to be in compliance with smth – в соответствии с чем - либо
legal liability – ответственность перед законом
notation – система обозначений
soundness – отсутствие дефекта, прочность
II. Read and translate the following text:
In the shipping industry, classification societies are non-governmental organizations or groups of professionals, ship surveyors and representatives of offices that promote the safety and protection of the environment of ships and offshore structures.
Classification societies employ ship surveyors, material engineers, piping engineers, mechanical engineers, chemical engineers and electrical engineers, often located at ports and office buildings around the world.
Marine vessels and structures are classified according to the soundness of their structure and design for the purpose of the vessel. The classification rules are designed to ensure an acceptable degree of stability, safety, environmental impact, etc.
In the second half of the 18th century, merchants, marine underwriters, and others, all connected with shipping often gathered at Edward Lloyd's coffee house in London. In 1760, customers of that coffee house formed the Register Society, the first authentic classification society and which would subsequently become Lloyd's Register. Their purpose was to develop a system for the independent inspection of the hull and equipment of ships presented to them to be insured.
At that time, an attempt was made to 'classify' the condition of each ship on an annual basis. The condition of the hull was classified A, E, I, O or U, according to the excellence of its construction and its adjudged continuing soundness (or lack thereof). Equipment was G, M, or B: simply, good, middling or bad. In time, G, M and B were replaced by 1, 2 and 3, which is the origin of the well-known expression 'A1', meaning 'first or highest class'.
The first edition of the Register of Ships was published by Lloyd's Register in 1764 and was for use in the years 1764 to 1766.
Classification societies set technical rules, confirm that designs and calculations meet these rules, survey ships and structures during the process of construction and commissioning, and periodically survey vessels to ensure that they continue to meet the rules. Classification societies are also responsible for classing oil platforms, other offshore structures, and submarines. Included in the survey process is the survey and certification of diesel engines, large or critical pumps such as fire or main bilge pumps, and other machinery vital to the function of the ship. This is frequently done at the manufacturer's plant, which may be hundreds of miles from the shipyard or drydock.
As the classification profession evolved, the practice of assigning different classifications has been superseded, with some exceptions. Today a ship either meets the relevant class society’s rules or it does not. As a consequence it is either 'in' or 'out' of 'class'. Classification societies do not issue statements or certifications that a vessel is 'fit to sail' or 'unfit to sail', merely that the vessel is in compliance with the required codes. This is in part related to legal liability of the classification society.
However, each of the classification societies has developed a series of notations that may be granted to a vessel to indicate that it is in compliance with some additional criteria that may be either specific to that vessel type or that are in excess of the standard classification requirements.
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What is classification society?
2. What is the function of classification society?
3. When was the Register Society formed?
4. What was its purpose?
5. What was the classification of ship condition?
6. When was the first edition of the first edition of the Register of Ships published?
7. What is a series of notations?
8. Whom does classification society employ?
IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Принятие общих правил строительства судов Норвежскими страховыми обществами в конце 1850-х гг., привело к основанию “Det Norske Veritas”.
2. На сегодняшний день существует большое количество классификационных обществ, включая “Lloyd’s Register”, “Germanischer Lloyd” и “American Bureau of Shipping”
3. Сертификаты, выдаваемые классификационным обществом судам, также необходимы для двигателей, насосов и другого оборудования, необходимого для функционирования корабля.
4. Классификационные общества имеют право инспектировать суда, гидроаппараты, подводные лодки и другие морские структуры, а также выдавать сертификаты стране, под чьим флагом зарегистрировано судно.
5. “Bureau Veritas” было основано в Антверпене в 1828.
V. Translate the text “International Maritime Organization.”
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), formerly known as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), was established in 1948 through the United Nations to coordinate international maritime safety and related practices. However the IMO did not enter into full force until 1958.
Headquartered in London, U.K., the IMO promotes cooperation among governments and the shipping industry to improve maritime safety and to prevent marine pollution. IMO is governed by an Assembly of members and is financially administered by a Council of members elected from the Assembly. The work of IMO is conducted through five committees and these are supported by technical sub-committees. Member organizations of the UN organizational family may observe the proceedings of the IMO. Observer status may be granted to qualified non-governmental organizations.
The IMO is supported by a permanent secretariat of employees who are representative of its members. The secretariat is composed of a Secretary-General who is periodically elected by the Assembly, and various divisions including, inter alia, marine safety, environmental protection, and a conference section.
VI. Make up sentences using following words and word combinations:
Non – governmental organization, representatives of offices, to promote the safety, to set technical rules, to meet rules, to be responsible for smth., offshore structure, certification of diesel engines, at the manufacturer’s plant, to develop a system for smth., to be published by smth.
VII. Ask as many questions as possible to the following sentences:
1. Classification societies set technical rules, confirm that designs and calculations meet these rules.
2. Classification societies are also responsible for classing oil platforms, other offshore structures, and submarines.
3. The first edition of the Register of Ships was published by Lloyd's Register in 1764 and was for use in the years 1764 to 1766.
4. In 1760, customers of that coffee house formed the Register Society.
5. Classification societies do not issue statements or certifications that a vessel is 'fit to sail' or 'unfit to sail', merely that the vessel is in compliance with the required codes.
VIII. Complete the following sentences using the text:
1. In the shipping industry, classification societies are …
2. Classification societies set technical rules …
3. The first edition of the Register of Ships …
4. Classification societies employ …
5. Marine vessels and structures are classified …
6. Each of the classification societies has developed …