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V. Make a plan to the text

Реєстр. № 7/949 - 03.12.09


Методичні вказівки

Для виконання практичних занять з дисципліни

“Основна іноземна мова: усна та писемна практика мовлення (англійська мова )”,

для студентів І курсу, напряму підготовки 6.020303 “Філологія”

(за професійним спрямуванням “Переклад”)

галузі знань 0203 “Гуманітарні науки”


Херсон 2009

Методичні вказівки для проведення практичних занять з дисципліни „Основна іноземна мова: усна та писемна практика мовлення (англійська) для студентів І курсу, спеціальності 6.030500 „Переклад”. – Херсон, ХНТУ, 2009р. – 40 стор.



Рецензент:к.п.н., доцент Радецька С.В.

Укладач:асистент Прокопенко О.А.



Обговорено і схвалено на

засіданні кафедри теорії і практики перекладу


Протокол №___ від “_____” ______________р.


Завідувач кафедри _________ Н.В. Возненко





Робота з текстом, виконання завдань до нього, переклад є ефективними для сприйняття й засвоєння іншомовної лексики, граматичних структур, фонетичних явищ, вмінь та навичок перекладу.

Основною метою даної методичної розробки є оптимізація процесу вивчення англійської мови, що забезпечується додатковим навчальним матеріалом до кожної з тем, включених до робочої програми з дисципліни для студентів І курсу спеціальності «Переклад».

Головну увагу приділено завданням, що мають за мету поповнити словниковий запас студентів, виробити навички роботи з текстом, привчити майбутніх перекладачів до роботи з тлумачним словником, опанувати граматичні структури та фонетичні особливості мови, яка вивчається та покращити навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення студентів. До посібника включено й завдання на переклад з англійської мови на українську, що сприятиме розвитку в студентів навичок як усного, так і письмового перекладу.

«Методичні вказівки» можуть бути рекомендовані для роботи на практичних заняттях з дисципліни, а також для організації самостійної роботи студентів І курсу спеціальності 6.030500 «Переклад».






1. Unit 1. Family: definition, description, functions, common problems……5

2. Unit 2. Extended family…………………………………………..............11

3. Unit 3. Nuclear family…………………………..………………………..14

4. Unit 4. Single-parent family. Common problems. Parental concerns……20

5. Unit 5. The breadwinner …………………………………………………25

6. Unit 6. Foster care and adoption………………………………………….29

7. Unit 7. Healthy way of life ………………………………………………34

8. Additions ...................................................................................................38

9. Список використаної літератури ………………………………………40


Unit 1. Family: definition, description, functions, common problems


I. What does the word “family” mean to you? Read the text attentively. Find answers to the following questions:

1) Define the word “family”. How many definitions does it have?

How can the family provide the child’s development and well-being?

3) Do you agree with the quote: “Every area of a child's life is affected by the family”? Share your thoughts.

What are the functions of a family?

5) Comment on the following: “Family structure is dynamic

List common family problems. Find solutions for each of them

7) What roles do you play within your family?

8) What does the word “stepfamily” mean?

Can parental career disappointments cause anxiety and self-doubt in children? What can be done to solve this problem?

10) Comment on the following : “There are no ideal families, conflict is an inevitable part of family life”.


A family is a group of two people or more related by marriage, blood relation, or adoption and who live together. The immediate family traditionally consists of parents and their offspring.


No other factor influences children as deeply as their families. As a social unit with genetic, emotional, and legal dimensions, the family can foster the child's growth, development, health, and well-being. The family can provide the child with affection, a sense of belonging, and validation. Every area of a child's life is affected by the family.

Family Functions

The family has basic functions. In order for the family to meet a child's psychological needs, its members must be nurturing, convey mutual respect, provide for intimacy, and engage in bonding and attachment. The family also socializes the child, guiding the child to be members of the society beyond the family. The family conveys religious and cultural beliefs and traditions to the next generation. The family is the child's source of economic resources, which meet the child's various physical needs for food, shelter, and clothing. Then, too, the family sees to it that the child receives health and dental care.


Family structure is dynamic. In 1970, traditional nuclear families made up 40 percent of all households, but only 26 percent of all households in 1991. In addition, roles have changed within the nuclear family. The role of provider, once assigned mainly to the father, gradually came in the early 2000s to be shared by both parents, and as of 2004 many fathers are more active in parenting their children than their fathers were in parenting them.

Toward the end of the twentieth century, increasing numbers of families did not fit the nuclear profile. Some families have only one parent; others are combinations based on second marriages; still others are comprised of unmarried couples living with or without children.

The number of single-parent families increased from 12.9 percent of all families in 1970 to 29 percent in 1991 and 28 percent (20 million) in 1997. The increases are mostly the result of the increase in the divorce rate and the increase in births to single mothers. Many women are single parents and heads of households, and many of these live in poverty.

Common Problems

Poverty is the single most powerful risk for families and children and affects families in many ways. Poverty exerts its greatest impact during children's preschool years, the age group in which children are most likely to live in poverty. Poor families are less likely or able to provide educational and cultural experiences for their children.

Parents' economic status (education, occupation, and income) controls the parent's ability provide adequate housing, a safe environment, and responsible child care while the parents work. Availability of and quality of social support influence family life and well-being as individuals cope with raising children in poverty.

Unemployment by either or both parents causes financial hardships and social and emotional strain, which can disrupt family life. The quality of the parent's work and the satisfaction the parent gets from it affects the parents and, in turn, their effectiveness in parenting.

Child abuse and neglect is a destructive force in families and results in children's anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, and a decline in school performance. Similarly, children who witness domestic violence suffer some of these same consequences.

Parental Concerns

Parents are troubled by children who are out of control and have problem behaviours such as running away, truancy, school failings or suspensions, and delinquency. Youths who are habitually truant may need school counselling. Truancy specialists provide topic-focused workshops and referrals to family counselling; court intervention is sometimes necessary.

The frequency of divorce and remarriage produces stepfamilies with their own difficulties and challenges. The new stepfamily members may have no shared family history or common lifestyle, and members may have different beliefs. In addition, children may feel torn between the custodial parent, with whom they live, and the noncustodial parent, with whom they visit.

Economic stress affects the whole family. When financial problems occur, the family may be forced to move for employment. Families have lifestyle commitments and ties to their community. When these ties break-up, children, especially adolescents, are likely to experience a loss of hope. Parental career disappointments can cause anxiety and self-doubt in children. Family economic stress may cause parental substance abuse, which can lead to school distraction and declining academic performance in young people.

Finally, children may feel isolated from parents and friends. The most stressful time for a family can be the period preceding a possible foreclosure or business failure. Parents may make desperate attempts to save their source of income. They may also be trying to keep their loss hidden from the rest of the community. Such behaviours can isolate children from parents who are too busy to notice and from neighbours who are not even aware of their trouble.

The long-term effects of continued family stress can cause physical and psychological problems for children. If problems occur often and if several problems appear at the same time, serious attention should be given the child.

When to Call the Doctor

Parents should call their paediatrician if the child shows unhealthy physical or emotional symptoms that may be in response to family problems or transitions. Physical problems may include weight gain or weight loss, or unexplained stomachaches or headaches. Emotional problems may cause a decline in academic performance, breaking curfews, or getting into trouble in school or with the law.


II. Define the words:to provide, gain, to occur, preceding, to experience,

to isolate, desperate, to cause, anxiety, adolescent, truant, counselling, self- esteem, to engage, dimension, validation, distraction.


III. Complete the following sentences:

1)The family can provide the child with…

2)A family is a group of two people or more…

3)… its members must be nurturing, convey mutual respect, provide for intimacy, and engage in bonding and attachment.

4)…traditionally consists of parents and their offspring.

5)The family is the child's source of…

6)… religious and cultural beliefs and traditions…;

7) …produces stepfamilies with their own difficulties and challenges.

8) …can cause physical and psychological problems for children.

9)Unemployment by either or both parents causes…

10)… can cause anxiety and self-doubt in children.

11)Child abuse and neglect is a destructive force in families and results in…

12)… controls the parent's ability provide adequate housing, a safe environment, and responsible child care while the parents work.

13)Parents are troubled by children who…

14)… is dynamic.

15)Families have lifestyle commitments and…


IV. Translate the following phrases and word combinations into Ukrainian:

1)immediate family;

2)blood relation;

3)legal dimensions;

4)tofoster the child's growth, development and well-being;

5)child's psychological needs;

6)a sense of belonging;

7)toconvey mutual respect;

8)toengage in bonding and attachment;

9)toprovide adequate housing;

10)tocause financial hardships and social and emotional strain;

11)towitness domestic violence;

12)destructive force;

13) to result in;

14)a decline in school performance;

15)to cause parental substance abuse



IV. Translate into Ukrainian:

1)A family is a group of two people or more related by marriage, blood relation, or adoption and who live together.

2)As a social unit with genetic, emotional, and legal dimensions, the family can foster the child's growth, development, health, and well-being.

3)The family can provide the child with affection, a sense of belonging, and validation.

4)The family is the child's source of economic resources, which meet the child's various physical needs for food, shelter, and clothing.

5)Toward the end of the twentieth century, increasing numbers of families did not fit the nuclear profile.

6)Poverty exerts its greatest impact during children's preschool years, the age group in which children are most likely to live in poverty.

7)Child abuse and neglect is a destructive force in families and results in children's anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, and a decline in school performance.

8)Families have lifestyle commitments and ties to their community.

9)Parents should call their paediatrician if the child shows unhealthy physical or emotional symptoms that may be in response to family problems or transitions.

10)The most stressful time for a family can be the period preceding a possible foreclosure or business failure.


V. Make a plan to the text


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