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The Oldest British Universities

1 The oldest British Universities are Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford is the older of the two, for its history goes back to the twelfth century. Cambridge is a century younger than Oxford.

2 The University is a federation of colleges, each largely independent. A college is the place where the students live, while the University is mainly an administrative centre which organizes lectures, arranges examinations and gives degrees. The University consists of a number of faculties: medicine, arts, philosophy, law, music, natural science, commerce and education.

3 The students have three short terms a year, eight weeks each, beginning in October, January and May. During the terms students hear lectures given by professors and lecturers. Experienced tutors guide the students’ work because they are responsible for it at the University.

4 After three or four years of study final exams are held. Tuition at the University isn’t free, of course. The fee at Oxford and Cambridge is so high that only the sons of rich people can afford to attend them. Very few of those who are accepted to the University get grants. That is why only three per cent of the students are children of the working people.

5 Many great men studied at Cambridge and Oxford: among them Bacon the philosopher, Byron the poet, Cromwell the soldier, Newton the scientist.

Задание VIII. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


1. Which University is older: Oxford or Cambridge?

2. What is a college? 3. What is the University engaged in?

4. What faculties does a University consist of? 5. What kind of activities does the academic year include?



Вариант № 8


Задание I. Образуйте, где возможно, множественное число

существительных; переведите на русский язык:

Meat, plate, anniversary, vinigar, table, TV-set, child, wish, soup, tomato.

Задание II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на притяжательную форму существительных:

1. Mrs. Hudson’s important duties;

2. our dean’s office on the second floor;

3. Helen’s first grade certificate in French;

4. his fellow students’ difficult tasks in Physics;

5. my elder brothers’ modern laptop computer.


Задание III. Употребите прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужной форме (сравнительной или превосходной степени); переведите на русский язык:

1. The (nice) season in England is spring. 2. It is (rainy) in Great Britain than in Egypt. 3. Chris Greener is (tall) man in Britain. 4. Two heads are (good) than one. 5. High alloy steel is one of the (expensive) grades.

Задание IV. а) Напишите словами следующие количественные числительные:

34, 1, 0, 378, 8.495, 91, 12.758, 18, 62, 40;

б) Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя порядковые числительные:

Второй звонок, третий реферат, тысячный участник, первое мая, четвертая страница, пятьдесят пятый дом.

Задание VII. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык:



1. Cambridge is mainly a town of students. Cambridge

University is one of the oldest universities in Great Britain. Many great men studied at Cambridge, among them Newton, the scientist, Bacon, the philosopher, Milton, the poet, Cromwell, the soldier and statesman.

2. Now there are 19 colleges at the University, two of them are for women students. Women students do not take a very active part in the university life at Cambridge. But they work harder than men and you seldom see them outside the classroom.

3. The students are mainly English but there are plenty of others. There is a variety of races, religions and points of view among the students of the University.

4. Wireless is of great importance in university education. Students can hear lectures by eminent teachers on all kinds of subjects after their day's work at home. Every student has a tutor. The tutor plans his students' work and discusses it with them.

5. The story of Cambridge University began in 1209. That year several hundred students arrived in the little town of Cambridge from Oxford. Life at Oxford was very hard at that time as there was constant trouble between the people of the town and the students. One day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students and ordered to hang them. In protest all the students moved to different parts of the country and some came to Cambridge; and so the new University began.

Задание VIII. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


1. Why do we call Carbridge “a town of students“?

2. How many colleges are there at the University? 3. Who is a tutor? 4. Why did some students of Oxford come to Cambridge one day?

5. When did the history of Cambridge University begin?

Вариант № 9


Задание I. Образуйте, где возможно, множественное число существительных; переведите на русский язык:

Symphony, cotton, yard, wheat, sheep, duty, branch, soap, axis, thief.

Задание II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на притяжательную форму существительных:

1. Merinda’s last exam in History on Friday;

2. President’s attention to the most complicated problems;

3. Ministry’s annual report on the situation in industry;

4. our agriculture’s position at the market;

5. steelmakers’ wage.

Задание III. Употребите прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужной форме (сравнительной или превосходной степени); переведите на русский язык:

1. Debt is the (bad) kind of poverty. 2. One of the (large) deposits of iron ore is situated in our region. 3. Most modern cities are (comfortable) to live in but old towns are (interesting) places to visit. 4. Mexico is considered to be (populated) city in the world. 5. My home is the (good) place for me.

Задание IV: а) Напишите словами следующие количественные числительные:

13, 30, 5.728, 453, 285, 19, 10.376, 490, 48, 1.273;


б) Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя порядковые числительные:

Сорок первый урок, третий этаж, миллионный банк, двенадцатый урок, пятая машина, тридцатая книга.

Задание VII. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык:



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