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Бухгалтерский учёт
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Absolute Participle Construction (revision)

Exercise 1. Match the beginning of the sentence in column A and the end of the sentence in column B and translate the sentences into your native language:

1. There being no high temperature, he made the diagnosis of nephritis.
2. A man having got into the car crash, intense pain may appear.
3. The patient being exhausted by the treatment the patient felt better.
4. Viruses being highly virulent, he could make a preliminary diagnosis.
5. The doctor having asked the patient about his complains, he fell asleep immediately.
6. The doctor having looked through the results of patient’s urine analyses, they can survive in water, food and hands for many days.
7. The man having been operated, he was brought to the post-operating ward.
8. The movement of the stone causing duct obstruction he was brought into the reception ward of the city hospital by an ambulance.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets, use an appropriate form of Participle and translate the sentences into your native language:

1. Normal urine (to be) free from bacteria and fungi it is practically sterile fluid.

2. There (to be) no symptoms, stones may be carried in kidneys for years.

3. The parents (to call) in an ambulance in panic, they forgot to tell address.

4. Muscles in the ureter walls continually (to tighten) and (to relax), the urine is forced downward, away from the kidneys.

5. A nurse (to give) an injection of anesthetics she asked whether he had an allergy to novocaine.

6. The woman (to hospitalize) with pains, she was operated immediately on her kidney obstruction.

7. The patient (to have) a large stone in his kidney, it resulted in the destruction of the kidney.

8. Kidneys (to discharge) metabolic waste products and excess of water from the body, it regulates blood volume and pressure.

Exercise 3. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Tuberculosis may affect not only the lungs but also other organs.

2. Patients with pyelonephritis are administered antibiotics.

3. The patient’s pulse rate became irregular and accelerated on physical exertion.

4. Next Monday the patient will be made a biopsy of the left kidney.

5. The patient has lost 3 kilograms of weight this month.

6. The process of urination must be controlled by the nerves in the brain and spinal cord.

7. These patients have just taken the prescribed drugs.

8. The diagnosis was approved by the results of urine analyses.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form.

  1. The patient (not to take) this medication now.
  2. The condition of the patient (to improve) a little since yesterday. It’s better now.
  3. The urinary bladder (to excrete) about 1,5 l of urine per day.
  4. Vitamins (to take) daily for optimal health.
  5. The patient (to discharge) from the hospital in 2 days.
  6. After the injection, given an hour ago, he (to feel) much better.
  7. The drug (to store) in a place protected from light.
  8. At the prescription department medicines (to make up) according to prescriptions.

Завдання для самостійної роботи

Студентів (СРС)

I. Translate:

1. накопичуватися в крові

2. бактерії, віруси та грuбки

3. спорожнювати сечовий міхур

4. виведення сечі через уретру

5. вживати рідину та продукти харчування

6. тимчасове зберігання

7. нормальне сечовиділення

8. повідомляти мозок

9. руйнування активних тканин

10. стискатися та розслаблюватися


II. Answer the questions:

1. What part does the urinary bladder take in the process of urination?

2. What part does the brain take in the process of urination?

3. What may happen if kidneys don’t remove waste products?

4. What do wastes in the blood come from?

5. What are the main functions of the kidneys?

III. Describe the term:

Urinary system, urine, ureter

Тестові завдання для поточного контролю знань



1. There are no …... in normal urine.

a) salts and waste products b) bacteria, viruses and fungi c) leukocytes

d) erythrocytes e) casts


2. Urine is transmitted ……….. the ureters to the bladder.

a) In b) from c) via d) to e) by


3. ……………… - alert a person when it is time to urinate.

a) Nerves in the brain b) muscles in the ureter c) nerves in the bladder

d) spasms in the bladder e) nephrons in the kidneys


4. ……………….. carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

a) Urethra b) ureters c) a ureter d) arteries e) veins


5. The urinary system is involved in ………….of metabolic waste products and excess of water from the body.

a) the excretion b) secretion c) formation d) production e) dissemination


6. If urine backs up, or is allowed to stand still, ……….. can develop.

a) nephritis b) a kidney infection c) kidney destruction d) cystitis e) gastritis


7. The bladder muscles squeeze urine ……… the bladder.

a) out of b) into c) via d) from e) away from


8. After the body has taken what it needs from food, wastes are sent to ……..

a) kidneys b) urinary bladder c) the blood d) nephrons e) brain


9. The bladder's walls …………. to empty urine through the urethra.

a) dilute b) expand c) contract d) extend e) squeeze



10. The urea is removed from the blood through units called ………….

a) nephrons b) kidneys c) arteries d) ureters e) urethra




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