In the early part of the 19th century, the stern of larger ships became gradually more rounded, and with the advent of screw-powered vessels, the stern became the location of the equipment, the officers moving elsewhere, though British ships still contained an Admiral's sternwalk until well into the twentieth century.
Fig. 31. The transom of the Soleil Royal, by Jean Bérain the Elder
In modern cruise ships, the stern is frequently the location of the dining room, so as to provide uninterrupted views of the sea.
In modern warships, particularly cruisers and destroyers, the stern is usually where the helicopter pad is located. The stern tends to be lower set when compared to other parts of the ship, and may contain a large caliber gun mount or missile magazines. Aircraft carriers typically use the deck space in the stern part of the ship for the recovery of incoming aircraft. Aircraft carriers may have aircraft elevators in the stern area to prevent interference of flight operations, which are launched from the bow. For submarines, both fast attack and ballistic missile, the stern is generally the location of the engine room and the motor room, if the submarine has one. If the submarine runs on nuclear power the stern may contain a heat exchanger and other parts associated with a nuclear reactor.
II. Master the Active Vocabulary:
stern – корма
aft part – кормовая часть
sternpost – ахтерштевень
to extend from … to – простираться от … до
taffrail – гакаборт
steering apparatus – рулевое оборудование
tiller – румпель
to domain – владеть
in particular – в частности
vulnerability – восприимчивость, уязвимость
ensign – значок, символ, флаг
screw – powered vessel – судно с ходовым винтом
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What is a stern?
2. What has always been located on the stern?
3. What are the types of a stern?
4. Was the stern the location of the officer’s quarters?
5. What did other features of a stern include?
6. When did the stern of larger ships become more rounded?
7. With the advent of screw – powered vessels, the stern became the location of the equipment, didn’t it?
8. What is the function of the stern in modern cruise ships?
IV. Ask as many questions as possible to the following sentences:
1. A sternpost is the upright structural member or post at the stern of a ship, to which is attached the transoms and the rearmost part of the keel.
2. In modern warships, particularly cruisers and destroyers, the stern is usually where the helicopter pad is located.
3. Aircraft carries typically use the deck space in the stern part of the ship for the recovery of incoming aircraft.
4. Other features of the stern included lanterns and ensign.
5. In modern cruise ships, the stern is frequently the location of the dining – room.
V. Make up sentences using the following words and word combinations:
The stern area, rear part of a ship, extend upwards from … to, the steering apparatus, by extension, officers’ quarters, stern rake, the advent of screw – powered vessels, the location of the equipment.
VI. Insert the missing words using the text:
1. The … is the rear or aft part of a …
2. The stern technically … as the area built up over the …, extending upwards from the … to the …
3. The stern was the … of the officers’ …
4. Other features of the … included lanterns and the …
5. In modern … …, the stern is frequently the location of the … room.
VII. Translate the text: “Steering engine.”
A steering engine is a power steering device for ships.The first steering engine with feedback was installed on Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Great Eastern in 1866. This was a steam-powered mechanical amplifier used to drive the rudder position to match the wheel position. The size of the Great Eastern, by far the largest ship of its day, made power steering a necessity.
Large steam-powered warships with manual steering needed huge crews to turn the rudder rapidly. The Royal Navy once used 78 men hauling on block and tackle gear to manually turn the rudder on the HMS Minotaur (1863), in a test of manual vs. steam powered steering.
VIII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Корма – задняя часть судна или лодки.
2. Корма всегда располагается рядом с рулевым оборудованием.
3. Во время баталий корма была всегда уязвимым местом.
4. На корме также находятся фонари и флаги.
5. На корме современных лайнеров чаще всего находится столовая.