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Antibiotics. Antifungal agents

1. The patient with the diagnosis of cholera was admitted to the infection diseases hospital. Specify a group of antibiotics of the first choice for treatment of this disease

A. *Tetracyclines

B. Aminoglycosides

С. Penicillins

D. Macrolids

E. Cephalosporines

2. A patient started to complaint of worsening of audition after treatment with antibiotic because of purulent complication after the surgical operation. Specify the group of antibiotics which posses ototoxic activity.

A. * Aminoglycosides

В Penicillins

С. Tetracyclines

D. Polymyxins

E. Macrolids

3. A patient was delivered to the surgical department with anaerobic gangrene. Specify the antibiotic of first choice for the treatment of this infection.

A. *Benzylpenicillinum natrium

В. Tetracyclinum

С. Clindamycinum

D. Cefazolinum

E. Chloramphenicol

4. Specify the main antibiotic for the treatment of diphtheria.

A. *Erythromycinum

B. Laevomycetinum

С. Cefazolinum

D. Gentamycinum

E. Tetracyclinum

5. A woman addressed to a dentist with complaints of teeth destruction in her little child. It was revealed that during pregnancy the woman took antibiotics. Specify the group of antibiotics that could cause these side-effects.

A. *Tetracyclines

B. Macrolides

C. Penicillins

D. Cephalosporins

E. Aminoglycosides

6. An antibiotic was administered to a patient suffering from abdominal typhoid. Soon there was general improvement, but on the 2nd week after the treatment the patient had elevation of body temperature, signs of tonsillitis, and rashes on mucous membranes of lips & nose. In laboratory examination of discharges, Candida fungi were found. The blood analysis revealed leukopenia and agranulocytosis. Which antibiotic could cause these complications?

A. *Laevomycetinum

B. Tetracyclinum

С. Polymyxins

D. Gentamycinum

E. Cefazolinum

7. Specifу the group of antibiotics whose mechanism of action is connected with inhibition of synthesis of bacterial ceil wall.

A. *Penicillins

B. Macrolides

C. Tetracyclines

D. Aminoglycosides

E. Lincosamides

8. Specify the most typical side-effect of penicillins.

A.*Allergic reactions

B. Agranulocytosis

C. Anemia

D. Decrease of audition

E. Hepatotoxic influence

9. Specify the antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins.

A. *Ampiciilinum

B. Phenoxymethylpenici/linum

C. Benzylpenicillinum natrium

D. Benzylpenicillinum kalium

E. Benzylpenicillinum novocainum

10. Specify the group of antibiot ics whose mechanism of action involves inhibition of protein synthesis by microorganisms.

A. *Tetracyclines

B. Penicillins

С. Cephalosporins

D. Monobactams

E. Polymyxins

11. In the treatment with wide-spectrum antibiotics some complicaions, including candidiasis may occur. Specify the agent for the treatment of candidiasis.

A. *Ketoconazole

В Amphotericinum B

C. Griseofulvinum

D. Gramicidinum

E. Undecinum

12. A patient with dermatomycosis took antifungal agent which was able to be accumulated within the cells producing keratin (skin, nails, hairs), in several clays the patient visited the physician complaining of headache, desorientation. Specify the appointed antibiotic.

A. *Griseofulvinum

B. Levorinum

С. Amphotericinum В

D. Mycogeptinum

E. Nystatinum

13. After long-term treatment with tetracyclinum a patient was hospitalized in relation, with aphthous stomatitis. During laboratory examination the Candida fungi were identified. Specify the agent available for the treatment of candidiasis.

A. *Nystatinum

В. Furazolidonum

С. Griseofuivinum

D. Amicazolum

E. Cefalexinum

14. Indicate a drug group which oppresses synthesis of cell membrane components:

A. *Penicillines

B. Tetracyclines

C. Aminoglycosides

D. Lincosamides

E. Macrolides

15. Drug with β-lactam ring was prescribed to a patient with streptococci gums inflammation. Indicate this drug:

A. *BenzylpeniciHin

B. Rifampicine

C. Erythromycin

D. Streptomycin sulfate

E. Laevomycetine

16. A patient was admitted to a hospital with diagnosis: gaseous gangrene. Drugs for its treatment are divided on two groups: basic and reserve. Indicate the basic antibiotic:

A. *Benzylpenicillin natrium

B. Tetracycline

C. Laevomycetine

D. Clindamycin

E. Cefazolin

17. Cephalosporines possess following properties, except:

A. *Detergent activity

B. Mechanism of action linked to infringement of microbe s membrane synthesis

C. Bactericidal activity

D. Distinguished from penicillines by higher persistence toward β-lactamase

E. Distinguished from penicillines by spectrum of antimicrobial activity

18. 56-years old male was admit­ted to a hospital with pneumonia. It is known he suffers from hay fever and seasonal vasomotor rhinitis. What drug should be administered in the case?

A. *Cefazolin

B. Benzylpenicillin

С. Bicillin

D. Oxacillin

E. Ampiciliin

19. 14-years old boy developed acute pneumonia in low lobe of the right lung. The agent in sputum analysis was resistant to penicillin. Choose the drug for treatment in this case:

A. Gentamycin

B. Laevomycetine

С. Streptomycin

D. Tetracycline

E. *Cefazolin

20. Determine drug by following: it oppresses of protein synthesis by microbes ribosomes because of inhibition of peptidtranslocase, belongs to reserve macrolide, causes side effects relatively seldom.

A. *Erythromycin

B. Sygmamycin

С. Tetraolean

D. Azithromycin

E. Tetracycline

21. Determine drug with wide spectrum of antibiotic activity, a basic antibiotic agent of treatment enteric fever and other salmonellosises and possesses following side effects: oppresses of bone marrow activity, disbacteriosis and dyspeptic disorders:

A. *Laevomycetine

B. Phthalazolum

С. Benzylpenicillin natrium

D. Neomycin sulfate

E. Tetracycline

22. Which drug is used for treatment of enteric fever?

A. *Laevomycetine

B. Ampicillin

C .Cefalexin

D. Benzylpenicillin

E. Erythromycin

23. A patient with diminished hearing has severe bacillary infection. Which drug group is contradicted to the patient?

A. *Aminoglycosides

B. Peniciltines

C. Cephalosporines

D. Tetracyclines

E. Rifampicines

24. Patient with acute appendicitis, was admitted to a surgical department. Appendectomy was performed. During ten days after operation patient received an antibiotic. After a while lowering of hearing were revealed. Indicate drug group with the same side effects:

A. *Aminoglycosides

B. Tetracyclines

C. Polymyxines

D. Macrolides

E. Penicillines

25. Determine the drug for treatment infections of bones that able to penetrate to bone tissue and bone marrow:

A *Lincomycin

В. Benzylpenicillin

С. Bicitlin-3

D. Gentamycin

E. Synthomycinum

26. An antibiotic with ability to penetrate to bones tissue was prescribed to 30 years old patient with osteomyelitis. After three weeks of using it the patient felt much better. Determine the drug:

A. Lincomycin

B. Bicilline-3

C. Benzylpenicillin

D. Polymixine M

E. Ampicillin

27. Deteirmine drug for treatment of candidiasis:

A. *Nystatin

B. Kanamycin

C. Tetracycline

D. Erythromycin

E. Benzylpenicillin

28. Considerable number of Candida albicans was revealed on cytological investigation of smear of 25 years-old woman with exacerbation of chronicle vaginitis. Which drug should be prescribed?

A. *Nystatin

B. Amphotericine

C. Miconazole

D. Clotrimazole

E. Metronidazole

29. A patient with diagnosed streptococcal bronchopneumonia after treatment with an antibiotic suffers from allergic symptoms. Determine the drug:

A. *Benzylpenicillin-natrium (penicillin G sodium)

B. Tetracycline

C. Gentamycin

D. Laevomycetineum (chloramphenicol)

E. Doxicycline

30. Infectious agent determined by lab tests is known to be sensitive to third generation cephalosporins. Choose the drug for treatment:

A. Cefazolin

B. Cefalexin

С Cefalotin

D. *Cephtriaxone

E. Cefaloridin

31. A patient with bacterial pneumonia was treated by the erythromycin which acts on microbes by interaction with their free 50S subunits of ribosomes. What process does this drug block?

A. DNA synthesis

B. RNA synthesis

C. "Proteins' synthesis

D. Lyposynthesis

E. Polysaccharides' synthesis

32. An antibiotic for treatment of enteric fever was administered to a patient. Clinical recovery was achieved, but within 2 weeks the patient developed symptoms of quinsy, fever, rashes at mucous membranes of lips and nose. Blood test revealed diminished amount of WBC and granulocytopenia. Choose an antibiotic which can cause these side effects:

A. Tetracycline

B. *Laevomycetinum (chloramphenicol)

С. Роlymyxine М sulfate

D. Cefazoline

E. Gentamycine

33. Tetracycline was administered PO for treatment of acute purulent sinusitis. What antimycotic drug should be administered to a patient to prevent candidiasis?

A. Griseofulvin

B. Levamisole

C. Furazolidone

D. Ciprofloxacin

E. *Nystatin

34. After taking tetracycline for a long period of time, patient developed candidiasis of mucous membranes of mouth. Which drug should be used for treatment?

A. *Nystatin

B. Griseofulvin

С. Nitrofungine

D. Nitroxoffne

E. Furadon/ne



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