The basis for sustainable welfare of the nation is the constant increase in the competitiveness of the national economy. Core competitive advantages for national commodity production, which in fact, reduced to the initial economic and geographical conditions, resource availability, the availability of large-scale transport infrastructure, and yet a significant number of educated population to effectively compete in the global economy drastically enough. Meanwhile, the pace of innovation and technological development, which has to create new competitive advantages Ukraine is extremely insufficient. For this indicator, Ukraine yields not only the leading countries of the world, but most of the neighboring countries. Ukraine continues to be lost in scientific and technological bases of Innovative Development: Goals scientific trends and schools of basic science, the revival of which - a very long and lengthy process.
However, in Ukraine there are objective conditions for improvements in strengthening national competitiveness. The basis for this assertion is to establish the principles of market economy, the financial system, the presence of large companies that are actively developing and can become the basis of "centers of economic growth." Certain national capital is accumulated, formed the basic solvency of the consumer market.
A radical renewal of power that took place in Ukraine in 2005, has created the potential to accelerate the introduction of modern factors of competitiveness of the national economy. There is a strengthening of economic openness (in particular - move towards a free trade zone Ukraine and the EU) and the removal of a significant part of the "rent" factors of competitiveness due to streamlining of tax exemptions, budget support tools and more.
However, changing the established model, no matter none efficient and it was certainly makes certain shock effect on the components of the national economy. Too drastic institutional changes capable of causing significant harm to the competitive status of Ukrainian enterprises and the national economy as a whole. This requires the implementation of mechanisms to ensure continuity models which use resources are acquired under an export model for motivated price factors of competitiveness to ensure the transition to a new quality of economic development and competitiveness based on innovation, reinforces the critical importance of implementing a focused strategy to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy.
Strategy as a complete system of actions aimed at implementing the goals, objectives and priorities, taking into account the complex influences of endogenous and exogenous factors calculated for a long period of time. Therefore, according to a number of experts, the strategy can be seen as a kind of "virtual life" that over time be able to compensate for some other lack of resources necessary for the development of society []. Development and implementation of a coherent strategy for the competitiveness of the national economy would allow Ukraine to get out of range of resource constraints.
It should be emphasized that Ukraine has appeared and a number of external challenges that make ensure the competitiveness of the national economy is vital:
future accession of Ukraine to the WTO and the restrictions that will be imposed on economic policy commitments taken by Ukraine in the WTO;
use of the positive potential of EU enlargement, which requires mastery of modern models of economic development, but which contains a number of negative factors directly influence the Ukrainian economy;
integration processes in the former Soviet Union and the SES and the need to oppose the "spontaneous integration" and the expansion of Russian capital transparent modern model of economic growth that will combine the benefits of economic integration with the international legal regulation of relations;
uncertainty in world markets in the medium and long term and the expected strengthening competitive pressures in traditional markets of Ukrainian exports.
The main strategic goal should be a sustainable nation and the welfare of every citizen in a competitive national economy, properly incorporated into global economic processes capable of dynamic self-development in the increasingly competitive on international markets for goods and services. This will create an environment conducive to the realization of Ukraine gained institutional capacity to combine the achievements of macroeconomic stability and economic growth trends.
The implementation of this strategic goal should be through the development of innovative socially oriented model of economic development, efficient and productive market system, adapted to the challenges of global markets, further qualitative transformation of economic relations, which will lead to the transition period, real and formal recognition of Ukraine's economy as a market economy .
The organizational element is the definition of responsibilities of each state agency and local community development and self-respect of measures in the strategy to ensure competitiveness. It is important to create main focal point, which would be monitored, coordination, supervision and monitoring of relevant decisions; and the creation of training centers for training that can efficiently investigate and solve synthetic problems in competitiveness and professionally defend the economic interests of Ukraine in conditions of economic openness and international integration. The fundamental goal of the proposed strategy should be to establish a sustainable logical connection "competitive economy - just the state - wealthy citizens." This requires mastering modern competitive factors, changes in approaches to understanding to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy.
Optimal use of national competitive advantage requires maximum mobilization of resource potential of society: financial resources (through the development of the stock market), human (through the development and strengthening of labor market flexibility), science and technology (through the commercialization of scientific and technical spheres), organizational (through diversification of institutional forms management) and others. Mobility provides opportunities for alternative use of resources creates grounds for their effective use - and simultaneously increases the importance of competition for resources in the national and international scale.
Obtaining adequate return on the use of national resources is not possible without establishing their real value, which should occur during the development of the relevant markets, capital, labor, intellectual property, land and more. In the period of these markets should operate the levers of state regulation of pricing of mobility and basic resource markets.
Improving the competitiveness of Ukraine's economy in the context of deepening regional cooperation should be the result of the full implementation of existing and newly competitive advantage. Defining appropriate strategies and tactics is key to strengthening Ukraine's position in the global market and improve socio-economic parameters of the country. Active cooperation with the enlarged EU, moving towards accession to the WTO, development cooperation initiatives with the countries of the former Soviet Union opened new prospects for Ukraine and significant opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the national economy. At the same time deepening economic cooperation in modern conditions should be concerned with the capacity of domestic producers to overcome competitive pressures both external and domestic markets and ensure parity of Ukraine in international economic relations.
Based on the above, should first define the principles, criteria and objectives of the national strategy for competitiveness, which must meet a balanced overall concept of market reforms provide a new mechanism for quality throughout the industrial and technological relations in Ukrainian society, making it more specialized and efficient.
However, first select a number of factors that affect the economic situation and cause the crisis processes, namely:
reduction of solvent demand;
reducing production base expanded reproduction;
lack of sources of resource and financial security companies;
the high cost of resources and components (some commodity groups Ukrainian exceeded world prices);
manifestations of monopoly behavior. (See. Appendix 1)
Competitiveness is key play of the national economic system. That is the level of competitiveness of the national economy depends, will increase rates of consumption, able to provide a cumulative positive effect in the form of increased activity of economic entities that generate additional investment resources to compete. In the case of low competitiveness growth in consumption will lead to an increase in imports and stimulating effect will be lost.
The implementation potential and efficiency needs of the national economy should be through its deep restructuring and establishing innovative development model due to focus on these needs public and private investment and establishing effective organizational and economic mechanisms.
Priority use of factor advantages is natural for a mature market economy. In the transition period in Ukraine, introduction of modern principles of competitiveness of the national economy would require additional measures to improve the effectiveness entities, including:
resursozaoschadzhennya introduction of incentives in the tax and depreciation policy;
exercise effective control over the quality, compliance and security products;
fostering innovation enterprises;
regulation of prices and costs of monopolies and other forms of control over their activities in order to avoid raising prices and tariffs for their products and so on.
Forming appropriate environment to motivate the competitive behavior of undertakings and favorable conditions for implementing this behavior involves the use of instruments of monetary, financial, innovation and industrial, scientific, technical, social and foreign policies, which together constitute concerted consistent system of state regulation of the economy, based on the principles of mutual balance of interests.
Improving the competitiveness of the national economy requires the development and coordination of measures to improve the efficiency of businesses in a transparent market environment.
The main purpose of measures of general nature - to create positive incentives for increasing the efficiency of social labor, which are based on increasing the income of businesses and income and social capacity of the state. Revenue growth based on high productivity and efficient use of resources, on the one hand, increase creditworthiness of consumers on the other - releasing internal resources to increase production and use of innovation model competition.
However, measures are implemented corrective nature of that increase economic model of adaptability to changing conditions of global and domestic situation and ensure its prompt response to the hard pressure of international competition, protecting against excessive commodity expansion dumping, speculative capital flows, distraction cheap Ukrainian assets by non-residents discrimination in Ukraine high-tech industries, including information technology.
To increase the competitiveness of the national economy should first ensure the increase in available resources for enterprises, primarily - financial as well as expansion of the field for competition by increasing the capacity of the domestic market, its structuring markets for private, public consumption and investment, promoting the development of market infrastructure. This should lead to a change of possible methods of competition and competitive strategies, therefore - potentially increasing the number of competitive enterprises, respectively - the competitiveness of the national economy. Inefficient same economic entities that are "sucked" large amounts of money from the budget will be put before a dilemma: to improve results or exit from the market.
In my opinion, there are reasonable grounds to conclude that Ukraine has a chance to improve their position in the global market. Achieving this is possible only if the competitive conduct of public policy, which provides: developing potential export industries according to world market trends; stimulate investment and innovation activity in the regions of Ukraine; manufacturing application resource, energy and ekolohoefektyvnyh technologies; support scientific and technological development; promotion and support of high-tech exports; study and perception of Excellence other developed countries in the implementation of policies aimed at improving the competitiveness of the economy.
competitiveness of the national economy
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