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I. Identification and reproduction of intonation patterns

TEXT 1 (I / L)


Sally was nineteen years old. She had always lived with her parents, but now the time had come for her to go to university in another part of the country to study to be a doctor. Her mother was very sad about this, and she was also afraid, because she loved her daughter very much, and she thought, “My little girl will be alone for the first time in her life. She won’t know anybody. There will be nobody to look after her, and perhaps she will have trouble, or she will be very sad because she isn’t with us.”

Sally said goodbye to her father and to her cat, and promised to telephone every week. Then her mother took her to the university by train. When they said goodbye, her mother cried, and on the way back home she cried again.

Then every week Sally kept her promise and telephoned. They talked for several minutes, and Sally was always very happy and never said that she missed her parents. Her mother was not glad about this. She thought, “Perhaps she’s finding the university nicer than her home.”

But then some holidays were getting near. That week, when Sally telephoned her parents, she said, “The students who live here were talking yesterday evening, and they said, 'We're very happy that we're going to return home again soon for a few days.”

Sally’s mother was very glad that the students had said this. ”She must really miss us,” she thought. Then she said, “And did you say that too?”

“Oh, yes!” Sally answered. "We all said that it’s easy to speak to our parents on the telephone every week when we’re away, but we really miss our pets!”


CARD 1 (I / L)

I. Identification and reproduction of intonation patterns.

Read the following conversational context according to the intonation marks:

- ÈWhat are you Èdoing this ·after\noon, Jo/anne?

- I’m Ègoing \shopping. ÈWhat about \you?

- I Çdon’t \/know.

- Well, Èlet’s go ·shopping to\gether.

- \That’s a Çgood i/dea. I Èneed some Ènew \jeans.


II. Use of rhythmic structures.

A) Read the following utterances using the most suitable rhythmic patterns.

1. As strong as an ox.

2. It’s doing him a lot of good.


B) Read the following utterances according to the suggested rhythmic pattern.

1. We are thrilled you are coming at last. (2 stress-rhythm)

2. It is not very pleasant to go out today. (3 stress-rhythm)

III. Use of the pitch contours.

A) Use an appropriate contour to express a normal gratitude.

- If you change your mind and decide you want to go, the invitation is still open.

- Thank you very much.


B) Show a friendly attitude in the reply to the following question.

– Do you think I’ll everdo it?

– You’ll manage it all right.

IV. Auditory memory check.

Act out this piece of prose by analogy with the text “Sharing a Flat”.

Fast food certainly has some advantages. First of all, it should be quicker, and if you are pressed for time, and really hurrying, it’s nice to have a bite at a snack bar rather then staying hungry all day long. Also, fast food meals are filling, and that is quite an advantage.

TEXT 2 (I / L)

Derek was a little boy. He lived with his parents in a small house in a town. They did not have a big garden.

Derek liked animals very much. One day he said to his father, "I've got a little money, Daddy. Can I buy a pony, please?"

But his father answered, "No, Derek, we can't have a pony in the garden, because it's too small and we haven't got a field. People who keep ponies in small gardens without a field are unkind. Ponies need a lot of space."

Derek did not want to be unkind to a pony, so he did not ask his father again.

But then his father got a job in another place, and he and his family left their small house in the town and went and lived in a bigger house in the country. It had a nice garden and a field, and Derek was very happy.

There was a farm near their new house, and there were horses, cows and a few sheep there. Derek went to see them every day. He was five years old now, and he began to think of a pony again. "My birthday is next month," he thought. "Perhaps Daddy will buy me a pony then." After a little time, he began to talk about ponies to his parents again.

Then his birthday came. His parents gave him a few nice presents – but there was no pony. Derek was sad.

But then suddenly his Uncle Tom arrived. He was a farmer – and he had a big pony with him.

"Hello, Derek," Uncle Tom said, "Happy birthday. This is your birthday present from me and Aunt Mary."

Derek was a little afraid, because the pony was very big. He looked at it for a few minutes and then he said to his uncle, "Is he for me, or am I for him?"

CARD 2 (I / L)

I. Identification and reproduction of intonation patterns.

Read the following conversational context according to the intonation marks:

– Are you Èdoing ·anything this week/end?

\No, I don’t \think so. \Why?

/Well, we are Ègoing \camping ¦ by the \river near ÈWest \Bay. ÈWould you ·like to \come?

– Oh, I’d \/love ·to.

\Fine, Èsee you on \/Saturday ·then.

\Yes, \/bye.



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