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1. On the Standard toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, click Customize on the Tools menu, and then click the Toolbars tab.), click New.
2. If you want to keep the default title layout for the first slide, go to step 3. If you want a different layout for the first slide, in the Slide Layout task pane, click the layout you want.
3. On the slide or on the Outline tab, type the text you want.
4. To insert a new slide, on the toolbar, click New Slide, and click the layout you want.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each new slide, and add any other design elements or effects you want.
6. When you finish, on the File menu, click Save, type a name for your presentation, and then click Save.
You can also create a blank presentation in the New Presentation task pane (File menu, New command).
Create a new presentation from an existing one.
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When you follow these steps, you create a copy of an existing presentation so you can make design and content changes to it for a new presentation, without altering the original.
1. If the New Presentation task pane isn't displayed, on the File menu, click New.
2. Under New from existing presentation, click Choose presentation.
3. In the file list, click the presentation you want, and then click Create New.
4. Make the changes you want to the presentation, and then on the File menu, click Save As.
5. In the File name box, type a name for the new presentation.
6. Click Save.
Turn off fast saves.
First off, you'll need to do a little setup in PowerPoint. On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Save tab, and then clear the Allow fast saves check box. Doing this forces PowerPoint to remove excess data from your presentation file each time you save.
After you've turned off fast saves, save your presentation again under a new name. On the File menu, click Save As, type a name for the new version of your presentation in the File namebox, and then click OK.
In fact, it's a good idea to save another copy of your presentation before continuing. Some of the following steps make irreversible changes to your presentation. You'll want a backup copy of your slide show.
Watch out for oversize image files.
In most cases, images don't need to be much larger than 1024 × 768 pixels (see What resolution should I make my images for PowerPoint slide shows? to learn why). If your images are larger than this, your PowerPoint files are probably bigger than they need to be.
PowerPoint 2002 and later can compress images and remove unneeded data:
1. Right-click the picture, and then click Format Picture on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Format dialog box, click the Picture tab, and then click Compress.
3. Under Apply to, do one of the following:
To compress just the current picture, click Selected pictures.
To compress all the pictures in your presentation, click All pictures in document.
4. Under Change resolution, do one of the following:
If your presentation will be used for a screen show, click Web/Screen.
If you plan to distribute your presentation as printed pages, click Print.
5. Under Options, select the Compress pictures check box and the Delete cropped areas of pictures check box.
6. Click OK.
7. If prompted, click Apply in the Compress Pictures dialog box.
PowerPoint compresses the picture or pictures for you automatically.
If you use PowerPoint 2000 or earlier, do the following for each image that you want to compress:
1. Click the picture to select it.
2. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
3. Again on the Edit menu, click Paste Special.
4. Do one of the following:
For most images, such as photos and scans, click JPG.
For images with large areas of flat color, or that contain important text or fine details, click PNG.
Note JPG files are usually smaller, but JPG's "lossy" compression can blur thin lines and other fine detail, or leave "artifacts" (stray odd-colored pixels) around text.
5. Delete the original image.
Watch for embedded objects, pasted or dragged graphics.
If possible, bring images into PowerPoint by doing the following: On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click From File.
When you copy and paste (or drag) an image or a graphic that includes an image from another program into PowerPoint, PowerPoint may create an embedded OLE object. The OLE object includes a Windows® Metafile (WMF) picture of the image. PowerPoint normally compresses images very efficiently, but it can't compress images in WMFs, so copying and pasting or dragging images into your files can make your files quite large.
Embedded objects are easy to shrink. After you no longer need to edit the image (by double-clicking it), do the following: Right-click the image, point to Grouping on the shortcut menu, and then click Ungroup. Next, immediately right-click the image again, point to Grouping on the shortcut menu, and then click Regroup. Ungrouping throws away the OLE data and leaves just the picture— in a form that PowerPoint can compress now.
Incidentally, it's okay to copy and paste images from one slide to another within PowerPoint. PowerPoint stores only one copy of the image no matter how many times you use it, so reusing an image can actually help to keep your file sizes down.
Check the master slides, too!
When you check your presentation for oversize images and embedded OLE objects, don't forget to check the slide, title, notes, and handout masters as well as the individual slides.
Also check each notes page in Notes Page view (graphics on the notes pages don't appear in the Notes pane in Normal view in PowerPoint 2000 and later).
Beware the mysterious, unseen element.
On the slide or master where you suspect there's something that's making the file size grow:
1. To select everything on the slide, click Select All on the Edit menu or press CTRL+A.
2. Cancel the selection for elements that you know you want to leave unchanged by holding down SHIFT while clicking each element.
3. Press DELETE to remove all selected elements, whether they are visible or not.
Another approach:
1. To zoom out so that you can see the entire slide and the area surrounding it, on the Standard toolbar, click the arrow in the Zoom box, and then click 25% in the list.
2. Press TAB repeatedly to select each element on the slide or master in order.
3. If something off the slide or something that you can't identify becomes selected, delete it, and then save the presentation.
Review those Review features.
PowerPoint 2002 introduced a new review feature: on the File menu, point to Send To, and then click Mail Recipient (for Review). When you choose this option, the PowerPoint file retains all the original information AND any changes or a new information that the recipients add. The file grows every time that it's changed in any way, even if the change is deleting material or whole slides.
Who ever originally sends the presentation in this way becomes the Sender; only the Sender can accept or reject changes that have been made to the file. After the Sender does this and then saves the presentation, the file goes back to a reasonable size.
If you're the Sender, here's how you can review and merge changes:
1. Open the presentation.
2. Click Yes when you are asked if you want to merge changes.
3. Apply the changes that you want to retain.
4. Click End Review on the Reviewing toolbar.
5. Save the presentation.
Be sure Outlook hasn't activated Review feature
Outlook might automatically turn on the review feature even when you send the presentation by using other e-mail options. To prevent Outlook from automatically activating this feature:
1. Open Outlook.
2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
3. Click the Preferences tab, and then click E-mail Options.
4. Click Advanced E-mail Options.
5. Under When sending a message, clear the Add properties to attachments to enable Reply with Changes check box, and then click OK.
About adding a text to a slide
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There are four types of text you can add to a slide: a placeholder text (placeholders: Boxes with dotted or hatch-marked borders that are part of most slide layouts. These boxes hold title and body text or objects such as charts, tables, and pictures.); a text in an AutoShape (AutoShapes: A group of ready-made shapes that includes basic shapes, such as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of lines and connectors, block arrows, flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and callouts.); a text in a text box (text box: A movable, resizable container for a text or graphics. Use text boxes to position several blocks of the text on a page or to give the text a different orientation from other text in the document.); and WordArt text (WordArt: Text objects you create with ready-made effects to which you can apply additional formatting options.).
Text in placeholders
Text box used as caption
WordArt text
Text in an arrow AutoShape
The text you type into placeholders, such as titles and bulleted lists, can be edited on the slide or on the Outline tab, and it can be exported from the Outline tab to Microsoft Word. Text in an object (object: A table, chart, graphic, equation, or other form of information. Objects created in one application, for example spreadsheets, and linked or embedded in another application are OLE objects.), such as a text box or AutoShape, and WordArt text do not appear on the Outline tab and must be edited on the slide.
Slide layouts contain text and object placeholders in a variety of combinations. In the text placeholders, type titles, subtitles, and body text onto your slides. You can resize and move placeholders and format them with borders (border: The visible line around the edge of an object. For example, the four lines of a rectangle that comprise its border.) and colors.
Text AutoFit
By default, Microsoft PowerPoint resizes text as you type so that it fits into a placeholder. For example, if you type a bulleted list and put in more text than will fit in the placeholder, PowerPoint reduces the font size and line spacing until all the text fits (with 8 points being the minimum font size). For title text, if a few words bump to a second line, the text is reduced by one font size so that it fits on a single line.
Text AutoFit will also reduce the text to fit inside a placeholder that you make smaller, and it will enlarge the text again if you then make the placeholder larger.
You can turn text AutoFit on and off. When it is on, you can adjust how it functions within a given placeholder by using the AutoFit Options button, which appears near your text the first time it is resized. The button, when it is clicked, displays a menu giving you options for dealing with the overspilling text. You can stop resizing text for the current placeholder while still keeping your global AutoFit setting on. You can also display the AutoCorrect dialog box and turn off the AutoFit settings altogether, so no text will resize automatically. For a single-column slide layout, when text spills out of a placeholder, you also get these options: to split the text between two slides, to create a new blank slide with the same slide title, or to create a two-column layout on the original slide. You get these options whether AutoFit is on or not.
The text AutoFit setting for body text also applies to notes you type into the notes pane (notes pane: The pane in normal view in which you type notes that you want to accompany a slide.).
AutoShapes such as callout balloons and block arrows lend themselves to text messages. When you type a text into an AutoShape, the text is attached to the shape and moves or rotates with the shape.
Text boxes.
Use text boxes to place a text anywhere on a slide, such as outside a text placeholder. For example, you can add a caption to a picture (picture: A file (such as a metafile) that you can ungroup and manipulate as two or more objects, or a file that stays as a single object (such as bitmaps)) by creating a text box and positioning it near the picture. Also, a text box is handy if you want to add a text to an AutoShape, but you don't want the text to attach to the shape. A text box can have a border, fill, shadow, or three-dimensional (3-D) effect, and you can change its shape.
Use WordArt for fancy text effects. WordArt can stretch, skew, curve, and rotate your text or make it 3-D or vertical.
About inserting a text into your presentation.
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You can insert a text created in other programs into the Outline tab and get automatic formatting into titles and a body text. Documents in Microsoft Word (.doc) format, Macintosh and a plain text (.txt) can be used in this way. A document in HTML format (HTML: The standard markup language used for documents on the World Wide Web. HTML uses tags to indicate how Web browsers should display page elements such as a text and graphics and how to respond to user actions.) can be inserted into your presentation, retaining its heading structure and appearing within a text box.
Rather than copying and pasting, you can use menu commands in Microsoft PowerPoint to insert text or base a presentation on another document's outline.
Text in Word or rich-text format.
When you insert a Word or Rich Text Format document, PowerPoint creates an outline structure based on heading styles in the document. A Heading 1 in your source document becomes a slide title in PowerPoint, a Heading 2 becomes the first level of a body text on the slide, a Heading 3 the second level of the text on the slide, and so on. If the original document contains no heading styles, PowerPoint creates an outline based on paragraphs. For example, in a .doc or .rtf file, for several lines of a text styled as Normal and broken by paragraphs, PowerPoint turns each paragraph into a slide title.
You can insert text from a Word document while you're working in PowerPoint; or from Word, you can create an outline and "send it" to PowerPoint to start a new presentation based on it.
Text in HTML.
When you insert an HTML outline into your presentation, you retain the original heading structure; however, all the text from the file appears within a text box on the slide. You can edit this on the slide but not on the Outline tab. To create several slides based on .htm files, insert a file for each slide you want the text on.
When you send an outline file, in .htm format, from Word to PowerPoint, the headings and subheadings are retained and the outline is structured in the same way as a .doc or .rtf file.
Plain text.
When you insert a text from a plain text document, tabs at the beginning of paragraphs define the outline structure. So, a text with no tab becomes a slide title; a text with one tab indent becomes a first-level body text on your slide; a text with two indents becomes a second-level body text, and so on. Since plain text is not styled, the text you insert inherits the styles of your current presentation.
Show or hide a text formatting.
For a text on the Outline tab or in the notes pane, you can show or hide a text formatting.
To show or hide the text formatting, on the Standardtoolbar, click Show Formatting.
Note Show Formatting is off by default.
Turn AutoFormat options on or off.
AutoFormat options include automatic changes that Microsoft PowerPoint makes to the look of your text, such as changing fraction characters to a fraction symbol or formatting Internet paths as hyperlinks.
1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
2. Select or clear any of the automatic formatting options you want to turn on or off.
Change a text color.
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Do one of the following:
Change a text color in a placeholder, AutoShape, or a text box
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the arrow next to Font Color.
3. Do one of the following:
· To change the text color back to its default, click Automatic.
· To change a color in the color scheme, click one of the eight colors below Automatic.
· To change a color that isn't in the color scheme, click More Colors. Click the color you want on the Standard tab, or click the Custom tab to mix your own color, and then click OK.
Change text a color in WordArt
1. Click the WordArt object to select it.
2. On the WordArt toolbar, click Format WordArt.
3. In the Format WordArt dialog box, on the Colors and Lines tab, under Fill, click the Color box.
4. Do one of the following:
· Click a color in the palette that's displayed.
· Click More Colors to choose from a greater color range.
· Click Fill Effects to choose a gradient, textured, or patterned fill or to insert a picture .
Note If the WordArt has a border, select options under Line to change the border color and its weight and style.
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, do one of the following:
· To make text larger or smaller, click Increase Font Sizeor Decrease Font Size .
· To set a font size by number, in the Font Size box , click the size you want.
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. On the Formatting toolbar, click Bold , Italic , or Underline .
When this setting is on and you type characters for various versions of a smiley face or an arrow, Microsoft PowerPoint automatically formats the characters as a symbol.
1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
2. Select the Smiley faces and arrows with special symbols check box.
I can't move an object.
· Select the object (such as a text box, AutoShape or piece of clip art by clicking its border, and when the pointer becomes a four-headed arrow, drag the object.
· The object might have been created on the slide master (slide master: The slide that stores information about the design template applied, including font styles, placeholder sizes and positions, background design, and color schemes.). To move an object on the slide master, point to Master on the View menu, and then click Slide Master. On the slide master, click the object to select it, and then drag it.
I want to change the formatting for a line of text, but the whole paragraph changes.
· When you drag to select the line of text, if your pointer drops slightly below the current line, the line below will also be selected. Move the pointer back up, while still dragging, to undo the unwanted selection.
· Some formatting changes such as line spacing, alignment, bullets, and tabs- affect the entire paragraph and can't be applied to a single line.
· Be sure to select only the text you want to change. If you select an entire paragraph, the changes you make affect all text in the paragraph
How can I keep my text from resizing as I type?
Turn off text AutoFit (this is on by default). When resizing is turned off, Microsoft PowerPoint will not reduce your font size and line spacing to fit spillover text into a placeholder.
1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.
2. Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
3. Under Apply as you type, do any of the following:
· To turn off AutoFit for title text, clear the AutoFit title text to placeholder check box.
· To turn off AutoFit for body text, clear the AutoFit body text to placeholder check box.
I want to select only a few characters, but whole words get automatically selected.
When the "select whole words" setting is on, Microsoft PowerPoint automatically selects a whole word, and the space after it, as you drag to select. To turn off this setting, on the Tools menu, click Options, click the Edit tab, and then clear the When selecting, automatically select entire word check box. Then, drag to select the characters.
Some slide text does not appear on the Outline tab.
· Some types of a text don't appear and aren't editable on the Outline tab. They include: a text added with the Text Box tool , a text attached to an AutoShape text, and a text in embedded objects.
· If you click Expand All , on the Formatting toolbar, only slide titles appear on the Outline tab. To see all of the text, click Expand All again.
I formatted my text, but the formatting is not showing.
· To see formatted text on the Outline tab or in the notes pane, click Show Formatting on the Standard toolbar.
· To see colors that you apply, on the View menu, click Notes Page.
· To see how the text will print, on the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview , and in the Print What list, click Notes Pages.
I don't want those buttons to appear after an automatic correction.
To turn off the AutoCorrect Options button, on the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options. On the AutoCorrect tab, clear the Show AutoCorrect Options buttons check box.
You can easily insert a check mark symbol in your Office documents. The most common symbols include:
The following are some ways that you can insert a check mark symbol, depending on which Office program you are using.
· Insert the check mark symbol by using the Symbols command on the Insert menu.
· Insert the check mark symbol by using the Windows Character Map tool.
· Type the keyboard shortcut for the symbol, and then change the symbol to the correct font type.
· Use the Office AutoCorrect feature to translate the text of your choice into your chosen symbol.
Tip Want even more check mark graphics? Go to Clip Art and Media on Microsoft Office Online.
Insert a symbol by using the Symbol command.
Note This feature requires Excel, FrontPage, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, or Visio.
1. On the Insert menu, click Symbol.
Note In Outlook, use the Insert menu in the message window.
2. In the Symbol dialog box, on the Symbols tab, in the Font box, click Wingdings.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the list, where you will find several common check mark symbols. Double-click the symbol that you want.
Insert a symbol by using the Windows Character Map tool.
Note This feature requires Excel, FrontPage, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Word, or Visio.
1. Do one of the following:
· For Microsoft Windows XP, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Character Map.
· For Microsoft Windows 2000, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Character Map.
Note If Character Map is not available, see Windows Help for information about how to install a Windows component.
2. In the Character Map dialog box, in the Font box, click Wingdings.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the list, where you will find several common check mark symbols.
Click the down arrow, and then click Wingdings. When you click a cell in the symbol grid, a larger version appears for your review. To add the current symbol to the Characters to copy box, click Select. To place the symbol in the Characters to copy box on the Windows clipboard, click Copy.
4. Click the check mark symbol that you want, click Select, and then click Copy.
5. Switch to your document, and then place the insertion point where you want to paste the check mark symbol.
6. Click Paste.
Note If the symbol looks different from the one that you selected, select the symbol and then apply the same font that you selected in Character Map.
Insert a symbol by using its character code.
Note This feature requires Excel, FrontPage, InfoPath, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Word, or Visio.
You can also use the character code of the symbol as a keyboard shortcut. For example, to insert the check mark symbol, press and hold ALT while typing 0252 on the numeric keypad.
Note You must use the numeric keypad and not the keyboard to type the numbers. Make sure that the NUM LOCK key is on if your keyboard requires it to type numbers on the numeric keypad.