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Unit 5. George Washington


8.5.1 Read and translate the text


George Washington


George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was born in the family of a Virginian planter on the 22nd of February 1732. His father died when he was only eleven years old. George went to a little country school where he learned to read and to do sums in arithmethic. He was a good student and a great fa­vourite with his playmates.

When George was 20 years old he was appointed major of Virginia militia. Three years later George Washington was made colonel and commander of all Virginia's forces.

He took part in the French War of 1754-1763. This war was called the French or Indian war. It lasted several years and resulted in the English getting possession of the land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River. George Wash­ington distinguished himself by capturing Fort Duquesne.

A few years later the American colonies had a war with England. Getting independence from Britain became the major problem of the Ameri­can colonies.

In 1774 George Washington was chosen one of Virginia's delegates to the First and in 1775 to the Second Continental Congress.

When the War of Independence began (1775), Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of all the colonial forces.

Washington clearly understood the difficulty of fighting a powerful enemy with a badly equipped and poorly trained army. The colonists were not accustomed to taking orders. Washington faced great difficulties in his efforts to establish strict dis­cipline. He insisted that it was necessary to im­press upon the mind of every soldier the impor­tance of the cause they were fighting for.

By 1781 he had managed to build up a strong army which won a victory in the war. The war lasted eight years and resulted in the independ­ence of the colonies. The colonies formed a new nation. In 1783 the Treaty of Paris recognized the independence of the USA. In 1787 the Con­stitution of the USA was written. By common con­sent on the 6th of April in 1789 George Wash­ington was elected President of the United States of America. He served two terms from 1789 till 1797.

George Washington died in 1799. In honour of the first president the newly-built capital of the country was named Washington.


8.5.2 Post -Text Exercises Pronounce the following words and geographic names


Virginia militia - Вирджинская милиция, ополчение

Duquesne - Дьюкейн

planter - плантатор

delegate - делегат

to die - умирать

chief - начальник, лидер

to do sums - решать примеры

clearly - очевидно

playmate - одноклассник

difficulty - трудность

to appoint - назначать

to fight (fought, fought) - сражаться

major - майор

powerful - сильный, могучий

colonel - полковник

enemy - враг

commander - командир

to equip - снаряжать, экипировать

force - сила

poorly - скудно

to take part - принимать участие

to train - тренировать

to result - кончаться

to accustom - приучать

to take possession of - вступать во владение

to order - приказывать;

order - порядок, приказ

to distinguish - выделиться

to face -сталкиваться

to capture - захватывать силой

effort – усилие

to establish - создавать, устанав­ливать

strict - строгий

discipline - дисциплина

to insist - настаивать

necessary - необходимый

to impress - внушать

mind – мысль, разум

soldier - солдат

cause - мотив, основание

to manage - суметь (сделать)

to form - формировать

treaty - договор

to recognize - признавать

common - общий

consent - согласие

to elect - выбирать

to serve -служить

honour - честь

newly-built - вновь построенный, пере­строенный

to name – называть Answer the questions


1 Who was the first president of the US?

2 When and where was George Washington born?

3 What was his father? When did he die?

4 Did George go to school? Was he a good stu­dent?

5 What was George appointed when he was 20 years old? Was his career successful?

6 What was the war in 1754-1763 called? Did Washington take part in this war?

7 How long did this war last? What were the re­sults of this war?

8 A few years later the American colonies had a war again, didn't they?

9 With whom did they have a war? What did they want to get?

10 What was George Washington chosen in 1774?

11 When did the War of Independence begin?

12 How did Washington manage to build up a strong army?

13 How long did the War of Independence last? What was the result of this war?

14 What did the colonies form after the War of Independence?

15 When was George Washington elected Presi­dent of the USA?

16 How many terms did he serve?

17 When did Washington die?

18 When did the Treaty of Paris recognize the independence of the USA?

19 When was the constitution of the USA written?

20 Why was the capital of the USA named after George Washington? Match the two parts of the sentences


1 He insisted that it was necessary 2 Getting independence from Britain 3 George Washington was   4 By 1781 he had managed to build up a strong army   5 When George was 20 years old   6 He served two terms 7 Washington clearly understood the difficulty of 8 The War of Independence lasted 9 George went to a little country school where ... from 1789 till 1797.   ... he learned to read and to do sums in arithmetic. ... he was appointed major of Virginia militia. ... to impress upon the mind of every soldier the importance of the cause they were fighting for. ... eight years and resulted in the independence of the colonies. ... became the major problem of the American colo­nies. ... which won a victory in the war.   ... fighting a powerful enemy with a badly equipped and poorly trained army. ... the first president of the USA. Put in the missing words according to the text


1 Three years later George Washington was made ... and ... of all Virginia's forces.

2 By common ... on the 6th of April in 1789 George Washington was elected President of the USA.

3 In ... of the first President the newly-built capi­tal of the country was named Washington.

4 He was a good student and a great favourite with his ... .

5 It lasted several years and resulted in the Eng­lish getting ... of the land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi.

6 When George was 20 years old he was appointed ... of Virginia ... .

7 George Washington distinguished himself by... Fort Duquesne.

8 Washington faced great difficulties in his ef­forts to establish strict ... . Choose the correct verb for each blank: was chosen, formed, was written, served, was appointed, died, recognized, took part, was born


1 In 1787 the Constitution of the USA ... .

2 George Washington ... in 1799.

3 In 1774 George Washington ... one of Virgin­ia's delegates to the First and in 1775 to the Second Continental Congress.

4 He ... in the French War in 1754-1763.

5 The colonies ... a new nation.

6 Washington ... commander-in-chief of all the colonial forces.

7 He ... in the family of a Virginian planter on 22nd of February 1732.

8 In 1783 the Treaty of Paris ... the independ­ence of the USA.

9 He ... two terms from 1789 till 1797. Read and learn the dialogue by heart. Then act it out


Olga: Sorry to interrupt you.

Frank: That's all right. Can I help you?

Olga: It seems to me that I've just lost my way. Can you tell me how to get to the Washing­ton Monument?

Frank: Don't worry! It's as easy as ABC. Go along this street, then turn to the right and go down the street until you get there. You can't miss it.

Olga: Thank you very much.

Frank: Excuse me, you are from Russia, aren't you?

Olga: Yes, you are right. You have certainly heard about St. Petersburg. This is the city I live in.

Frank: Of course I have. I visited your wonderful city last year. Our cities have much in com­mon, don't they?

Olga: You don't say so!

Frank: If I'm not mistaken, the place for St. Peter­sburg was chosen by Russian Tsar, Peter I.

Olga: Exactly. As far as I remember, George Wash­ington chose the place for your city, didn't he?

Frank: Right you are. And St Petersburg was named in honour of the greatest Russian Tsar.

Olga: And Washington D. C. was named after the first President of the USA. By the way, did George Washington live and work in the White House?

Frank No, he didn't. It was built from 1792 to 1800 and Washington died in 1799, but he took part in its building. Have you visited the White House yet?

Olga: No, we haven't. But we are going there to­morrow. Thanks.

Frank: Not at all. All the best!



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