by, 8. give updates about, 9. share, 10. trendy outfits, 11. looking forward to, 12. daily routine, 13. amazes, 14. initiate, 15. a response, 16. email, 17. online technology.


III. Complete the sentences with the words from the Vocabulary File.

1.If you work harder, you will … the differences between these similar cases.

2.If it were love … , she would not leave him so soon.

3.If it were not for … , they would still be enemies.

4.If I have some … , with my close friends I will listen to their points of view and share mine.

5.If it were not for this … , I would invite them to my Sunday party.

6.If you move to a bigger city, it will demand great … to the new situation.

7.If you had a will, you would move from … to autonomy.

8.The … from impressionism to cubism made a great impact on her pictures.

9.If you do your best during your … , you will benefit in your adulthood.

10.If it were not for Jane, I would not be able to … these difficulties.

Key:1.distinguish 2. from the first sight, 3. compromising, 4. arguments, 5. misunderstanding, 6. adjustments, 7. dependency, 8. transition, 9. adolescence, 10. get through.


IV. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions.

to get about A to take a holiday from the place you normally live
to get across B to have enough money to buy the things you need, but no more
to get ahead C to return to a place
to get along D to go or travel to different places
to get at E to have a friendly relationship
to get away F to keep criticizing someone in an unkind way; to discover information
to get back G to become well again after an illness
to get by H to avoid doing smth you have promised to do or are supposed to do; to enjoy smth you do or experience
to get out of smth I to be successful and better than other people in a job or work
to get over smth J to do an amount of work
to get through K to succeed in communicating an idea or a piece of information, or to be communicated successfully


Key: 1- D, 2 – K, 3 – I, 4 – E, 5 – F, 6 – A, 7 – C, 8 – B, 9 – H, 10 – G, 11 – J.

Основна література

1. Програма для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов. Іноземні мови: 2-12 класи, 5-12 класи (2-га іноземна мова). – К.: Перун, 2005. – 208 с.

2. Методика навчання іноземних мов у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах: підручник / Л.С. Панова, І.Ф. Андрійко, С.В. Тезікова та ін. – К.: ВЦ «Академія», 2010. – С. 249-261.

3. Методика навчання іноземних мов і культур: теорія і практика : підручник для студ. класичних , педагогічних і лінгвістичних університетів / Бігич О.Б., Бориско Н.Ф., Борецька Г.Е. та ін./ за загальн. ред. С.Ю. Ніколаєвої. – К. : Ленвіт, 2013. – С. 154-175.

4. Методика навчання іноземних мов у середніх навчальних закладах: Підручник / Кол. авторів під кер. С.Ю. Ніколаєвої. – К.: Ленвіт, 1999. – С. 269-279.

Допоміжна література

1. Близнюк О.І., Жилко Н.М. Веди урок англійською мовою: Посібник для вчителя. – Ніжин, 2003. – 62 с.

2. Квасова О.Г. основи тестування іншомовних навичок і вмінь: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Ленвіт, 2009. – С. 73-81.




Мета: оволодіти знаннями про урок іноземної мови як основну форму

навчально-виховного процесу з цього предмету, ознайомитиcя з

особливостями планування та організації уроку іноземної мови,

навчитися складати план-конспект уроку.

Теоретичні питання

1. Вимоги до уроку іноземної мови.

2. Типи і структура уроків іноземної мови.

3. Аналіз уроку іноземної мови.

Практичні завдання

1. Розробіть план-конспект уроку за підручником O.Karpiuk English 6 (Unit 5, Lesson 4). Розіграйте окремі фрагменти свого уроку.

2. Ознайомтеся із схемою аналізу уроку іноземної мови. Відвідайте урок іноземної мови в середній школі і на основі схеми підготуйте його письмовий аналіз.



Lesson Урок

Let's begin our lesson now. Давайте розпочнемо урок.

Is everybody ready to start? Всі готові розпочати?

I hope you are all ready for your Сподіваюся сьогодні всі

English lesson. готові до уроку.

Now we can get down to work. Можемо приступати до


I'm waiting for you to be quiet. Я чекаю, поки ви


We won't start until everyone is quiet. Ми не почнемо, поки ви не


Stop talking and be quiet. Припиніть розмови і


There is no chalk/duster in the У класі немає крейди/


classroom. Will you go and fetch Принеси будь-ласка, крейди some chalk/duster please? /ганчірку.

Who is on duty today? Хто сьогодні черговий?

Clean the blackboard, please. Витри дошку, будь ласка.

Come out to the board, please Вийди до дошки.

(when the teacher is at the front of the class).

Go to the board (when the teacher is Йди до дошки.

standing at the back of the class).

Move out of the way (step aside) Відступи, щоб усі бачили.

so that everyone can see.

What date is it today? Яке сьогодні число?

What is the date today?

There is no date on the blackboard. На дошці немає дати.

Come to the front, please. Йди до дошки.

Go back to your place and sit down. Йди на своє місце і сідай.

Put your books away. Приберіть свої книжки.

Pack your things away. Приберіть свої речі.

Stand by your desks. Стійте за партами.

Speak English, please. Говори англійською мовою.

What was your homework for today? Яке домашнє завдання було

на сьогодні?

Let’s pass on /go on to your homework. Перейдемо до домашнього


Will you read the task to the exercise? Прочитай завдання до вправи.

What have you prepared for today? Що ви зробили на сьогодні?

What page is it on? На якій це сторінці?

Open your books at page… Відкрийте книжки на сторінці

The exercise is on page … Вправа на сторінці …

Let’s review/brush up/refresh the Повторимо граматичний

grammar material. матеріал.

Let’s work on the vocabulary. Попрацюймо над словами.

You have five minutes to do this. У вас п’ять хвилин на

виконання цієї вправи.

Do you get it? /Do you understand?/ Ви зрозуміли мене?

What did you say? Що ви сказали?

One more time, please. / Say it again, please. Повторіть ще раз.

I don't understand. / I don't get it. Я не розумію.

Like this? Ось так?

Is this OK? Так правильно?

Listen to me carefully. Слухайте мене уважно.

I’ll take your exercise-books for Я візьму ваші зошити для correction. перевірки.

Hand in/give in your exercise-books. Здайте зошити.

Collect the exercise-books, please. Зберіть зошити, будь ласка.

That’s all for today. Це все на сьогодні.

Write down your homework. Запишіть домашнє завдання.

Our time is up. The lesson is over. Час вийшов. Урок закінчено.

Here goes the bell. Ось дзвоник.

The bell hasn't gone yet. Дзвоника ще не було.

We still have a couple of minutes left. У нас ще є дві хвилини.

Have a break. Відпочивайте.

See you later. Have a nice weekend. До побачення. Побачимося.

Enjoy your holidays. Веселих вам свят.

Exercise 1. What would you say in the following situations:

1. You don’t see any chalk at the blackboard. 2. A student speaks his native language at the English lesson. 3. You want to know how your students have coped with their homework. 4. You’d like your students to give you their test-books for correction. 5. It’s the end of the lesson. 6. You ask your students to have a rest. 7. You wish your students nice holidays. 8. You’d like a student to leave his place and work at the blackboard. 9. You’d like your student to return to his place. 10. You’d like to know whether your students have understood the task. 11. You want a student to repeat the word one more time.

Exercise 2. Match the words in A and B to complete the commands:

Collect Let's begin Write down Let’s work Let’s pass on Let’s review Pack Stop Step Enjoy the grammar material on the vocabulary to your homework the exercise-books, please your things away talking and be quiet our lesson now aside your holidays your homework

Exercise 3. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. Write … your homework. 2. Hand … your exercise-books. 3. Come … … the board, please. 4. Let’s brush … the grammar material. 5. Let’s work … the vocabulary. 6. Open your books … page 123. 7. Have a look at exercise 1 … page 123. 8. Let’s pass … to your homework. 9. Move … … the way so that everyone can see. 10. Go … … your place and sit down.



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