Get his desire satisfied quickly, turn over on his side, and go to sleep
For long she lay awake (долгое время она лежала без сна; awake —
бодрствующий, проснувшийся). She was dismayed (она пребывала в
смятении). Her heart sank (у нее упало сердце) because she knew (так как она
знала) she had lost something that was infinitely precious to her (что она
потеряло нечто, что было бесконечно драгоценным для нее), and pitying
herself (и, жалея себя) she was inclined to cry (она чувствовала желание: «была
склонна» заплакать); but at the same time (но в тоже самое время) she was
filled with a sense of triumph (она была переполнена радостью победы:
«чувством триумфа»), it seemed a revenge (это казалось отмщением) that she
enjoyed (которым она наслаждалась) for the unhappiness he had caused her (за
все то несчастье, которое он ей причинил; to cause — быть причиной,
вызывать, побуждать) she was free of the bondage (она была свободна от
зависимости; bondage — рабская зависимость, рабство, неволя) in which her
senses had held her to him (в которой ее чувства держали ее к нему) and she
exulted (и она ликовала). Now she could deal with him on equal terms (теперь
она могла иметь с ним дело на равных началах: «условиях»). She stretched her
legs out in bed (она вытянула ноги в постели) and sighed with relief (и
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка
вздохнула с облегчением).
"By God (ей-богу), it's grand to be one's own mistress (это здорово, быть самой
себе хозяйкой)."
dismay [dIs'meI] infinitely ['InfInItlI] precious ['preSqs] bondage ['bOndIdZ]
For long she lay awake. She was dismayed. Her heart sank because she knew
She had lost something that was infinitely precious to her, and pitying herself
She was inclined to cry; but at the same time she was filled with a sense of
Triumph, it seemed a revenge that she enjoyed for the unhappiness he had
Caused her; she was free of the bondage in which her senses had held her to
Him and she exulted. Now she could deal with him on equal terms. She
Stretched her legs out in bed and sighed with relief.
"By God, it's grand to be one's own mistress."
They had breakfast in their room (они завтракали в своей комнате), Julia in bed
(Джулия в кровати) and Michael seated at a little table (и Майкл /восседал/ за
маленьким столиком) by her side (рядом с ней: «с ее стороны»). She looked at
him (она смотрела на него) while he read the paper (пока он читал газету). Was
it possible (было ли это возможно) that three months had made so much
difference in him (что три месяца настолько изменили его: «создали столько
много разницы в нем»), or was it merely (или просто потому) that for years (что
многие годы) she had still seen him with the eyes (она все еще видела его теми
глазами) that had seen him when he came on the stage (какими она увидела его,
когда он вышел на сцену) to rehearse at Middlepool (на репетицию:
«репетировать» в Миддлпуле) in the glorious beauty of his youth (в
сверкающей красоте молодости) and she had been stricken (и она была
поражена /им/) as with a mortal sickness (как смертельной болезнью)? He was
wonderfully handsome still (он все еще был удивительно красив), after all he
was only thirty-six (в конце концов, ему было всего тридцать шесть лет), but
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка
he was not a boy any more (но он больше не был юношей: «мальчиком»); with
his close-cropped hair (с его коротко стриженными волосами) and weather-
beaten skin (и обветренной кожей; weather — погода; дождь, гроза, непогода;
beaten — битый, избитый), little lines (маленькие морщинки: «линии»)
beginning to mark the smoothness of his forehead (начинают обозначаться на
его гладком лбу) and to show under his eyes (и проявляются: «показываются»
под глазами), he was definitely a man (он определенно был /зрелым/
glorious ['glO:rIqs] weather-beaten ['weDq"bi:tn] forehead ['fOrId, 'fO:hed]
They had breakfast in their room, Julia in bed and Michael seated at a little
Table by her side. She looked at him while he read the paper. Was it possible
That three months had made so much difference in him, or was it merely that
For years she had still seen him with the eyes that had seen him when he came
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