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Competitiveness macroeconomic category


The competitiveness of the national economy as one of the basic economic categories is the subject of numerous professional and public discussions are often featured in the scientific and journalistic literature as a characteristic of the country's ability to survive and grow in a "hostile environment" of the world economy. Formation of a competitive economy always mentioned among the priorities of social and economic policy, repeatedly set forth President of Ukraine, the government program, and other high-level documents. Establishment of Ukraine as a competitive high-tech state defined strategy for economic and social development of Ukraine (2004-2015 years.) "European Integration" basic principle strategic course [7, p.44].

Meanwhile, despite the wide vzhyvanist this concept in research there is still no single definition of sustainable competitiveness of the national economy. Ukrainian and foreign authors focus on different components of this multi-dimensional category, proposing them as the main criterion signs. Therefore definitions spectrum ranges from purely technological arising from extended treatment competitiveness of firms, to the detailed socio-economic, which consider competitiveness as a generic indicator of sustainability of socio-economic system.

Categorical differences lead to blurring of targeted policy priorities to ensure competitiveness of the national economy. In the western economic literature spread "universal" interpretation of competitiveness as the ability of a country or company to develop and produce products and services or higher quality or at prices significantly lower compared with competitors [5, p.72]. In more developed form, this approach presented in the World Economic Forum.

According to experts of the organization, competitiveness is determined by the actual and potential companies in existing conditions for them to design, produce and sell products that are on price and quality characteristics are more attractive to consumers than competing products [8, s.406].

Thus, broadly perceived as competitive ability of the economy to provide its external balance of proposals and avoid those restrictions are determined by foreign trade, and as the country's ability samovidtvoryuvaty improve their economic relations [10, p.72]. Important in this context is an awareness of the specific subject matter of secondary importance filling process of competition. The subject of the competition, therefore, is not a direct product, and the viability of the economy. It is best suited essence of the concept of competitiveness at the national economy. Competitiveness in the implementation of specific products in one segment of the world market can not be regarded as a sign of the competitiveness of the national economy and vice versa: the loss of individual markets should not be perceived as a loss of national economy competitiveness.

The opinion that the level of competitiveness of the national economy object is not directly a product and the conditions of social production, advocated a world-recognized economist John. Sachs, which considers competitiveness as a prerequisite and an instrument of sustainable economic development. In his view, the competitiveness of the national economy in the country determined by the presence of a healthy market, production factors and other characteristics that form the potential to achieve sustainable growth. A healthy economy must be underpinned by growth in business activity, guided by law and a stable working market [11]. A similar position advocated by scientists of the Institute of Management Development, considering the competitive environment as the existence of which has the most efficient structure, institutions and policies, providing opportunities for the nation needed competition [4].

The need to ensure a high level of competitiveness of the national economy as a means of improving the welfare of society emphasized one of today's leading researchers in the world competitiveness issues Porter, who noted that competitiveness is not an end in itself. "The main purpose of the state - he wrote - to provide its citizens fairly high and rising standard of living. The ability of the state to do so depends not on some amorphous term" competitiveness "and on how much productive use national resources - labor and capital" [ 9, p.56].

Achieving a proper level of productivity, firms have to deal with complex political, economic, cultural and other barriers that arise on their way to get the best position in the market [3]. This causes bahatofaktornist categories competitiveness. This fundamental aspect is the existence of adequate motivational environment to achieve economic actors of socio-economic optimality and leverage the latest software for the operation of competitive market mechanisms and their regulation.

It is well known that competition plays a crucial role in the functioning of a market economy. According to M. Porter, it is the "specific mechanism that forces entrepreneurs to follow the instructions of" invisible hand "[16, p.56]. So it is a force of market economy, which go primarily to their own interests, to ensure optimum efficiency public resources. Under the threat of losing the competitive market position of the company to constantly upgrade its competitive strategy, trying to get ahead of competitors in meeting the requests of customers. So, while the prosecution of private interests creates powerful incentives for active participants of economic processes, competition makes their activities favorable to the mainstream of society, and the competition, after all, the one who fully meets the interests of consumers.

Thus, competition in the market economy mechanism assigned the role of a kind of "social control" on the effectiveness of the use of the entity "trusted" him public resources.

The need to distinguish between external and internal competitiveness stressed, in particular, M. Porter. Firm or sector of the economy that is competitive in the national market in terms of self-sufficiency, the implementation of a trade exchange with other countries suffers fiasco. The consequences for the country can be quite striking if industry plays a basic role in the economy. To minimize the effects of such foreign trade competitiveness is not the government has two options to resolve: reforming and implementing measures to increase efficiency, or the introduction of restrictions on competition in the domestic market.

The fundamental motivational lever for opening and development of competitive economic actors during the competition is absolute and comparative competitive advantage. Implementation of the national economy competitive advantages mediated components use their economic actors in the production process stimulated by competitive pressure in the domestic market.

Consider the features of competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. The competitiveness of the economic competition can be quite different in the domestic and foreign markets. This is due to various factors, which form the internal and external environment in these markets, the degree of solvency of demand, the gap between domestic and world prices, the nature of foreign policy and so on. The competitiveness of the domestic market differs from competitiveness on the international market and the fact that the state may affect the competitiveness of the domestic market, while competition on the international market is exogenous factor. An important difference between the conditions of competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets lies in their volume, measured by GDP. Thus, a huge amount of internal US market ensured and provides relative economic security. However, the significant amount of the domestic market does not always competitive domestic producers. Overall competitiveness in the domestic market should be ensured domestic economic activities (industrial) policy measures and complemented by foreign policy and ensure competitiveness in the external market measures should be foreign policy.

Due to objective circumstances in Ukraine there are several factors that lead to loss of competitiveness on the domestic and foreign markets. Chief among them - a higher production costs associated with the SSR inherited from high energy and raw materials production. Meanwhile, labor productivity in Ukraine is second multiple indicators relevant market in developed countries. Already one it requires active policy aimed at leveling the negative factors and support national producers. The internal market has not seen Ukrainian enterprises as a platform to implement uncompetitive, unnecessary products on the world market, as well as the launch pad, the mechanism of working out new ideas. The state must seek as close as possible to the conditions and mechanisms of the internal market objective, given the external market requirements.

The main mechanisms to improve the competitiveness of Ukraine's economy can indicate the skilful combination of market opening with protectionist policies, which requires effective customs policy established system of import and export duties.

Improving the competitiveness of the economy of Ukraine is impossible without structural adjustment, which can be done only by large-scale investments. Since a significant improvement of the investment climate is only possible in the long term while reducing investment risk, much of the investment should come not from outside but from domestic sources. The level of accumulation in Ukraine amounted to 28.2% (2007) - is acceptable value to ensure national economic growth based on investment.

Since the restructuring of the national economy takes time, in the short term should be to maintain price competitiveness of Ukrainian goods on the global market, including through the regulation of prices for products and services of natural monopolies and meaningful impact on the currency NBU rate. World experience shows that in developing countries and in countries with emerging markets set deliberately undervalued exchange rate to maintain a positive trade balance. However, as the improving economic situation this should gradually retreat.

In promoting exports of high technology, high-tech products to use such common tools as preferential loans and tax provision of state guarantees for external financing and delivery of products on credit, export insurance against risk, government assistance in promotion of domestic products to foreign markets, including through organizing exhibitions and fairs.

Increased exports of finished products with high added value is not possible without research. It is therefore necessary to provide tax incentives to individual sectors or companies, whose products can compete in world markets.

Competitiveness as a key factor in the strategy of national economic security. The central role of competitiveness in market relations is quite natural. However, interest in the study of economic categories increased particularly since the 90-ies of XX century. The rapid flow of work followed, in which it considered relevant category, and enigmatic, but questions still remain over the responses received.

Competitiveness - is a concept that is not only better reflect market requirements but also, most importantly, directs actors compete for active steps to gain market position, their maintenance, enhancement and expansion. As an economic phenomenon, competitiveness mobilize economic agents not only more active, but rather a more aggressive (in the positive sense) activities.

Sometimes confused with competitive efficiency. But competitiveness - a broader category than efficiency. It includes efficiency as its component, as described complex interrelationships businesses, corporations, individual companies and their industry associations and national economies of individual countries. There are two fundamental differences competitiveness of efficiency.

First, the difference for the formal sense, arising from etymological difference between the two terms. Efficiency is the ratio of costs to results, which shows how effectively will be used (estimated performance) or already used (actually achieved efficiency) competitive resources at the disposal of market entity. A competitiveness - a potential ability to compete, which may not be realized. It is defined by a set of indicators of the entity available to the competition resource potential. This - not the result but the ability to conduct a successful competition.

And secondly, to competitiveness - this is usually not an absolute characteristic resources, and the relative, that is expressed relative to any other competing market entity (product, company or country). This in turn means that can be competitive and an inefficient market where other competing entities even less effective. It follows that competitiveness can be achieved not only by improving their own characteristics, but also by using different kinds of measures to block competitors, for example, by undermining their competitive potential or disrupt plans and programs opponents with market competitiveness. This disruption is often a cheaper and more effective than the development and implementation of their own very expensive technology improvement programs, training, find new ways to meet customers demand more. Furthermore, destructive events and can often be more effective in the position of "clearing" competitive field and some time for sustainable leading position in the company or country that practices such measures.

Although this destructive policy rightly defined as not fair competition and therefore can be punished by law, nevertheless tempted to use along with constructive methods of competition methods are often destructive nature wins. As some companies and some countries have been forced to reckon with this fact in practice compete. The degree of protection they built such events also largely determines the level of their competitiveness, which in these terms, the aims for economic security (companies or countries). .

Thus, the notion of competitiveness actually includes the concept of efficiency and supplemented that requires economic security. If the high-tech manufacturing, trade, financial or insurance business company or country is not provided with the necessary level of protection from competition, they can not consider themselves competitive. If not built security system, it does not deliver competitive advantage and will certainly become prey competitor. Ensuring security is usually eliminates the loss of competitive advantage or shift from one competitor to another entity.

It should be noted that macro competitiveness, ie competitiveness of national economies of individual countries, you can add another level - it hipermakroriven when the subjects of competition are not individual countries, and the union of countries that agree to carry out pre-coordinated economic policies that create comprehensive competitive advantages at the macro level. The most striking example in this respect is the European Union, but there are others, such as NAFTA.

The total competitive advantages are more reliable and therefore competition gradually transform this hipermakroriven, although the process is not simple and fast.

It is believed that competitiveness is formed as a combination of competitiveness of its products, enterprises and companies. However, this is only a superficial idea because it actually competitiveness at the micro and meso level is formed at the national socio-cultural and historical basis. It is this socio-cultural foundation creates conditions for formation: a) the structure of the national economy; b) economic model of behavior; c) the countries of specialization in production of certain goods and services. Despite the distribution of ideas, accumulation of factors of competitiveness actually going in the direction from macro to micro. Competing in the markets of goods and services only crown this complicated process of formation of competitiveness.

It is also important to find out what benefits can be achieved the goals set by the competing entities. There are three groups:

1. resource - knowledge resources of special quality or quantity (natural or acquired);

2. Operating characterizing the degree or efficiency of available resources;

3. Program-strategic - strategy of development of the subject vehicle quality and competitive advantages of this strategy.

The first two benefits are linked to the fact that the availability of resources in many respects and ensures the effectiveness of their use. For example, accumulated capital and skilled personnel enable the company to efficiently use the available natural resources. However, when changing technologies are often resource characteristics can be a heavy burden that hinders the application of technologies that are rapidly changing, and prevents the formation and strengthening competitive advantage.

As to the third advantage, it is, by contrast, is particularly important in modern times, since this competition actually becomes a fight strategy in almost all levels as a strategic component essentially is a leading feature of competitiveness. This is no accident, because competitiveness is always connected with the formation and the potential of the market actors, and the formation and realization of this potential can be implemented effectively only at a certain program or plan in accordance with a predetermined strategy. It is no accident that the development strategy in the competition and is the main starting point for conducting such a struggle.

In the current circumstances, even a single seller, if he is going more or less long time kept on the market should have at least an elementary survival strategy in a competitive environment.

Development of the strategy consists of three main elements:

1) assessing the position of the object of competition (in this case - the country);

2) the forecast change in the conditions of the competitive environment;

3) the actual development of a strategic action plan with options reactions to different situations projections.

All these elements retain value for any level compete ..

The whole process of world economic experience shows that the main advantage in the competition is to choose the right strategy. This is especially important for macro-level, because at this level the country solves the main issues of its existence, which consist in ascertaining how to withstand competitors, why and for what. From what country wants to achieve in the global competition, and will depend on the choice of means and methods used efficiency.

Today the most important in developing the right strategy of the country is that this strategy has become a coordinated program of action of state institutions and large corporate structures that sorted itself from the state share of its powers to shape new economic system.

Derogation from strategy admissible only if they actually give birth to a new strategy. Otherwise, they deprive the subject of competitive strategic advantage.

This development strategy requires serious conceptual development of this issue, taking into account changes in both internal factors in the development of national economy of Ukraine and trends in world economic relations and global development; to the main subject of national-state strategy of competitiveness was consolidated system of the state and corporations that could become the core of the national model of economic system Ukraine, able to provide its forced a breakthrough in the XXI century .; focus on the direct and the fastest practical use.

Conditions and limitations that should be considered when developing policies to increase the competitiveness of Ukraine in developing and implementing long-term strategic plan or program is important to consider two conditions. The first of these is that once the plan has to be continually updated and adjusted according to changing conditions. Continuity and flexibility ensure sustainability strategic line. The second condition is that the strategy must certainly be carried out, that the changes should not affect the essence of the Strategic Concept. In the process of implementing the strategy may be allowed adjustment program, but only those that do not violate the essence of the strategy.

1. Until recently, the welfare of the Ukrainian population was defined a narrow group of competitive export commodities (agriculture, mining, industrial products) and original products processing (metallurgy, chemistry), but on this basis can not ensure sustainable and long-term economic growth.

2. In the long run, in Ukraine through natural reduction of the population growth will be employed in B, which in normal conditions is used as an important factor of growth. Emphasis will have to make to education and quality products. Maintaining competitiveness is through quality products, its novelty, exclusivity - a way to fight not only for new markets for goods and services, but also by creating markets.

3. Ukraine, which during the rise showed a high propensity to save and it is efficient in converting savings in the period after the crisis will not feel a lack of investment, but domestic sources of "long money" needed for large-scale modernization projects, have yet to form. Do not do without attracting significant funds from foreign sources. Hence the need as a competitive investment climate. However desirable structural changes in the national economy will not be able to achieve without the minimum necessary public investments.

4. crucial role played by institutions and culture. In fact, the cardinal competitiveness, which Ukraine badly needs, it is not possible without significant changes. However, institutions change slowly and excessive force and haste when they change sometimes cause a backlash. Therefore, policies should be long-term competitiveness strategy and carried out consistently, despite the change of leaders and governments.

3. The position of Ukraine in the system of global competitiveness. Global Competitiveness Index


This year Ukraine index lost 3.9 significantly again in the World Economic Forum (WEF), ranking of 139 countries, the 89th place to the Gambia and Honduras (Figure 1). Ukraine is behind countries such as Estonia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Russia and Kazakhstan, demonstrating a significant backlog of world average index (4.18)


All these elements retain value for any level compete ..

The whole process of world economic experience shows that the main advantage in the competition is to choose the right strategy. This is especially important for macro-level, because at this level the country solves the main issues of its existence, which consist in ascertaining how to withstand competitors, why and for what. From what country wants to achieve in the global competition, and will depend on the choice of means and methods used efficiency.

Today the most important in developing the right strategy of the country is that this strategy has become a coordinated program of action of state institutions and large corporate structures that sorted itself from the state share of its powers to shape new economic system.


Conditions and limitations that should be considered when developing policies to increase the competitiveness of Ukraine in developing and implementing long-term strategic plan or program is important to consider two conditions. The first of these is that once the plan has to be continually updated and adjusted according to changing conditions. Continuity and flexibility ensure sustainability strategic line. The second condition is that the strategy must certainly be carried out, that the changes should not affect the essence of the Strategic Concept. In the process of implementing the strategy may be allowed adjustment program, but only those that do not violate the essence of the strateg

Table 1. Results of Ukraine in terms of global competitiveness components. [5] economy.


  Components of the index global Competitiveness Ukraine rating 2012-2013 (from 139 countries) Ukraine rating 2011-2012 (from 133 countries) Change positions Ukraine compared to last year
Group 1: The institutions -14
Group 2: Infrastructure +10
Group 3: Macroeconomic stability -26
Group 4: Health and primary education +2
5hrupa: Higher professional education
6hrupa: Efficiency commodity markets -20
7groups: Labor market efficiency -5
8hrupa:FinancialMarketSophistication -13
9 Group: Technological readiness -3
Group 10: Market size -14
11hrupa: market competitiveness +10
12 Group: Innovation -26


It is estimated to report indicators Ukraine by components of the "Institutes" have very low ratings: protection of minority owners (138 seats), the effectiveness of legislative bodies in the regulatory sphere (138 seats), property rights (135 seats), the independence of the judiciary ( 134), waste of public funds (131) ethical behavior of companies (130), waste of public funds (129), favoritism in decisions of government officials (127) payments and bribes (127 seats), the burden of government regulation (125), trust to the police (122), public trust in politicians (122), organized crime (116), transparency of government policy (114), protection of intellectual property rights (113). The deterioration of the macroeconomic situation was one of the factors that dramatically worsened Ukraine's position in the ranking (worsening by 26 positions!). Over factor "Macroeconomic stability" Ukraine ranked 132 position (106 in 2009), the second worst result among its 12 constituents of the Global Competitiveness Index. This led to a significant negative contribution to the deterioration in public finances (budget deficit - 134th or worse at 66 positions and public debt - 52nd or worse at 25 positions) and the national savings rate (96 or deterioration in place for 24 positions). Traditionally low downgrades situation with inflation in Ukraine (134th).

Not evaluated encouraging situation in the financial markets Ukraine (119 place 106th in 2009). Results for the components of the "Financial Market Sophistication" is low, reliability of the banking system (138 place - the lowest among countries in the ranking), the ease of getting credit (130), stock market regulation (127), restrictions on capital movements (125), accessibility (at) others.

The report argues that the new government has set itself the ambitious task - to make the necessary reforms. Reforms, among others, should also focus on improving the efficiency of commodity markets, where Ukraine's achievements are insignificant (Rank 129, 109 - in 2009). Worst results in this block for Ukraine reached on such indicators as the effectiveness of the tax system (136 seats), expenditure on the agricultural sector (135), the use of trade barriers (126), the dominance of market relations (128), the effectiveness of antitrust policy (126 ), the burden of customs procedures (131), the impact of market rules on FDI (128), the number of procedures required to start a business (99) and others. This year the WEF survey conducted by the study on the assessment of top managers of companies of factors that impede doing business in countries. 19.6% of respondents in Ukraine the tax legislation factor that prevents mainly doing bus,

Hrafik2.Faktory that pereshkodzhayut doing business [4]




Among the institutional problems, respondents also noted political instability - 15.6%, corruption (13.9%), changes in government (9.5%), ineffective bureaucracy (8.2%), crime (2.5%). 10.8% of respondents considered this factor in access to finance, and 8.8% - by inflation. However, Ukraine managed to maintain such competitive advantages as a highly educated population, flexible



Schedule 4.Dosyahnennya countries in terms of global competitiveness [7]

Location Index (nayvysche- 1, the lowest 139) 1) Legal Support Index (statistics) 6
2) Coatings higher education (statistics) 8 3) The practice of hiring and firing workers 18
4) Payment and performance (statistics) 26 5) the ability Innnovatsiyna 37
6) Tariff barriers 40 7) The quality of mathematics education 42
8) Surface secondary education (statistics) 44 9) Telephone Network (statistics) 47
Location Index (nayvysche- 1, the lowest 139) 1) Legal Support Index (statistics) 6
2) Coatings higher education (statistics) 8 3) The practice of hiring and firing workers 18
4) Payment and performance (statistics) 26 5) the ability Innnovatsiyna 37
6) Tariff barriers 40 7) The quality of mathematics education 42
8) Surface secondary education (statistics) 44 9) Telephone Network (statistics) 47


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