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M,N-cholinomimetics, M-cholinomirnetics. N-cholinomimetics. Cholinesterase inhibitors

1. In clinical practice quite often there are cases of poisoning by phosphororganic substances (insecti­cides, pest-Killers). Alloxim is the drug used to treat this poisoning. Specify the group of drugs to which it belongs.

A. * Regenerators of cholinesterase

B. M-cholinoblockers

C. Sympathomimetics

D. Adrenomimetics

E. N-cholinoblockers

2. A patient with the diagnosis of glaucoma received proserinum (neostigmine) in the form of eye drops. What compound is inactivated by proserinum that causes the decrease of intraocular pressure?

A. *Acetylcholinesterase

В. Butyrilcholinesterase

C. Cholinacetyltranspherase

D. Pseudocholinesterase

E. Acetylcholine

3. Proserinum (neostigmine) was introduced to the patient with overdosage of tubocurarine. Due to what mechanism of action is proserinum effective in this situation?

A. *Inhibition of cholinesterase activity

B. Blockade to the presinaptic membrane

C. Activation of M-cholinoceptors

D. The increase of cholinesterase concentration

E. Blockade of adrenoceptors

4. What drug is used in intestinal atony?

A. *Proserinum (neostigmine)

B. Benzohexonium (hexomethonium)

C. No-spa (drotaverine)

D. Atropine

E. Pirilenum fpempidinej

5. A 5 years old boy with the diagnosis suffers from disorders of movements coordination and muscular weakness (predominantly in the right leg) after poliomyelitis. What drug should be administered to improve neuromuscular transmission?

A. *Proserinum (neostigmine)

B. Coffeinum

C. Phenaminum (amphetamine)

D. Extractus Eleutherococci

E. Aethimizolum

6. A doctor administered injection of galanthamine to a 63 years old patient after ischemic insult of the brain for recovery of functions of the CNS. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?

A. *Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase

B. Inhibition of cholinacetylase

C. Inhibition of catechol-O-methyltransferase

D. Inhibition of dopamin-beta-hydroxylase

E. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase

7. A patient was paralyzed after insult. Indicate the drug which can be administered to him for recovery of movement function in paralyzed extremities?

A. *Galanthamine

B. Aceclidine

C. Atropine

D. Carbacholine

E. Mellictinum

8. Indicate the agents used for treatment of the poisoning by phosphor-organic substances?

A. *Cholinesterase regenerators

B. Sympatholytics

C. Adrenomimetics

D. M-cholinoblockers

E. N-cholinoblockers

9. A doctor administered Pilocarpine to the patient with glaucoma. What is the main effect of this agent?

A. *Decrease of intraocular pressure

B. Increase of the cardiac rhythm

C. Stimulation of GIT peristalsis

D. Increase of salivation

E. Increase of myometrium contructility

10. A patient with complains of dryness of the oral cavity visited a dentist, who made the diagnosis: xerostomia. Which of the following drugs should the dentist prescribe?

A. *Pilocarpine

B. Atropine

C. Methacinurn

D. Ipratropium bromide

E. Halazolinum (xylomethazoline)

11. A dentist prescribed an agent stimulating salivation to a patient with xerostomia. Indicate the drug.

A *Aceclidine

B. Dithylinum (suxamethonium)

C. Armin

D. Scopolamine

E. Atropine

12. Drugs from this group are used to decrease secretion of salivary and gastric glands, eliminate bronchospasm and bradycardia. Indicate the group of drugs.

A. *M-cholinolytics

B. Myorelaxation drugs

C. M-cholinomimetics

D. Cholinesterase inhibitors

E. Cholinesterase regenerators

13. An 8 years old child was poisoned by mushroom fly-agaric. Which of the following drugs should be used as an antagonist?

A. *Atropine

B. Pirenzepine

C. Morphine

D. Ipratropium bromide

E. Aceclidine

14. A 40 years old man was admitted to the toxicological department with poisoning by insectiside from the group of organophosphorous compounds. Which agent blocking peripheral M-cholinoceptors is the most effective for the treatment of the poisoning?

A. *Atropine

B. Pirenzepine

C. Plathyphylline

D. Benzohexonium (hexamethonium)

E. Amizylum (benactlzine)

15. Alloxim is used for treat­ment of poisonings with phospho-organic insectiscides and strong choline esterase inhibitors. Indicate its mechanism of action.

A. *Regeneration of cholinesterase.

B. Blockade of n-cholinoceptors.

C. Stimulation of noradrenaline release

D. Excitation of adrenoceptors.

E. Blockade of m-cholinoceptors.


1. A 48 year-old man had been admitted to the urology department with signs of renal colic. Indicate the drug which main effect is associated with relaxation of smooth muscles

A.* Platyphylllnum

B. Analginum

C. Morphine

D. Omnoponum

E. Promedolum

2. Indicate mechanism of broncholytic action of metacinium.

A. *Blockade of m-cholinoreceptors of bronchi.

B. Stimulation of m-cholinoreceptors of bronchi.

C. Stimulation of beta-2~adrenoreceptors of bronchi.

D. Blockade beta-2-adrenoceptors of bronchi.

E. Myotropic spasmolytic action.

3. A 50-year-old male farm worker was admitted to the emergency room. He was found fainted in the orchard and since then has remained uncon­scious. His heart rate is 45 and his blood pressure is 80l40 mmHg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which drug from the following should be prescribed?

A. *Atropine

B. Physostigmine

C. Proserine

D. Pentamine

E. Norepinephrine

4. The patient was admitted to a hospital with following symptoms: general excitement, dry and hyperemic skin, dryness of the oral cavity, disorder of vision, dilated pupils and photophobia, tachycardia. The doctor made the diagnosis: the poisining by belladonna's alkaloids. Indicate the main alkaloid of this plant?

A. *Atropine

B. Aceclidine

C. Pilocarpine

D. Armin

E. Galanthamine

5. A patient suffering from bronchial asthma has accompanying disease glaucoma. Indicate the group of drugs which is contraindicated for the patient.

A. *M-cholinotytics

В. Myotropic broncholytics

C. Alfa-beta-adrenomimetics

D. Glucocorticoids

E. Beta-2-adrenomimetics

6. A dentist used a drug to inhibit salivation in a patient during treatment. Indicate the group this drug belong to.

A. *M-cholinolytics

B. Beta-adrenoblockers

C. Beta-adrenomimetics

D. Astringent drugs

E. M-cholinomimetics

7. A 6 years old child was delivered to the hospital with following symptoms: motor and psychical excitement, dry, hot and hyperemic skin, hyposalivation, difficulty of swallowing and hoarse voice, dilated pupils and photophobia and tachycardia. From the anamnesis it is known that the child has eaten some berries with dark-violet colour. Indicate an alkaloid which caused this poisoning

A. *Atropine

B. Pirenzepine

C. Ipratropium bromide

D. Plathyphylline

E. Methacinum

8. In order to do eye inspection, it is necessary to widen the pupils. Choose the agent which can be used for this purpose.

A. *Atropine

B. Amizylum (benactizine)

C. Pilocarpine

D. Noradrenaline

E. Acetylcholine

9. Pharmacological effects of this drug substance are midriasis, decrease of exocrine glands secretion, tachycardia, dilation of the bronchi, inhibi­tion of intestinal peristalsis. This drug does not penetrate into the CNS. Determine the drug.

A. *Methacinum

B. Atropine

C. Adrenaline

D. Isadrinum (isoprenalinej

E. Pirenzepine

10. Atropine sulfate was adminis­tered to the patient for treatment of intestinal colic. What accompanying disease confines usage of the drug?

A. *Glaucoma

B. Bronchial asthma

C. Sinus bradycardia

D. Hypotension

E. Dizziness

11. A 48-years-old man was admit­ted to the urologic department with symptoms of renal colic. What drug from mentioned below can be used for smooth muscles relaxation due to blockade of M-cholinoceptors?

A. * Plathyphyllin

B. Omnopone

C. Morphin

D. Anaiginum

E. Promedol

12. The agent inhibiting vestibular centers is used for sea sickness treatment. Determine this drug.

A. *Scopofamine

B. Atropine

C. Plathyphylline

D. Methacinum

E. Homatropine


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