They are tough, flexible bands of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscles to bones. As muscles contract, they transmit the forces to the rigid bones, pulling on them and causing movement.
A. muscles
B. bones
C. tendons
D. intestines
E. joints
What is this text about?
They are structures that connect individual bones and may allow bones to move against each other to cause movement. They are the locations where two or more bones make contact. They are constructed to allow provide mechanical support, and are classified structurally and functionally.
A. bones
B. joints
C. hands
D. legs
E. ribs
What is this text about?
They are small bands of dense, white, fibrous elastic tissue. They connect the ends of bones together in order to form a joint. Since they are only elastic they increasingly lengthen when under pressure. When this occurs they may be susceptible to break resulting in an unstable joint.
A. ligaments
B. ribs
C. joints
D. bones
E. vertebrae
What is this text about?
It is a stiff and inflexible connective tissue found in many areas in the bodies of humans and other animals, including the joints between bones, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, the elbow, the knee, the ankle and the bronchial tubes. It is not as hard and rigid as bone but is stiffer and less flexible than muscle.
A. joint
B. bone
C. leg
D. cartilage
E. rib
What is this text about?
Any of several threadlike bodies, consisting of chromatin, that carry the genes in a linear order: the human species has 23 pairs designated 1 to 22 in order of decreasing size and X and Y for the female and male sex chromosomes respectively.
A. cell
B. gene
C. nucleus
D. membrane
E. chromosome
What is this text about?
The basic physical unit of heredity; a linear sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA that provides the coded instructions for synthesis of RNA, which, when translated into protein, leads to the expression of hereditary character.
A. tissue
B. cell
C. organ
D. gene
E. fiber
What is this text about?
It is the largest glandular organ of the body, reddish brown in color. It lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. It produces the digestive juice bile and processes nutrients to be used by the body. It plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels and stores many important substances such as iron and some vitamins.
A. stomach
B. intestine
C. pancreas
D. liver
E. throat
What is this text about?
It is a saclike dilation in the gastrointestinal tract between the esophagus and the intestines, forming an organ of digestion. It is a muscular, elastic, pear-shaped bag, lying crosswise in the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. It is capable of gross alterations in size and shape, depending on the position of the body and the amount of food inside.
A. head
B. uterus
C. stomach
D. heart
E. liver
What is this text about?
The part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of gray and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions.
A. gland
B. kidney
C. brain
D. cell
E. nucleus
What is this text about?
The hard connective tissue forming the substance of the skeleton of most vertebrates, composed of a collagen-rich organic matrix impregnated with calcium, phosphate, and other minerals.
A. muscle
B. ligament
C. cartilage
D. bone
E. joint
What is the text about?
The organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, a middle ear in which the vibrations resonate against the tympanic membrane, and a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympanic vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain.
A. eye
B. lip
C. cheek
D. ear
E. head
What is the text about?
The organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.