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для відділення іноземної філології Інституту мови і літератури

2 курс, 3 семестр, Теми 1-4



Розробники – в. Артюх В.О., доц. Заболотна Т.В.

(кафедра іноземної філології і методики навчання)

«__»___________2010р. _____________________




Завідувач кафедри – Т.О. Туліна

«__»___________2010р. ______________




Тестові завдання затверджені на засіданні Вченої ради Інституту мови і літератури



«__»___________2010р. Протокол №__ Директор Інституту Н.П.Смірнова ____________ (підпис)




Unit 1. Choosing a Career  
The weather … quite warm though it’s only 5C above zero. look seem looks *seems
The teacher tried to explain the rule in a … way and I understood it at once. another *different differently other
A small stream…along the road. stretch run stretches *ran
These steppes …to the South for miles and miles. *stretch run ran runs
The path …across the field for a mile and then was lost in the forest. stretch run *ran stretched
No matter how hard I looked I saw only a vast plain …before me. *stretched ran run runs
The ugly scar …right across the man’s left cheek. stretched ran run *runs
For how many kilometers does this forest …? *stretch stretches run runs
I like to sleep on a camp-bed, I find it very … . *comfortable convenient convenience comfort
I believe Friday the only … day for our meeting, we have only four lectures on that day. comfortable *convenient convenience comfort
The two streams… at the foot of the mountain. *join joins unite united
Complete the proverb: … we stand, divided we fall. *United Unite Join Joined
One by one the children …in the game. *joined join united unite
All peaceloving people should…in their struggle against a new war. joined join united *unite
Won’t you …me in a walk? joined *join united unite
If I were you, I should keep an eye on that boy. This sentence means: *на твоєму місці я б наглянув за тим хлопчиком; як би ти був на моєму місці ти б наглядав за тим хлопчиком; я б радив тобі наглянути за тим хлопчиком; наглянь за тим хлопчиком.
We dislike the idea of staying in town the whole summer. This sentence means: *нам не до вподоби ідея залишитися в місті на ціле літо; у нас не має бажання бути ціле літо в місті; ми не хочемо провести ціле літо в місті; ми не хочемо зіпсувати собі літо, залишаючись у місті.
Write English equivalent of the following phrase: «випадково зустрітися» to be run over; *to run into smb.; to run into smth.; to shout smth. down.
Write English equivalent of the following phrase: «озиратися по сторонам» *to look about; to look for; to look through; to look forward to.
Write the antonym of the word “comfort n”: convenience; inconvenience; *Discomfort; advantage.
Write the antonym of the word “different adj”: *alike; other; another; various.
Write the antonym of the word “difference adj”: *likeness; otherness; anotherness; variety.
Write the antonym of the word “light n”: *darkness; sunlight; brightness; starlit.
«To stare» мeans: *to look or gaze fixedly, often with hostility or rudeness “to use one’s eyes, to try to see” “to look about” “to look forward to”
«To look» means: “to look at smb. long with interest” *“to use one’s eyes, to try to see” “to look after” “to have a look at”
“To gaze” means: “to look steadily with wide-open eyes” “to use one’s eyes, to try to see” *to look long and fixedly, esp in wonder or admiration “to look through”
“difference” means: *the state or quality of being unlike to distinguish to add a charge to (arms) to differentiate a branch of a family to change
“rest” means: *relaxation from exertion or labour to take or give rest, as by sleeping, lying down, etc to place or position (oneself, etc.) for rest or relaxation to place or position for support or steadying
Which word means “to appreciate smb very much and feel great respect for him”? to look to stare to gaze *to admire
At this job, I always have a lot of …. .   *work job profession career
At this …. , I always have a lot of work .   work profession *job vocation
Some jobs require advanced education and special training and they are called … .   *professions vocations jobs works
For him, this was really a …., a kind of work he was suited by his natural talents. job Profession work *vocation
After leaving school, young people have to choose their … .   works jobs *career profession
She has been building her … all her life, and rather successfully.   work *career job profession
In his life, this man had to do a lot of different …. to earn his living.   works *jobs vocations professions
I like to sleep … a camp bed. in *on inside outside
One day you go … school for the last time. *for in on with
A … knowledge is a dangerous thing. small great *little large
If you have any trouble … him, let me know. for *with in to
He answered, “Good-bye, father” … a trembling voice. with as *in on
What are your plans … the coming winter holidays? *for to on with
His face was white and there were dark areas … his eyes. over above inside *under
After climbing the mountain he ached all … . *over within beyond away
The man shivered … cold for *with in of
The little girl had a wonderful pair of shoes … . *on in over out
The father wanted to find … what worried the boy. on *out off over
The boy did not know about the difference … the two kinds of thermometers. of on *between behind
Don’t stuff your head … things you don’t understand. *with in on into
You may expect a full recovery … the following month. in *within over beyond
Choose the word which means “to be aware through senses”: *feel realize recognize understand
What is the stylistically neutral equivalent of “kids”? kicks kiddoes kudos *children
What is the colloquial term for “children”? kicks kiddoes kudos *kids
Unit 2. Health
I decided to break with him after he had ….to help me when I was in great need of help. refuse *refused give up gave up
If I were you I wouldn’t …my plan so easily. *refuse refused give up gave up
The children jumped and squealed … little puppies. *like liked likes as
The girl tried to behave … a grown-up person. *like liked likes as
She was invited to this conference … a specialist in medicine. like liked likes *as
He works … a doctor in one of our hospitals. like liked likes *as
You just listen to him, he speaks … a real doctor, though he doesn’t know anything about medicine. *like liked likes as
….your doctor, I don’t allow you to get up for some more days. Look like Like Likes *As
It would have been natural if you had punished the child for his behaviour yesterday. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *було б природно як би ти вчора покарав дитину за її поведінку; це буде правильно якщо ти накажеш дитину за її погану поведінку; ти правильно зробив, що покарав вчора дитину; було вірно з твого боку те, що ти накричав вчора на дитину.
We should have finished our work yesterday if you had helped us. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *ми б закінчили вчора нашу роботу, якби ви нам допомогли; якщо ви нам допоможете, то ми сьогодні закінчимо роботу; для того, щоб ми закінчили свою роботу, вам слід було нам допомогти; ми завершили вчора нашу роботу, оскільки ви нам допомогли.
You would have improved your spelling long ago if you were more diligent. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *ти б вже давно поліпшив свою орфографію, якби ти був більш наполегливий; ти вдосконалиш свою орфографію, якщо будеш більш наполегливішим; ти поліпшиш свою орфографію, якщо працюватимеш більше; ти б зараз писав добре, якби тоді ти працював краще.
She seemed to know grammar much better than we thought. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *здавалося, вона знає граматику краще ніж ми думали; вона здається знала граматику ліпше ніж ми думали; вона здається знала граматику ліпше ніж ми думаємо; нам здавалося, що вона ліпше знає граматику.
We can’t keep from laughing when we look at him. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *ми не можемо не сміятися, коли ми дивимось на нього; з нього не можна не сміятися; ми не змогли втриматися від сміху, глянувши на нього; ми завжди сміємося, коли дивимося на нього.
I can’t keep from thinking. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *я не можу не думати; мені тяжко не думати; я не можу про це думати; мені тяжко думати про це.
He seemed to know all about influenza. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *здавалося, що він знає все про грип; здається, він знає все про грип; здавалося, він вивчив все про грип; нам здавалося, що він досить обізнаний у цій сфері.
It would have been natural if the boy had gone to sleep. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *було б природно як би дитина пішла спати; не дивно, що дитина заснула; це природно, що дитина йде спати зараз; не має нічого дивного в тому, що дитина заснула.
We shouldn’t have friends with them if we hadn’t stayed in the same camp. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *як би ми не зупинилися в одному й тому ж таборі, ми б не потоваришували з ними; якщо ми зупинимося в одному й тому ж таборі ми обов’язково потоваришуємо з ними; нам слід потоваришувати з ними, якщо ми залишимося в одному таборі; як би ми не потоваришували з ними, ми не залишилися в цьому таборі.
She wouldn’t have forgiven him if she didn’t love him so much. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *вона б не пробачила йому, якби не кохала його так сильно; вона не пробачить його, тому що не досить сильно кохає його; вона не вибачила йому, тому що не любила його досить сильно; вона пробачить йому, навіть якщо не кохає його.
I don’t like the way you speak to me. Choose the proper translation of this sentence: *мені не подобається як ти говориш до мене; мені не подобається твій спосіб вести розмову; ти погано розмовляєш зі мною; мені подобаються розмови, які ти ведеш зі мною.
Write the antonym of the word “different adj”: *alike; other; another; various.
Write the antonym of the word “painful adj”: *painless; unhealthy; sick; diseased.
Write the antonym of the word “foot n”: *top; leg; hoof: mouth.
“to аche” means: “Sharp or sudden pain” “to be in good condition” *“to feel, suffer, or be the source of a continuous dull pain “under good condition”
“Bare” means: *“unclothed; exposed: used esp of a part of the body “without a hat” “without shoes and stockings” “with bare legs”
“To treat” means: *“to apply treatment to “valuable things that are found hidden” “a long and serious piece of writing on a particular subject” “a formal agreement between two or more countries”
“to shiver” means: *to shake or tremble, as from cold or fear the act of shivering; a tremulous motion a splintered piece shivering
His voice trembled … horror. *with; for; in; at.
Fill in the suitable prepositions “They gazed back … some bewilderment”: *with; for; in; about.
When I came downstairs he was dressed, sitting ….the fire. At; *by; Near; To;
I read aloud ….. Howard Pyle’s book. Of; On; *From; At;
I sat at the foot… the bed. *of; At; On; From;
I sat … a while with horror. By; *For; Of; On;
I will not take… your time. In; On; __ *Up;
I took it … the nearest chemist. *To; By; For; __
I get short… breath. In;   *Of; By; At;
Make up the sentence with the suggested phrase, using emphatic “do”: to get sick leave He does get sick leave He does gets sick leave He do gets sick leave Does he get sick leave
Make up the sentence with the suggested phrase, using emphatic “do”: to need the services of a surgeon He does needs the services of a surgeon He do needs the services of a surgeon *He does need the services of a surgeon Does he need the services of a surgeon
Make up the sentence with the suggested phrase, using emphatic “do”: to recover from He recovered from flue * He did recover from flue He did recovered from flue Did he did recover from flue?
Make up the sentence with the suggested phrase, using emphatic “do”: to try to make an appointment with She tried to make an appointment with the doctor She do tried to make an appointment with the doctor *She did try to make an appointment with the doctor Did she try to make an appointment with the doctor?
Your child's health is ... a rather bad condition, he must be thoroughly examined in the policlinic. *in on under at
But, doctor, he is ... no condition to leave the house, he's too weak. *in on under at
— Oh, doctor, isn't it possible to keep him at home? — Well, only ... condition that you follow all my instruc­tions.   in *on under at
In spite of his father's wish he ... to leave the Medical Institute *refused abandoned left gave up
He couldn't ... his dream of marrying her soon­er or later. refuse abandon leave *give up
If she asks me for any favour I'll never ... her. *refuse abandon leave give up
... your doctor, I don't allow you to get up for some more days. *as as if like so as
Combine the following sentences into one: Martha understood the German delegates. She is a German. *If Martha were not a German, she wouldn’t have understood the German delegates If Martha were not a German, she wouldn’t understood the German delegates If Martha were not a German, she wouldn’t understand the German delegates If Martha wouldn’t be German, she wouldn’t understand the German delegates
Combine the following sentences into one: She didn't agree to teach us French. She doesn't know the language well. If she knew the language well, she wouldn’t have agreed to teach us French If she knew the language well, she would agreed to teach us French *If she knew the language well, she would have agreed to teach us French If she didn’t know the language well, she would have agreed to teach us French
Combine the following sentences into one: We invited John Brown to our tea-party. We are ac­quainted with him. If we were acquainted with John Brown, we would have invited him to our tea party If we were acquainted with John Brown, we wouldn’t have invited him to our tea party If we weren’t acquainted with John Brown, we would have invited him to our tea party *If we weren’t acquainted with John Brown, we wouldn’t have invited him to our tea party
Combine the following sentences into one: Mary passed her exams. She is industri­ous. *If she weren’t industrious, Mary wouldn’t have passed her exams If she were industrious, Mary wouldn’t have passed her exams If she weren’t industrious, Mary would have passed her exams If she were industrious, Mary would have passed her exams
Combine the following sentences into one: Bob recovered. The doctors that had treated him are very experienced. Bob would recover, if the doctors were not very experienced Bob wouldn’t recover, if the doctors were very experienced *Bob wouldn’t recover, if the doctors were not very experienced Bob would recover, if the doctors were very experienced
Paraphrase the sentence: All of us thought that it would be nice to arrange a party at our Univer­sity. *All of us liked the idea of arranging a party at our Univer­sity. All of us liked the idea to arrange a party at our Univer­sity. All of us liked arranging a party at our Univer­sity. All of us liked to arrange a party at our Univer­sity.
Give the English equivalent for: застигнути від жаху frozen with delight *frozen with horror animated with horror terrified
Find the synonym of the word “illness”: treatment surgery *malady cure
Find the synonym of the word “friend”: fellow *chum chap acquainted
Find the synonym of the word “doctor”: *medical man dentist psychiatrist host
Find the synonym of the word “look quickly”: to stare to watch to look through *to glance
Cross out the word which is not the synonym of the word “to shudder”: to shiver *to hurt to tremble to start
Cross out the word which is not the name of a state of ill health: illness malady *treatment ailment  
I can’t keep from … all the evening. talk to talk *talking being talked
Mary couldn’t keep from … when she looked at her child. smile to smile *smiling smiles
Здавалось, що хлопчику сподобався цей дивний собака. This sentence means: *The boy seemed to like this strange dog. Seemed the boy likes this strange dog. The boy seemed like this strange dog. The boy seemed likes this strange dog.
Було б дивно якщо б він зупинився в готелі. This sentence means: It would be strange if he had stopped at the hotel. *It would have been strange if he had stopped at the hotel. It would have been strange if he stopped at the hotel. It would strange if he had stopped at the hotel.
Було б нецікаво якщо б вона читала вірші цілий вечір. This sentence means: *It would have been uninteresting if she had read the poems all the evening. It would been uninteresting if she had read the poems all the evening. It would uninteresting if she had read the poems all the evening. It would have been uninteresting if she read the poems all the evening.
Вона не може стримати сміх коли читає його листи. This sentence means: She can’t keep from laughing when she reads his letters. She can’t keep from laughing when she reads his letters. She can’t keep from laughing when she reads his letters. *She can’t keep from laughing when she reads his letters.
I can’t speak louder, I have a sore … . * throat eye finger back
He felt nothing during the operation. So, it was … . pain painful *painless hurt
Find the explanation in the … on the page 8. foot foots *footnote top
He felt everything during the operation. So, it was … . pain *painful painless hurt
Don’t behave yourself … little children. alike *like likes as like
If a person has small red spots on the body and fever. Her disease is … . insomnia remedy complication *scarlet fever
If a tooth isn’t alive, it must … . be filled in *be pulled out be pulled off keep the diet
If it pains in your stomach, probably you have an … . insomnia remedy *appendicitis scarlet fever
Здається він розуміє все про що говорить. This sentence means: *He seemed to understand all he talks about. He seems understand all he talks about. He seemed understand all he talks about. He seemed understands all he talks about.
If you can’t fall asleep all the night. Your disease is … . *insomnia remedy complication scarlet fever
Mike, will you … from your disease in a month? treat *recover cure keep
At the dentist’s a patient complains of a … . headache stomachache earache *toothache
Mr. Smith has a low blood pressure, that’s why he feels … . indigestion remedy *giddy pain
Пацієнт знаходиться в гарному стані. This sentence means: *The patient is in good condition. The patient is in good condistion. The patient is at good condition. The patient is at a good state.
Жінка почала тремтіти від холоду. This sentence means: The woman began to shiver from a cold. The woman began to shiver from cold. The woman began to shiver with a cold. * The woman began to shiver with cold.
Вони відмовилися від його пропозиції зробити це. This sentence means: *They refused his offer to do it. They refused on his offer to do it. They refused from his offer to do it. They didn’t refuse for his offer to do it.
Я ввідчуваю запаморочення. This sentence means: I feel sick. * I feel giddy. I feel bad. I feel pulse.
It’s influenza if you have … . *cough, sneeze, fever sneeze, remedy, fever indigestion, cough, sneeze headache, insomnia, indigestion
You need a … if you hurt your leg or arm. gips-bandage plaster *plaster-bandage plaster-bandaje
A man needs an urgent operation. He will be taken to a hospital in … by … . a sanitary car / a doctor and a sanitar *an ambulance / a doctor and an ambulance man an ambulance car / a doctor and a sanitar an ambulance / a doctor and an ambulanse man
Лікар прописав зміцнюючий засіб. This sentence means: A doctor prescribed a mixture. * A doctor prescribed a tonic. A doctor prescribed a tonic mixture. A doctor prescribed a mixsture.
Pharmacy is the place where medicines and mixtures can be … . sold *Made and sold Prescribed and sold Invented and sold
Drugstore is the place where drops, pills or mixtures can be … . *sold Made and sold Prescribed and sold Invented and sold
Chemist’s is the place where different medical substances or equipment can be … . *sold Made and sold Prescribed and sold Invented and sold
In the U.S.A. you go to a drugstore, and in the UK you go to a … . Chemist *Chemist’s Chemicals Chemistry
In the UK you go to a chemist’s, and in the U.S.A. you go to a … . Drug dealer *Drugstore Drugshop Drug market
“Come … me tomorrow,” said the doctor to his patient. to *to see for with
What is the British term for a place where you can buy different kinds of medicine? Pharmacy *Chemist’s Drugstore Drugbank
What is the American term for a place where you can buy different kinds of medicine? Pharmacy Chemist’s *Drugstore Drugbank
What is the British word for a place where you can not only buy different kinds of medicine, but also have a mixture or drops made for you? *Pharmacy Chemist’s Drugstore Drugbank
This is a good medicine … cough. from *for against to
Which word is the colloquial synonym for “influenza”? flour flower flue *flu
What is another way to say “high temperature”? Low fever *High fever Strong fever Big fever
The proper translation of the phrase “зробити аналіз крові” is to have one’s blood ... . analysed examined studied *tested
The process of giving medicines to a patient and looking after him at the hospital is called … . curing *treatment medicating meditation
What is the proper word to describe an illness that is very brief and easy to cure? *ailment malady disease illness
What is the proper word to describe an illness that is long-lasting and rather difficult to cure? ailment malady *disease illness
What is the proper word to describe an illness that can have serious complications and may even be fatal? ailment *malady disease illness
What is the general word to describe a person’s state when he/she is feeling unwell and sick? ailment malady disease *illness
What is the colloquial synonym of the word “friend”? block *chum guy fellow
What is the proper word to call a doctor who works with a scalpel and performs operations? sergeant surgent *surgeon surger
What is the proper word to call a doctor who is the first doctor you come to see in case of illness, and who deals with most health problems in general? therapeut physicist *physician physics
How do we call a female person who looks after people in the hospital? *Nurse Medical sister Course Doctor
Where do people go if they receive ambulatory treatment? hospital *policlinic home laboratory
Where do people go if they receive 24-hour medical treatment? *hospital policlinic home laboratory
How do we call people who receive treatment at a hospital? Out-patients *In-patients Bad patients Good patients
How do we call people who receive treatment at a policlinic? *Out-patients In-patients Bad patients Good patients
How do we translate into English “стаціонарний хворий”? Out-patient *In-patient Bad patient Good patient
How can you translate into English “амбулаторний хворий”? *Out-patient In-patient Bad patient Good patient
Give the synonym of the word “a medicine.” *A cure A treatment Health care Medication
Which is the synonym of the word “doctor”? medic *medical man medicine nurse
The dentist … his tooth. fell felt filed *filled
The doctor took his stethoscope and … my heart and lungs. listened *sounded looked treated
The beating of blood in vessels throughout the body is called … . breakbeat heartbeat *pulse rhythm
In the surgery department, patients … operations. receive have *undergo undertake
What kind of doctor does the term “general practitioner” denote? A surgeon A dentist *A physician A psychologist
I like the … they work. *way method type kind
It is very … for the students of the first year to read English newspapers. easy useful *difficult important
Overweight people have to keep … a diet of fruit and vegetables. for with on *to
What is the English for “виміряти температуру”? Measure one’s temperature See one’s temperature *Take one’s temperature Find one’s temperature
What is the English for “машина швидкої допомоги”? First aid car Emergency car Ambulatory car *Ambulance
What do we call the room where a doctor examines his patients? A doctor’s room A medical room *A consulting room An examination room
What is the English for “намацати пульс”? See one’s pulse Feel one’s pulse Take one’s pulse Check one’s pulse
What is the English for “Головний біль”? *headache stomachache toothache throatache
What is the English for “Біль у животі”? headache *stomachache toothache throatache
What is the English for “Зубний біль”? headache stomachache *toothache throatache
What is the English for “Біль у горлі”? headache stomachache toothache *throatache
What is the English for “Нежить”? Cold in the nose *Cold in the head Cold in the throat Cold in the ear
What is the English for “укол”? *injection anaesthesia filling cure
Breathing organs of a man are called … . nose *lungs throat mouth
If you sleep for a short time, you are taking a … . tap lap sap *nap
A kind of medicine having good effects on the body is called … . injection *tonic pill mixture
An instrument for measuring temperature is called … . stethoscope scalpel *thermometer syringe
In Ukraine, we use the … thermometer scale to measure a body’s temperature. Fahrenheit Reamur *Centigrade Exelweiss
A colored liquid used for writing with a pen is called … . pink *ink paint color
A person who practises medicine and treats people is called … . surgeon medical *doctor medic
The middle joint of the leg where leg bends is called … . elbow wrist foot *knee
The red liquid in the human body is called … . water lymph *blood tears
“He has ill manners” means that a person … . Has a serious illness Has a good education Is well-bred *Is ill-bred
I can’t speak louder, because I have caught a cold and have a … throat. bad aching painful *sore
The phrase “it will do you good” can be translated as: Це зробить вам добро Воно зробить вам добре *Це піде вам на користь Це не піде вам на користь
Roger promised to … smoking. Refuse Give on *Give up Admit
I was so tired that I … at once when I switched off the light. Went to sleep *Fell asleep Went to bed Went into sleep
The foot of the bed is the … part of the bed. upper lower front *end
I feel sick, my head … all the time. pains hurts *aches breaks
The doctor examined the boy and … a serious case of flu. found treated *diagnosed refused
Each move gave the patient … . ache *pain hurt painful
The boy decided to go … home at once. *_ to to the to his
What is the colloquial synonym of the word “imagine”? look *fancy invent think out
What is the bookish synonym of the word “to die”? *pass away go under kick the bucket join the majority
The time when a person may stay away from work because of illness is called … . Ill weekend Sick time Illness holiday *Sick leave
“Health center” is just another word for what we call … . hospital *policlinic surgery Hospital ward
“To have an extraction” is another way to say that a person had his … . Tooth filled Appendicitis taken away Tooth pulled out Injection made
The sight of old men is often getting … . down *dim up bad
How long is a fortnight? 40 days 4 days *2 weeks 140 days
The boy complains … a sore throat. for on _ *of
Unit 3. City
I was … by his sudden death. surprised astonished *struck puzzled
We were …by the contrasts between wealth and poverty in Delhi. surprised *astonished struck puzzled
Don’t worry about your exam anymore. Anyway it’s all … now. - *over up down
You …the books for a month. When will you return them? keep are keeping *have been keeping Had been keeping
Who …the game last week?   *won has won had won wins
Don’t come between 6 and 7. I…my friend at the station.   will meet *will be meeting will have met Would have met
He came up and saw how the workers…the bridge.   build *built building builded
The house is on fire! – Good heavens! I…the fire-brigade.   *shall call am going to call call called
Look! Nick …for his friend.   *is waiting waits are waiting waited
He went to…Central Asia last year.   a the *- an
My sister has music lessons twice a week, …she?   has hasn’t does *doesn’t
The man …a farmer.   am *is are will
…progress he has made is great.   a *the - those
  …honey is usually sweet.   a the *- an
Give me …book, please. It is there, on the table.   a *the - an
She has …watch of her own.   *a the - an
At the height of the season the roses smelled….     *good well goodly welly
Mary asked us not to leave without…   *her herself she hers
I have a cat; this cat is …   *mine my me minen
Until seventeen I … school. attend *attended attendance attending
Ok, now it’s all over now, so there’s nothing to worry … . of *about with for
Which of these doesn’t run in English streets? A red double-decker A coach A cab *A truck
Which of these doesn’t run in American streets? A coach A taxi *A lorry A motorcycle
I saw a mysterious stranger … the morning. of - *in till
I met her for the first time … a warm sunny morning last spring. in of *on -
I met her … the first time on a warm sunny morning last spring. *for - to in
I met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning … last spring. *- on in during
I’d like to have a …. of lemon with my tea.   Peace; Lump; *Slice; Peaces;
Give me a … of paper.   *Peace; Slice; Lump; Peaces;
I never put more then two… of sugar into my tea. Slice; Pease; *Lumps; Peace;
I need an alarm clock to wake me up … time. of *in for to
I need an alarm clock to wake me … in time. - on *up in
His visit was a surprise … me. *to for with on
“To puzzle” means: “to go on strike” “to strike a match” “to be filled suddenly with a strong feeling” *“to make a person think hard before finding an answer”
“strike” means: *an act or instance of striking to make a stroke or kick in swimming to come or cause to come into sudden or violent contact (with) to make an attack on
“to surprise” means: * to cause to feel amazement or wonder the act or an instance of surprising; the act of taking unawares a sudden or unexpected event, gift, etc
“to astonish” means: * to fill with amazement; surprise greatly the act or an instance of surprising; the act of taking unawares a sudden or unexpected event, gift, etc
“puzzle” means: a person or thing that puzzles to perplex or be perplexed to solve by mental effort *a toy, game, or question presenting a problem that requires skill or ingenuity for its solution
These flowers are … me, aren’t they? to *for with on
I don’t like the way you speak to me. *мені не подобається як ти говориш до мене; мені не подобається твій спосіб вести розмову; ти погано розмовляєш зі мною; мені подобаються розмови, які ти ведеш зі мною.
It was difficult for the students to make notes of his lecture. *студентам було важко записувати його лекцію; для студентів досить тяжко робити записи його лекцій; студенти не встигають записувати під час його лекцій; студентам не вдається зробити жодного запису на його лекціях.
It would be useful for him to give up smoking. *для нього було б корисно кинути курити; йому не слід курити; йому б не зашкодило перестати курити; йому вже час перестати курити.
Pick up the … of the broken cup and throw them out *pieces lumps slices bits
I always put only one ... of sugar into my tea. piece *lump slice bit
I always liked a … of spice in smoked meat. piece lump slice *bit
On the table there was a dish with thin … of bread. pieces lumps *slices bits
It won’t be … if he gets A, he’s a very bright boy. *surprise astonish Strike puzzle
His question … me. I didn’t know how to answer it. surprised astonished Struck *puzzled
I was … to meet him in town. I was sure he had not come back yet. *surprised astonished Struck puzzled
Complete the phrase: A … of butter piece *lump slice bit
Complete the phrase: A … of sugar piece *lump slice bit
Complete the phrase: A … of paper *piece lump slice bit
Complete the phrase: A … of lemon piece lump *slice bit
Complete the phrase: A … of spice piece lump slice *bit
1654 is a … year for Ukraine. *historic historical history story
“Taras Bulba” is a … film by director Volodymyr Bortko. historic *historical history story
To live … hand to mouth *from to for in
To live from hand … mouth from *to for in
To have a possibility … smth *for To In at
A funny … happened to him last year. History Event *Story Tale
That’s a pretty kettle of fish! – denotes the following: It’s a cool thing to have There is much fish in the kettle *What a funny story it is! I like this kettle
This book is … reading. while worthwhile worthy *worth
This tower clock ... the hours. beats *strikes hits sounds
Somebody … a match so that we could see each other. hit got *struck made
Unit 4. Meals
“To treat” means: *“to apply treatment to “valuable things that are found hidden” “a long and serious piece of writing on a particular subject” “a formal agreement between two or more countries”
“Food” means: *“anything that people eat” “collective term for breakfast” “a dish served at a meal” “a part of a meal served at one time”
“Course” means: “a kind of a jam made from orange” “to cook in an oven or over an open fire” “general term for anything, that people eat” *“any of the separate parts of a meal”
“To fry” means ; *“To cook in boiling fat “Is a dish served at a meal” “To cook by slow boiling in a closed pan with a little water” “is sliced bread made brown and crisp”
“To stew” means: *“to cook by slow boiling in a closed pan with little water” “Serious and often disapproving” “Is a dish of oatmeal or other meal” “is usually made by boiling fruit”
She will hardly be able to get over her fear of heavy traffic. This sentence means: *вона навряд чи зможе подолати свій страх перед інтенсивним рухом; вона ніколи не подолає свій страх перед інтенсивним рухом; вона не в змозі перебороти страх інтенсивного руху; їй не вдається перебороти страх інтенсивного руху.
Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came. This sentence means: *батько боявся, що мама може захворіти, якщо піде; батько хвилюється, що мама захворіє; батько хвилюється за маму, бо якщо вона піде, то захворіє; батько боявся, що захворіє, якщо мама не прийде вчасно.
He said we might be late if the bus didn’t come soon. This sentence means: *він сказав, що ми можемо запізнитися, якщо незабаром не прийде автобус; він сказав, що ми запізнюємося, тому що автобус ще нескоро прийде; він сказав, що ми запізнюємося, навіть якщо незабаром прийде автобус; він сказав, що ми запізнилися, тому що автобус приїхав невчасно.
It will never do to underline words in a library book. This sentence means: *не можна підкреслювати слова у бібліотечній книзі; суворо забороняється підкреслювати слова у бібліотечних книжках; неприпустимим є те, що ви підкреслюєте слова у бібліотечних книжках; за підкреслювання слів у бібліотечних книжках суворо карають.
It will never do to throw cigarette-ends on the floor. This sentence means: *не можна кидати недопалки на підлогу; не пристойно кидати залишки від сигарет на підлогу; не красиво кидати залишки від сигарет на підлогу; тут не дозволено кидати залишки від сигарет на підлогу.
At night I always keep my window open. This sentence means: *я завжди тримаю вікно відчиненим вночі вночі у мене вікна завжди відчинені; вночі у мене вікно завжди зачиненні; протягом цілої ночі я не зачиняю вікна.
Keep your feet warm or you’ll catch cold. This sentence means: *тримайте ноги у теплі інакше ви захворієте; щоб не захворіти ти повинен тримати ноги у теплі; тримаючи ноги у теплі ти ніколи не захворієш; щоб не хворіти потрібно вдягатися тепло.
We wish you…change you mind.   will *would can may
If you…the direction in the book, the jelly wouldn’t be such a mess.   follow *followed had followed follows
I am glad …my examination yesterday.   to pass *to have passed to be passing To be taking
.…you speak English?   *can may must is
He felt somebody…him.   watches *was watching is watching Will watch
The patient …on now.   is operating operates *is being operated Is operated
All pupils usually…text-books at school.   give *are given are being given Will have given
She …her exercise for 20 minutes by 8 o’clock.   wrote had written *had been writing Has been writing
When the bell…, the students left the classroom.   *rang has rung had rung rings
It must have been so exciting to go there! So you enjoyed … the journey, didn’t you? *- in of with
They are hardly ever… to go sightseeing. Might; *Able to; Would;


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