2. One of the group is a designer; the rest are builders.
3. There exist some problems, but all of them are soluble ones.
4. There exist many construction materials from which one may choose.
5. Some substances are efficient insulators, others - poor ones.
6. The new method proved to be much cheaper than the old ones.
7. One should know that these installations cannot operate on oil.
8. One may choose only one of the projects.
9. The history of brick is a long one, since the main properties of clay have been known to people since the ancient times.
10. Exact knowledge of the state of the foundation of a building makes it possible for one to determine its durability in the future.
11. One can hardly proceed in construction without a definite purpose and an idea of what one is sure to get.
11.There was a time when heat was considered to be a kind of substance which flowed from a body of high temperature to one of lower temperature.
12.One of the objectives in studying the properties of a construction material is to state the degree of its fire-resistance.
13.No material is considered to be a perfectly elastic one even at very low stress.
14.Short bridges should cost less to build than longer ones.
Unit 4
Forms of the Verb • Глагольные формы
Сложные глагольные формы в английском языке образуются из различных сочетаний четырех элементов: вспомогательных глаголов to be и to have и двух причастий Participle I и Participle If.
Примеры: is melting, has melted, have been melting; is being produced, was produced, has been produced.
1. Translate the given participles in writing. Translate them back from Russian into English.
2.. What is the meaning of the following constructions? Mind the Participles.
... equipment used in the research ...
... engineers using new experimental designs...
... damaged bridges...
... loads damaging roof coverings...
... efficient materials being supplied ...
... corrosion caused by pure water...
... artificially produced cement...
... minerals being burnt and mixed with limestone.
3. In the given examples the verb "to be" has different meanings. What are they?
1. The new construction materials are being successfully used for building purposes.
2. The construction materials to be supplied will be carefully tested be fore being used.
3. The researchers are successfully using the new construction materials.
4. Some new construction materials are to be used for building this experimental centre.
5. What new materials can be used for construction purposes?
Unit 5
Рекомендации по переводу
Перевод английского предложения не следует начинать с первого слова. Любое предложение надо дочитать до конца и лишь после этого осмыслить его и оформить средствами русского языка.
Если понимание (перевод) предложения вызывает затруднение, рекомендуется прежде всего определить в нем сказуемое. Сказуемое составляет смысловой центр предложения, занимает относительно постоянное место и обычно имеет формальные признаки.