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Theme 7. Kazakhstan in the structure of the Russian empire



1. The aims and objectives, the main stages of the realization of the Russia Empire colonial policy.

2. Joining of the Kazakh zhuzes in the structure of the Russia Empire: contemporary views on the problem.

3. Administrative and legal reforms of tsarism in Kazakhstan, its significance and consequences.



1)Joining of Kazakhstan to the Russia Empire at the beginning of the XVIII century should be considered as a result of total influence of many factors, among them the political, military, economical, nature and geographical are necessary to emphasize.

Kazakhstan played an important role in the external policy of Russia in the East. Kazakh steppe was considered as favorable geographical line where the trade and political relations with the Eastern countries was easy to establish.

The policy of Russia was to turn the Kazakh steppe to the durable and reliable economical and trade bridge, connecting it with Middle Asia and other eastern states.




And it became apparent quite clearly only in the first half of the XVIII century, as accelerated development of the capitalism needed to expand domestic and foreign markets, profitable sources of raw materials, convenient transit, in turn of Kazakhstan an important military and strategic point of Russian domination.

For realization its plans Russian empire used following colonization instruments:

Russia erected the military fortress in the Upper Irtysh for military and political penetration into the depth of the Kazakhs lands in 1716-1720. According to the personal order of Peter I, military and defensive installations such as Omsk (1716), Semipalatinsk (1718), Ust-Kamenogorsk (1720), Akmola, Kokshetau, Karkaraly (1824) and other fortress were built.

The military and research penetration played an important role in the development of the Kazakh lands. Moreover fantastic hearsay about the gold deposit in Middle Asia and Kazakhstan spread in Russia at the beginning of the century.

Peter I equiped two military expeditions with the purpose to penetrate deeper in Asian in 1714. The first was A. Bekovich-Cherkassky expedition from the outside of the Kaspi Sea and the next Bukhgolz’s from Siberia. As a result a new map of the Kaspi Sea was developed, which Peter I showed to French Academy.

In 1722-1724 south-eastern part of Kazakhstan was explored by Russian ambassador Ivan Rudkovski who was directed to Zhungaria with a diplomatic mission and along with it to determine where the mineral can be found.

The Ivan Rudkovski’s expedition applied a map to his report where was reflected south-eastern part of Kazakhstan, which gives fairly real image.

Also an Orenburg expedition was organized for researching natural conditions at the Russian and Kazakh border in 1725. This expedition was headed by a prominent Russian state figure I.K Kirillov, who made important considirable part of Junior and partcontribution to the developing of geographical science.

Thus, the main point of the initial stage of Russian and Kazakh relations meant the use of Kazakhstan as means for realization of Russian eastern policy.

2) In this situation at the first quarter of the XVIII c. Zhungar attacks increased. Znungar attacks constantly happened in 1710-1711, 1713-1714, 1717, the biggest campaign was in 1723 and that period entered in history as “years of great disaster”. In 1726 the Junior zhuz’s khan Abulkhair, foremen Sugur, Edikbay, Hadzhibay, Kulymbay, etc. sent to Russia ambassador Koybagar "to ask protection" for the Kazakhs of Junior zhuz. This embassy didn’t bring results, but Abulkhair didn’t leave his intentions and in September, Despite the Anrakay victory Abulkhair khan again sent embassy through Ufa to Petersburg with the letter to the Russian empress Anna Ioannovna and with an oral request for citizenship and protection in 1730. On February 19, 1731 empress Anna Ioannovna signed the appointed charter to Abulkhair khan about acceptance in the Russian citizenship of Junior zhuz. Then she senther ambassador to the Kazakh Junior zhuz




Tevkelev for adoption of the oath from the Kazakh rulers. Tevkelev was an interpreter of the Russia Foreign Ministry.

Based on Abulkhair's assurances, in Petersburg there was a decision that the desire to enter the Russian citizenship shared by all sultans and foremen of Junior zhuz. However when Tevkelev arrived on October 5, 1731 to Abulkhair who was on the Irgiz river, it became clear that concerning acceptance of the Russian citizenship among a feudal top there were essential disagreements. Attempts of "opposite party" led by Barak sultan and other many biys and foremen to counteract negotiations and to exclude registration of the act of accession of Junior zhuz to Russia failed. on October 10, 1731 Abulkhair khan and 29 people took the outh about acception of Russia protectorate.

Without denying an objective basis of acceptance of Junior zhuz the Russian citizenship, it isn't necessary to not to lose sight and personal far-sighted interests of Abulkhair who, leaning on the Russian administration, hoped to weaken positions of the political opponents, to tower over the potential rivals in fight for the individual power. Unification of all Kazakh tribes and formation of the centralized state under formal protectorate of Russia was Abulkhair's main goal and his close colleagues, the most known batyrs Bukenbay, Zhanybek, Eset, etc. However and after acceptance of Junior zhuz the Russian citizenship situation in Kazakhstan remained difficult. Threat of zhungars’ devastating invasions wasn't removed.

In the end of 1731 Abulkhair and batyr Bukenbay sent the representatives to Middle zhuz, promising to Semeke khan to ensure, in case of acceptance of the Russian citizenship, safety of the region by means of the Russian armies. Semeke accepted the proposal of ambassadors of Abulkhair. In 1732 the structure of Russia formally included some part of the Middle zhuz. As the subsequent events showed, Semeke wasn't going to observe the contract with the Russian Empire and made attacks on the Bashkir and Russian citizens. Threat of Zhungaria induced influential feudal lords of the Middle zhuz repeatedly address to Russia with a request to admit them into its structure. The request of Semeke and his supporters was satisfied with Anna Ioannovna's diploma on June 10, 1734.

Without denying an objective basis of acceptance Junior zhuz the Russian citizenship, it isn't necessary to lose sight and mercenary interests of Abulkhair who, leaning on the Russian administration, hoped to weaken positions of the political opponents, to tower over the potential rivals in fight for the individual power. In this question there was no consensus and in russian historiography. M. Maksheev, A.I.Dobrosmyslov, I.Zavalishin, V.N.Vitebsky, I.I.Kraft as a whole justified Abulkhair's actions during negotiations and signing of the document on citizenship. A.I.Levshin was inclined to consider citizenship as manifestation of personal will of Abulkhair and others "ambitious chiefs" people, cherishing hope "to amplify protection of the powerful power".

Same time, in 1733-1734 few biys and influential sultans of South Kazakhstan expressed desire to accept Russian citizenship. The decree of empress



Anna Ioannovna of June 10, 1734 testified to a consent of the government to admit the Senior zhuz to structure of Russia. However its remoteness from Russia, and also the intense relations with Zungaria, murder of the Zholbarys khan in 1740, sticking to the pro-Russian orientation, for a long time removed implementation of this plan.

For fixing of positions in repeatedly annexed Kazakh lands in May, 1734 the Orenburg expedition which was headed by the chief secretary of the Senate I.K.Kirillov the Peter's I associate was organized. A.I.Tevkelev was approved as the assistant. The task of the commission included comprehensive study of the lands which were parts of Russia, investigation of natural resources, a construction of Orsk fortress, establishment of new border between Russian and Kazakh possession. Variety of reasons, and first of all revolt of Bashkirs in 1734-1738, prevented to realize the extensive plan of the Orenburg expedition. In 1735 Orenburg which was important in the development of the Russian and Kazakh political and trade interrelations was founded. In connection with I.K.Kirillov's death in April, 1737 V. N. Tatischev, seeking to fix dependence of representatives of sultans and foremen of Junior and Middle zhuzes was appointed the new chief of the Orenburg edge.

Congress of representatives of foremen and sultans of Junior and Middle zhuzes which have taken place in Orenburg promoted fixing of the first results of the Russian citizenship. Abulmambet khan and Abylay sultan who presented there taking into account the on it, considering current situation, supported the acceptance of the Russian citizenship, seeking to secure Kazakhstan against possible invasions of zhungars. The oath of group of sultans and foremen of Junior and Middle zhuzes in 1740 caused accession of only parts of the Middle zhuz to Russia, the main regions of northeast and Central Kazakhstan became a part of the empire only in the 20-40th of the XIX century owing to military and political actions of tsarism.

The accession of Kazakhstan which has begun in the 30th of the XVIII century, came to the end only at the end of the middle of the XIX century and was difficult and inconsistent process. Accession of the Kazakh zhuzes had been conducted by various foreign policy and internal conditions. Accession of South Kazakhstan's and later Central Asia to Russia allowed tsarism to win in rivalry with the British Empire.

3) After the joining of the considerable part of Junior and a part of Middle zhuzes Russia continued its colonialism policy. And next instrument of colonization was reforming the management system. It was the abolition of the traditional form of government – khan’s power. According to these charters on the territory of Junior and Middle zhuzes three-level system of government was introduced:


Reforming the management system  
"Charter of the SiberianKirghiz"1822, (Middle zhuz)   "Charter of Orenburg Kirghiz" 1824 (Junior zhuz)  
Has been prepeared by Orenburg governor general P.K.Essen Siberian Kirgiz region Outward district (Senior sultan) Distance (biy) Aul (starshins)   Has been prepeared by Siberian governor general M.Speranskii Orenburg Asian government The parts (Western, Middle and Eastern) –(Sultan – ruler) Volostes (volosts sultan) Aul (starshins)  



Consequences of reforming the management system:



Abolution of the traditional form of government  
Violation of the territorial integrity of the Kazakh people   Violation of traditional forms of economy (increased intergeneric conflicts)   remoteness centers (located in Orenburg, Omsk)  



Then Russian empire started its next colonization policy – the emigrant movement:



Abolition of serfdom in Russia(1861 (Emigrantmovement)  
Solution of Russian peasant lands problem  
Abstraction of the peasant from the revolution movement  
Creation of the social support in the region  



Administrative and judicial reforms of the tsarism were introduced in 1867-1868. They were “The Provisional Regulations on the administration in Semirechensk and Syrdarya regions“ (approved on 11 July of 1867) and “The Provisional Regulations on administration in the steppe regions of Orenburg and West Siberian - General Governorship (on 21 October of 1868). According to these reforms Kazakh lands were proclaimed as a state property of Russian empire.





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