dockyard – судостроительная или судоремонтная верфь
a trade route – торговый маршрут
peninsula – полуостров
II. Read and translate the following text:
Shipyards and dockyards are places which repair and build ships. These can be yachts, military vessels, cruise liners or other cargo or passenger ships. Dockyards are sometimes more associated with maintenance and basing activities than shipyards, which are sometimes associated more with initial construction. The terms are routinely used interchangeably, in part because the evolution of dockyards and shipyards has often caused them to change or merge roles.
Fig.6.Kawasaki Shipbuilding Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works, Kobe, Japan
Countries with large ship building industries include South Korea, Japan, China, Germany, Poland and Croatia. The ship building industry tends to be more fragmented in Europe than in Asia.
The site of a large shipyard contains many specialized cranes, dry docks, slipways, dust-free warehouses, painting facilities and extremely large areas for fabrication of the ships.
After a ship's useful life is over, it makes its final voyage to a shipbreaking yard, often on a beach in South Asia. The world's earliest dockyards were built in the Harappan port city of Lothal circa 2400 BC in Gujarat, India. Lothal's dockyards connected to an ancient course of the Sabarmati river on the trade route between Harappan cities in Sindh and the peninsula of Saurashtra when the surrounding Kutch desert was a part of the Arabian Sea. Lothal engineers accorded high priority to the creation of a dockyard and a warehouse to serve the purposes of naval trade. The dock was built on the eastern flank of the town, and is regarded by archaeologists as an engineering feat of the highest order. It was located away from the main current of the river to avoid silting, but provided access to ships in high tide as well.
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What is a shipyard?
2. Are dockyards associated with maintenance and basing activities?
3. What countries have large ship building industries?
4. The shipbuilding industry tends to be more fragmented in Europe than in Asia, doesn’t it?
5. What does the site of a large shipyard contain?
6. Where does a ship go after its useful life is over?
7. Where were the world’s earliest dockyards built?
8. What did Lothal’s dockyards connect to?
IV. Ask as many questions as possible to the following sentences:
1. Historically shipbreaking was carried on in drydock in developed countries.
2. Most shipbuilders in the United States are privately owned.
3. In European countries there are smaller companies compared to the fewer, larger companies in the shipbuilding countries of Asia.
4. Shipyards are constructed by the sea or by tidal rivers to allow easy access for their ships.
5. In the United Kingdom, shipyards were established on the River Thames in 1512.
V. Translate the text: “Ship’s cradle.”
A ship's cradle is a support for a ship that is dry docked.
Sometimes the whole support is called "cradle", sometimes each section of this support is called cradle. The cradle can be standing on the dock floor or the cradle can be equipped with wheels so that the ship, standing upon its cradle can be transported from the dry docking installation to a parking area.
For smaller boats, the cradle is equipped with rubber wheels, for larger and more heavy ships, the cradle is equipped with steel rail wheels.
Most cradles with steel wheels can only be transported in the longitudinal direction of the cradle. The empty cradle that is shown here is equipped with wheels that can be rotated in the transverse direction, so that the ship can be transported also over rails in the transverse direction.
The fishing boat can also be transported in the longitudinal as well as the transverse direction. In this case a transverse carriage is used between the cradle and the rails on the shipyard.
VI. Insert the missing word using the text:
1. … and … are places which repair and build ships.
2. Dockyards are sometimes more associated with … and basing activities than shipyards, which are sometimes associated more with …
3. Countries with large ship building industries include … …, Japan, …, Germany, Poland and …
4. Shipyards are constructed by the … or by … rivers.
5. The site of a large … contains many specialized …, dry docks, …, dust free warehouses.
6. The world’s earliest … were built in the … port city of … circa 2400 BC in Gujarat, India.
VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Яхты, военные и грузовые суда строятся на судоверфях.
2. Южная Корея, Япония, Китай – крупнейшие кораблестроительные державы.
3. Судоверфи возводятся у моря или у приливных рек.
4. На территории крупной судоверфи находятся краны, сухие доки, стапеля, покрасочные мастерские и т.д.