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Маркиз Гвидобальдо дель Монте

Вскоре финансовое положение отца ухудшилось, и он оказался не в состоянии оплачивать далее обучение сына. Просьба освободить Галилея от платы (такое исключение делалось для самых способных студентов) была отклонена. Галилей вернулся во Флоренцию (1585), так и не получив учёной степени. К счастью, он успел обратить на себя внимание несколькими остроумными изобретениями (например, гидростатическими весами), благодаря чему познакомился с образованным и богатым любителем науки, маркизом Гвидобальдо дель Монте. Маркиз, в отличие от пизанских профессоров, сумел его правильно оценить. Уже тогда дель Монте говорил, что со времени Архимеда мир не видел такого гения, как Галилей[3]. Восхищённый необыкновенным талантом юноши, маркиз стал его другом и покровителем; он представил Галилея тосканскому герцогу Фердинанду I Медичи и ходатайствовал об оплачиваемой научной должности для него.

В 1589 году Галилей вернулся в Пизанский университет, теперь уже профессором математики. Там он начал проводить самостоятельные исследования по механике и математике. Правда, жалованье ему назначили минимальное: 60 скудо в год (профессор медицины получал 2000 скудо)[8]. В 1590 году Галилей написал трактат «О движении».

В 1592 году Галилей получил место в престижном и богатом Падуанском университете (Венецианская республика), где преподавал астрономию, механику и математику. По рекомендательному письму венецианского дожа университету можно судить о том, что научный авторитет Галилея уже в эти годы был чрезвычайно высок[


Galileo was born in 1564, in the Italian city of Pisa, the son of well-born but impoverished nobleman of Vincenzo Galilei, a famous lutenist and music theorist [3]. Full name: Galileo Galilei Galileo di Vincenzo Galilei (de Bonajuti. Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de ' Galilei). Representatives of the Galilean cited in documents since the 14th century. Several of his direct ancestors had priors (members of the ruling Council) of the Florentine Republic, and Galileo's great-great-grandfather, a famous doctor, also bearing the name of Galileo, in 1445, he was elected head of the Republic [4].

Vincenzo Galilei's family and Giulia Ammannati had six children, but managed to survive four: Galileo (the eldest child), daughters of Virginia, Libya and younger son Michelangelo, who later also became known as a composer and lute player. In 1572 by Vincenzo moved to Florence, the capital of the Duchy of Tuscany. The ruling dynasty of the Medici was known there, wide and continuous patronage of the arts and Sciences.

Galileo's little is known about his childhood. From an early age, the boy attracted to art; through life he that carried the love for music and drawing, which had owned in perfection. In later years the best artists of Florence – Cigoli, Bronzino, etc. -consulted with him about the perspective and composition; Cigoli even claimed that it is Galilee he owes his fame [5]. Under compositions of Galilee can be also found a remarkable literary talent.

Galileo received primary education at the nearby monastery of Vallombrosa Abbey. The boy loved learning and was one of the best students in the class. He weighed the opportunity to become a priest, but his father was against it.

Building of the University of Pisa (nowadays is A Normal School) in 1581, the 17-year-old Galileo at the insistence of his father he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. At the University he attended lectures by Galileo geometry (previously it was not mathematics) and so began this science that father became wary, however this has not stopped studying medicine [3].

Galileo was a student of less than three years; During this time he managed to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the works of ancient philosophers and mathematicians and teachers earned a reputation for unbridled sporŝika. Even then he felt himself entitled to have an opinion on the scientific issues, ignoring the traditional authorities [6].

Probably in this period he became acquainted with the theory of Copernicus [7]. Astronomical problems then vividly debated, especially since only that held calendar reform.

Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte Soon father's financial situation worsened, and he was unable to pay for further education. Please release the Galilee from Circuit Board (this exclusion was done for the most capable students) was rejected. Galileo returned to Florence (1585), and not having received a scientific degree. Fortunately, he managed to attract the attention of several witty inventions (e.g. hydrostatic scales), which was introduced to the educated and wealthy lover scientific, Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte. Marquess, unlike e. professors, was able to appreciate it properly. Even then, del Monte said that since Archimedes world seen such genius like Galileo [3].

Amazed by the extraordinary talent of young men, the Marquis became his friend and patron; He presented Galileo, Ferdinand I de ' Medici, Duke of the Chianti countryside, and applied for a paid scientific position for him.

In the year 1589 Galileo returned to the University of Pisa, now a Professor of mathematics. There he began to research in mechanics and mathematics. True, he had designated minimum salary: 60 scudo (Professor of Medicine received 2000 scudo) [8]. In 1590, Galileo wrote a treatise "on the move".

In 1592, Galileo received a place in the prestigious and wealthy University University (Republic of Venice), where he taught astronomy, mechanics and mathematics. The preferred letter Doge University you can judge what the scientific credibility of Galileo already during those years was extremely high.


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