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Present Indefinite Tense in Simple Affirmative Sentences

Мета: навчити учнів утворювати розповідні, не питальні речення в Present Indefinite Tense .

Обладнання: дошка, підручник, магнітофон.

Клас: 3 (третій).


Етап. Прийом. Зміст роботи
Етап 1. Презентація нового граматичного матеріалу. Прийом 1: Розповідь вчителя.   Прийом 2: Фонетичне опрацювання нового граматичного матеріалу. Читання вголос.   Етап 2. Автоматизація дій учнів з новою граматичною структурою на фразовому рівні. Прийом 1. Активне прослуховування тексту і відповіді на запитання по ньому .   Прийом 2: Відповіді на запитання вчителя.     Прийом 3: складання діалогів.       T Children, today we'll learn how to tell what you do every day or what your friend does every day. When we talk about daily duties in Ukrainian, we use Present Tens. In English, when you talk about what you do every day, usually, you should also use Present Tens, and it is called Present Indefinite Tens. Now look at the blackboard, please. You can see a small scheme.   I You We sleep, dress, go, do They   He She sleeps, dresses,goes,does. It   For example, you may say I go to school every day or We get up at 7 o'clock. Now compare with the situation, when you talk about your friend or some object: He reads books in the evening or She does her homework every day. Can you see the difference? P1 Yes   T Ok, I see you are very attentive. So when you talk about yourself or about many people, you use the verb in its usual form I go, you wash, we write, they sing; but if you talk about one of your friends, about some person or about some object, you should add -s, -es to the verb. You should add –s in the verbs like this : write – writes, sleep – sleeps. –es you add in verbs which have the ending -o or like in noun when we form a plural form, we add –es, when the verb has the ending with letters, which correspond the sounds /s, z, ∫, t∫/: he dresses, she watches, it does, Thom goes.   Is it clear to you? P1 Yes   T Great. Now let's read the sentences from the Exercise 23 on page 191. I read books every day. He likes to draw pictures. She usually come home from school at 2 o'clock. We watch TV in the evening     Ok, now listen to the tape very attentively and then you'll have to tell me what Bob does every day.   (Teacher turns on the tape for two times, children listen to the tape very attentively)     Now, answer my question please: 1. What does Bob do in the morning?   2. What does he usually do in the evening ? 3. What does he like to do on weekends?     T Ok, now answer my questions please. 1. What do you usually do after school? 2. What do you like to do in the evening? 3. What do you usually do on weekends? 4. What does your sister do in the morning? 5. What does you father do after work?   Now please work in pairs and tell each other what you usually do and what you like to do. E.g. P1 Kate, what do you do in the morning? P2 Oh, I get up, wash my face and hands, than I have my breakfast. And what do you do in the morning? P1 I also wash my face and have breakfast and than I go to school. And what do you like to do on your weekends? P2 I like to play in the yard, watch TV and play computer games. And you? …………….    


· Принципи навчання граматики у молодшій школі:

а) принцип диференційованого підходу (активний граматичний мінімум і пасивний граматичний мінімум);

б) структурний принцип (використання “схем”, що відображають певні зв'язки між одиницями мовлення);

в) принцип ситуативності (кожну граматичну структуру потрібно засвоювати в ситуаціях мовлення);

г) принцип функціональності (в навчанні граматичних структур слід перш за все відштовхуватись від функції структури в мовленні, від її змісту, а форма засвоюється у нерозривній єдності з функцією);

д) принцип комунікативності (організація процесу навчання іноземного мовлення як процесу комунікації);

е) принцип свідомості (увага учнів в процесі мовлення повинна бути звернена на зміст висловлювання, а форма повинна вживатися автоматично).

· Процес засвоєння граматичних структур включає в себе три етапи:

1. Презентація граматичних явищ;

2. Формування мовленнєвих граматичних навичок (автоматизація);

3. Включення мовленнєвих навичок у різні види мовлення (усне та писемне, монологічне та діалогічне).

· В процесі навчання іноземних мов правила повинні виконувати додаткову, допоміжну роль, а не головну, тобто в центрі уваги повинна бути мовленнєва дія.

· Основні вимоги до правил:

- Спрямованість;

- Адекватність;

- Узагальненість;

- Науковість;

- Доступність;

- Інструктивність.

· Правила потрібно подавати в процесі автоматизації невеликими дозами.


In the terms of the improvement of the modern system of education, the development of different methodical ways of foreign language teaching, the problem of teaching grammar becomes more and more actual. It is determined by the fact that grammar is one of the most important and hardest elements of any language. Without knowing it and without being able to use its rules in practice people will not be able to communicate. And as the aim of the modern school is to teach pupils foreign communication, teaching grammar has its own peculiarities.

The aim of this research work is to define the main principles and stages of teaching grammar at school, and the role, place and volume of rules in teaching foreign language grammar.

This undergraduate thesis consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to the general characteristics of principles and stages of teaching grammar at school. The separate part of the first chapter is devoted to the rules: their place, role and volume in the system of teaching grammar.

The second part is the fragment of the lesson in teaching new grammatical structure.

The following methods were used in this research work: the analysis of the methodical and pedagogical literature, the comparison of the obtained facts, experimental teaching in the 4th form of school N 32.

The aim of the experimental teaching was to hold a lesson, built up with taking into consideration the principles of teaching grammar, and to examine the results of this experimental teaching.

The results of the experimental teaching were positive, because the pupils understood the new theme well (The Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives) and showed better results in doing exercises to this topic.

Key words: principles, stages, grammatical structure, communication, rules, active grammatical minimum.


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