Б) оволодіння навичками співвідносити букви і звуки
С) читання мовчки з безпосереднім розумінням змісту прочитаного
2. Головним призначенням читання є
А) бути джерелом інформації
Б) бути опорою для оволодіння усним мовленням
В) служити засобом оволодіння лексикою та граматикою
3. Читання – це
А) активна рецептивна діяльність
Б) пасивна рецептивна діяльність
В) активна репродуктивна діяльність
4. Завдяки механізму оперативної пам’яті
А) відбувається зіставлення мовленнєвих сигналів, що надходять, з тими стереотипами, які зберігаються у свідомості слухача
Б) сприйняті слова і словосполучення утримуються у свідомості слухача протягом часу, необхідного для осмислення фрази чи завершеного фрагмента
В) мовна інформація сприймається як знайома чи незнайома
5. Найбільш ефективним способом контролю розуміння прочитаного є
А) переказ тексту
Б) доповнення речень
В) виконання тесту на вибір правильної відповіді із декількох запропонованих варіантів
6. Читання, у процесі якого досягається 75% розуміння, називається
А) вивчаючим
Б) ознайомлювальним
В) пошуковим
7. Для перевірки розуміння прочитаного під час пошукового читання підходить така інструкція:
А) висловіть свою думку про зміст тексту, дайте йому оцінку
Б) складіть план тексту; підберіть до кожного пункту плану речення з тексту, які його уточнюють
В) знайдіть у тексті вказані вчителем факти
8. Під час читання відбувається така операція як
А) вживання граматичної структури відповідно до ситуації мовлення
Б) розпізнавання граматичних форм і співвіднесення їх із значенням
В) оформлення висловлювання спочатку у внутрішньому, а потім у зовнішньому мовленні
9. Якісними показниками читання як виду мовленнєвої діяльності є
А) швидкість читання
Б) ступінь розуміння прочитаного
В) уміння переказати зміст прочитаного
10. При формуванні умінь вивчаючого читання адекватною вправою є
А) прочитати абзац і підкреслити в ньому наголошені слова
Б) прочитати абзац і поділити його на синтагми
В) прочитати абзац і здогадатися про значення підкресленої граматичної структури
Фрагмент уроку з домашнього читання тексту “Robin and Marian” (O.Karpiuk, English 8, Unit 2, Lesson 6, ex. 2, p. 52-53)
Мета: навчити учнів читати текст з повним розумінням змісту та вести усну бесіду по ньому.
Robin and Marian
When Robin Hood lived in his father’s house, he often met a girl. Her name was Marian. She lived with her father not far from Robin’s house. They walked in the forest and sometimes went hunting together. They liked each other very much and one day Robin asked Marian to marry him.
But just at that time the Normans came and killed Robin’s father, burned down his house and took away everything he had. Robin was saved, because he fought so bravely that no soldier could go near him, kill him or take him to prison. When Robin saw that his father was dead and that his house was burnt down, he ran away to the great forest of Sherwood. A great number of poor men joined him.
In a short time there were very many men in the forest. They made Robin Hood their leader. The poor people loved Robin and his men whom they called the Merry Men. Robin became known as Robin of Sherwood Forest or Robin Hood. Some people say that he was called Hood because he and his men wore green hoods. He became known not only in England, but in many countries as Robin Hood.
Robin did not see Marian for a long time. He wrote a letter where he told her about his father and their home. “I will always love you,” he wrote, “but the life in the forest is not for you, so I’ll never see you again, good-bye!” Marian was very sad when she read Robin’s letter. She cried all day long. At last she decided to go to Sherwood forest and look for Robin.
It was a long way to Sherwood Forest and Marian was afraid to travel so far alone. She dressed herself like a knight and went off to look for Robin. One day Robin dressed himself as a Norman knight and went to Nottingham. On his way through the forest he met another knight.
“What’s your name and where are you going?”
They couldn’t see each other’s faces because their heads and faces were covered by their visors. Marian (for it was she) was afraid to answer.
“Ah,” said Robin, “you do not want to answer. Then fight.” Robin was taller and stronger than Marian, but she fought bravely. Marian got a wound in one arm, Robin got a wound in his cheek. Robin felt sorry for the young knight who was fighting so well.
“Stop! Stop!” he cried. “You will be one of my men.” Robin forgot that he was dressed like a Norman knight and spoke in his language and in his voice. When Marian heard Robin’s voice, she took off the visor. Her face was pale but she smiled. They were happy to see each other.
All the time they were laughing and talking. She told Robin how unhappy she was, and put on a knight’s clothes and came to look for him.
“My dearest,” he said when she finished her story, “I do not know how I will live in the forest when you go away.”
“But I’ll not go away. I’m going to stay with you”, she said.
“You must not. This life is not for you.”
“Oh, Robin, do not say that! The sun does not shine and the birds do not sing when I am not with you. Let me stay.”
So Robin let her stay. They were married in the forest and the Merry Men made a good dinner and were happy to greet Robin’s wife. Robin and Marian lived in Sherwood Forest for a long time and were very happy.
To go hunting – ходити на полювання
a prison – в’язниця
Merry Men – веселі люди (веселуни)
a hood – капюшон
a knight – лицар
a visor – тут забрало шолома
a wound – рана, поранення
pale – блідий
Етап, методичний прийом
Зміст роботи
1. Дотекстовий етап.
Створення в учнів установки на читання і розуміння тексту.
Подолання лексичних та фонетичних труднощів.
2. Текстовий та післятекстовий етапи.
Виправлення тверджень учителя у фронтальному режимі.
Відповіді на запитання вчителя з елементами пошукового читання та перекладу прочитаного.
Доповнення речень з опорою на текст.
Виразне читання вголос.
Упорядкування речень у логічній послідовності.
Укладання плану.
Пошук учнями в тексті англійських еквівалентів.
Переказ тексту.
T.: Today we are going to read a legend. Do you know what “a legend” is? Legends and myths are created by people and they pass from generation to generation. Sometimes they are based on historic events. Robin Hood, for example, is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, in Nottingham, with his band of followers. A band of followers – група послідовників. Stories about him and his adventures began to appear in the 14th century. Was Robin Hood a real person? It is difficult to answer. But for many years the legend has been put into ballads, plays, movies. And today we are going to speak about the story “Robin and Marian”. Did you like the story?
Repeat it after me: Robin, Marian, Sherwood forest.
T.: I read this story long ago. That’s why I may have forgotten something. Correct me if I’m wrong:
· Robin lived with his parents (F).
· Marian lived with her father not far from Robin’s house (T).
· Robin burnt down his house and went to the forest (F).
· Many poor men joined him in the forest (T).
· Robin was known only in England (F).
· Robin didn’t see Marian for a long time (T).
· When Robin and Marian met, they had a fight (T).
· Robin got a wound and Marian didn’t (F).
· Marian returned home (F).
· They were married in the forest (T).
T.: Answer my questions:
1. When did Robin meet Marian?
2. How did they spend time? Find it in the text, read and translate it.
3. What happened to Robin’s father?
4. What did he decide to do after he learned about it?
5. Who were the Merry Men?
6. Why was Robin called Hood?
7. Why didn’t Robin take Marian with him to the forest? Find it in the text, read and translate it.
8. Who was a strange visitor in Sherwood Forest?
9. How were Robin and Marian dressed?
10. Find in the text the description of their fight, read and translate it?
T.: Complete my sentences:
· Robin was saved because…
· Robin wrote in his letter to Marian: “I will always love you, but…”
· When she read Robin’s letter …
· It was a long way to Sherwood Forest and Marian …
· Robin and Marian couldn’t see each other’s faces because…
· Robin forgot that he was dressed like a Norman knight and …
· Robin and Marian lived in Sherwood Forest for a long time and …
T.: Find in the text the episode when Robin and Marian meet. Read it aloud. Follow N.’s reading, at my signal be ready to translate the last sentence.
T.: Split into two teams. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order. The first team to do it is the winner.
· When the Normans killed Robin’s father, he ran away to the great forest of Sherwood.
· A great number of men joined him.
· They made Robin their leader.
· Marian decided to go to Sherwood Forest and look for Robin.
· One day Robin dressed himself like a knight and went to Nottingham.
· On his way through the forest he met another knight.
· They began to fight.
· When Robin began to speak Marian recognized him.
· Marian stayed in the forest.
· They were married and were very happy.
T.: Work in pairs. Make a plan of the story.
T.: Before we retell the story let’s find and read out the words and word combinations in the text which you can use in your speech:
Проводили разом час – spent time together, нормандці – Normans, спалили – burnt, урятували – saved, утік – ran away, відомий –well known, шукати – to look for, одягнений як лицар – dressed like a knight, боротися – to fight, fought, упізнав – recognized, одружилися – got married.
T.: Speak on the episode described from the point of view of Marian.
T.: Split into groups of four. Retell the text. Include 3 lies into it.
Class, listen to group 1 carefully to find out false sentences, be ready to correct them.