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Задание 2: Прокомментируйте решения переводчика при переводе следующих атрибутивных групп


1. DEA Headquarters – отдел по наркотикам

2. Network failure – потеря сети

3. Unidentified heat signature – неопознанный источник тепла

4. Baby change – комната матери и ребенка

5. Love life – личная жизнь

6. Department of Defense // Northeast Airspace Security – противовоздушная оборона северо-западного региона


Задание 3: В предложенном ниже отрывке текста найдите атрибутивные группы, переведите их и прокомментируйте свои переводческие решения.

Transistor Flow Control

(by Charles Q. Choi, www/sciam.com)

Researchers at the University of California have created nanoscale transistors that electrically control molecules… Much as 30-ton computers shrank over decades to microchip size, investigators are now miniaturizing labs to run millions of experiments simultaneously and dramatically speed DNA analysis… Prior attempts to control ions, however, showed that ions quickly migrated to channel walls and canceled out the voltage… After constructing 35-nanometer-high channel between two silica plates and filling it with potassium chloride saltwater, they demonstrated that… “…” remarks Stanford University biophysicist Stephen Quake… Currently the transistors work on femtoliter (10-15 liter) amounts of fluid or less, roughly one one-hundredth the volume of a red blood cell…



Антонимический перевод

Задание 1: Выполните предпереводческий анализ следующего текста. Переведите текст и произведите анализ примененных трансформаций.

Guidelines for MSc Projects with External Organisations

1. The project must have sufficient scope, depth and originality for the student to obtain results which will enable him/her to produce a thesis with a discussion and conclusion of an intellectual rigour which merit the award of an MSc of the University of London.

As a rule-of-thumb, the work should be worth publishing as a SPE paper.


2. The student’s work may be part of a larger project, but must contribute a discrete part of this to the extent that a well-rounded individual piece of work results.


3. If the student uses the work of others, this is acceptable to a level to be agreed with the supervisor, but must be acknowledged as such in the thesis.


4. When the project is highly specific to a particular problem, it is important that the student should make every effort to determine the wider implications of his/her work in the thesis.


5. When appropriate, the student should produce a separate report for the outside organisation in addition to the MSc thesis. This depends on the requirements of the outside body, which in some areas may find the MSc thesis acceptable.


6. Confidentiality. This is an important issue as ultimately the MSc thesis must be placed in the Imperial College library in the public domain.

Confidentiality must be discussed with the external organisation at the start of the project and an agreement obtained, which involves discussions with Professor A. C. Gringarten. There are many ways around this potential problem, which include withholding the thesis from the Imperial College library for up to two years.


7. Any financial implication of the work, particularly in terms of project costs, must be agreed at the start.



Задание 2: Данные предложения взяты из книг, художественных и мультипликационных фильмов. Для перевода этих предложений переводчики предпочли использовать антонимический перевод. Переведите, применяя антонимический перевод, и определите, является ли его применение факультативным или обязательным для каждого из этих случаев.


1. Keep looking up.

2. Don’t let me forget about the key.

3. The Chairman did not speak until he had heard all the arguments.

4. I will stay off.

5. Hurry up!

6. Keep up with him.

7. Have fun.

8. I mean it.

9. I will miss our conversations.

10. Cheer up.

11. Mind your head.

12. Don’t be silly.

13. The Turkey is destructed.

14. Keep off the grass.

15. Hold the line, please.

16. Throw the ball, easy.

17. No wonder why I did not want to go.

18. We are close now to the village.

19. Come back before dark.

20. Nothing changed in my hometown.

21. Stay away from me.

22. If you fail you will perish.

23. Stay there.

24. He was not affected by the play.

25. The rings were gone.

26. But he always knows how to make up for the lost time by taking it easy.

27. Technical difficulties.

28. You need a heart to live.

29. Exit only.

30. This is not an easy question.

31. Handle with care.

32. Keep the faith.

33. Pretty good.

34. That will be a glorious day!

35. «My most distinctive future» (тема сочинения)

36. I’m sure.

37. Have you forgotten your old enemy?

38. His wages are not high.

39. Shut the window to keep cold air out.

40. Keep foreign goods out.

41. Remember to switch off the TV.

42. It was not unusual for him.

43. He did not have much time at his disposal.

44. He was eager to start climbing.

45. Don’t stop moving!

46. Get out of my way!

47. Hold the fire!

48. I’m still alive.

49. I don’t care.

50. Just don’t let me catch you with your animals.

51. Stay close.

52. Stay away from any personal questions during the interview process.

53. God knows how to help this impious soul.

54. He looked all right.


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