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A)simile (6) b)epithet (3) c) detachment d)parenthesis

The Painted Veil

Ch 64-70

Ch 64 (p.225)

1.Learn the following expressions and translate them into Ukrainian:

taper– a long thin candle

sidle- walk in a shy or uncertain way

junk – a Chinese boat with a square sail and a flat bottom

loom– to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening or threatening way = маячити

lance [la:ns]- a weapon with a long wooden handle and a painted metal end that was used by people fighting on horses in the past

2.Use the information of the chapter to match an expression from A with the word (or expression) from B and the expression from C:

…here and there a group of men was washing her hands and face
…by the light of a taper a Chinese were eating an early meal
In a tea-house at a corner a woman was taking down the shutters of his shop

What function does the description of different people’s actions perform?

What situations are they used in?


3. Revise the expressive means and stylistic devices from the box and illustrate them with the examples given under the box:

1. Enumeration is a stylistic device by which separate things, objects, phenomena, properties, actions are named one by one so that they produce a chain to display some kind of semantic homogeneity, remote though it may seem. 2. Epithet is a stylistic device based on the interplay of emotive and logical meaning in an attributive word, phrase or even clause. It characterizes an object and points out to the reader some of the properties or features of the object with the aim of giving an individual perception and evaluation of these features or properties. 3. Metaphor (= transference of some quality from one object to another on the basis of similarity, real or imagined) 4. Repetition aims at logical emphasis to fix the attention of the reader on the key-word of the utterance 5. Simile (= comparison of two objects belonging to different classes)


-The grey, cold light…sidled along the narrow lanes like a thief.

-There was a pale mist on the river and the masts of the crowded junks loomed through it like the lances of a phantom army.


-She had sat at the window sooften and so long …

-…the fantastic, garish, beautiful and mysterious temple…


Ch 65Describe Walter’s burial.

Ch 66

1.Comment on the following:

a) (p.227) We haven’t sat here for ages.

b)(p.228) How should I know?

(p.228)Do you remember that beggar that we saw the first time you took for a walk?

c)(p.228)…he (beggar) looked as though he’d never been a human being.

(p.228)…Walter… looked like a machine that has run down.

d)(p. 228) It was a peaceful and a happy scene.

e)(p.228) They give up everything, their home, their country … …..everything And they do it … and prayer.

f)(p.229) …a place of exile. Life is a cross

g)(p. 229)The pictures they paint, the music they compose, the books they write, and the lives they lead.

Which of them is:

-a rhetorical question (= an utterance in the form of a question)?

-parallel construction (= identical, or similar, syntactical structure in two or more sentences or parts of a sentence in close succession)?

- hyperbole (= a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration of a feature essential to the object or phenomena)

- simile? / - epithet? / - metaphor? / - enumeration?

What is their stylistic value? What do they refer to?


2.What does Waddinton mean by saying:

-”Each member of the orchestra plays his own little instrument…”(p.229-230)

-“It is the Way and the Waygoer. …” (p.230)

-“He was in a very hysterical state…” (p. 231)

-“It’s the last line of Goldsmith’s Elegy” (p.232; 223)

Ch 67Describe the talk between Kitty and the Mother Superior? (p. 232 – 233)

Ch 68Put 10 questions to the chapter to organize its discussion. (p. 233 - 240).

Ch 69

Compare the first and the last paragraphs of the chapter. What do they show?

2. Read the extracts with the following sentences and comment on them:

-The sights of the wayside (=the area at the side of a road or path) served as a background to her thoughts (p. 241)

-The vivid scenes … were like an arras (гобелен, шпалера)… (p. 242)

-They had played important parts too (p. 243)

3. Which of them is:

a)simile (6) b)epithet (3) c) detachment d)parenthesis

e) question-in-the-narrative (is asked and answered by one and the same person, usually the author).

-as though in a stereoscope (p. 241) - inquisitive eyes ( p. 241)

- …a woman, old or young, …(p. 241) -…fantastic characters… (p.242)

-…populous (=where a large number of people live) cities like the cities in a missal (a book that contains the prayers) (p. 242)

- The vivid scenes … were like an arras (гобелен, шпалера)… (p. 242)

-Mei-tan-fu…was like the painted canvas… (p. 242) …her face.. was like a mask… (p.243)

- (an old woman…on a long black staff) (p.243) -… strange and unreal dance …(p.243)

-Was it a joke? Perhaps it was nothing.. (p. 2430 - … like a story (p.243)


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