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Helminthology and Arachnoentomology


101. Parents with ill child came to the infectionist. They worked in one of the Asian countries for a long time. Child has earthy colored skin, loss of appetite, laxity, enlarged liver, spleen, peripheral glands. What protozoan illness can this child have?

A. Visceral leishmaniasis

B. Amebiasis

C. Balantidiasis

D. Lambliasis

E. Toxoplasmosis

102. Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weakness, pain in the intestines, disorder of GIT. Examination of the feces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts should be hospitalized immediately. For what protozoa are such cysts typical?

A. Dysenteric amoeba

B. Lamblia

C. Balantidium

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

103. 2 weeks since the blood transfusion a recepient has developed fever. What protozoal disease can it be?

A. Malaria

B. Trypanosomiasis

C. Amebiasis

D. Toxoplasmosis

E. Leishmaniasis

104. A patient died 3 days after the operation because of perforated colon with the manifestations of diffuse purulent peritonitis. The autopsy demonstrated: colon mucos membrane was thickened and covered with a fibrin film, isolated ulcers penetrated into different depth. Results of histology: mucous membrane necrosis, leukocytes infiltration with hemorrhages focuses. The complication of what disease caused the patient's death?

A. Dysentery

B. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

C. Typhoid

D. Crohn's disease

E. Amebiasis

105. The examination of a foreigner revealed intestinal schistosomiasis. How could the patient be infected?

A. During river swimming

B. While eating fish

C. While eating meat

D. Through dirty hands

E. Through insects bites

106. A journalist’s body temperature has sharply increased in the morning three weeks after his mission in India, it was accompanied with shivering and bad headache. A few hours later the temperature decreased. The attacks began to repeat in a day. He was diagnosed with tropical malaria. What stage of development of Plasmodium is infective for anopheles-female?

A. Gametocytes

B. Sporozoites

C. Shizontes

D. Merozoites

E. Microgamete

107. Slime, blood and protozoa 30-200 microns of length have been revealed in a man's feces. The body is covered with cilia’s and has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed forward and wide round shaped back end. On the forward end a mouth is visible. In cytoplasm there are two nucleuses and two short vacuoles. For whom are the described attributes typical?

A. Balantidium

B. Lamblia

C. Intestinal amoeba

D. Trichomonas

E. Dysenteric amoeba

108. A businessman came to India from South America. On examination the physician found that the patient was suffering from sleeping-sickness. What was the way of invasion?

A. As a result of bug's bites

B. Through dirty hands

C. With contaminated fruits and vegetables

D. As a result of mosquito's bites

E. After contact with a sick dogs

109. A patient has been brought to the hospital with the complaints of headache, pain in left hypochondrium. He has been ill for 1,5 weeks. The sudden illness began with the increase of body temperature up to 39,90C. In 3 hours the temperature decreased and hydropoiesis began. The attacks repeat rhythmically in 48 hours. The patient had visited one an African country. The doctors have suspected malaria. What method of laboratory diagnostics is necessary to use?

A. Blood examination

B. Urine examination

C. Examination of vaginal and urethral discharge

D. Stool examination

E. Immunological tests

110. A duodenal content smear of a patient with indigestion contains protosoa 10-18 mcm large. They have piriform bodies, 4 pairs of filaments, two symmetrically located nuclei in the broadened part of body. What kind of the lowest organisms is it?

A. Lamblia

B. Balantidium

C. Intestinal ameba

D. Dysentery ameba

E. Trichomonas

111. Slime, blood and protozoa 30-200 microns long have been revealed in a man's feces. The body is covered with cilias and has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed anterior and wide round shaped posterior end. At the anterior end a mouth is visible. In cytoplasm there are two nucleui and two short vacuoles. What are the described features typical for?

A. Balantidium

B. Lamblia

C. Trichomonas

D. Dysenteric amoeba

E. Intestinal amoeba

112. A child complains of general weakness, loss of appetite, a troubled sleep, itching in the perianal area. The provisional diagnosis is enterobiasis. In order to specify this diagnosis it is necessary to perform:

A. Scraping from perianal folds

B. Duodenal contents analysis

C. Roentgenoscopy

D. Immune diagnostics

E. Biopsy of muscle tissue

113. A lymph node punctate of a patient with suspected protozoal disease was examined. Examination of the stained specimen (Romanovsky's stain) revealed some crescent bodies with pointed end, blue cytoplasm and red nucleus. What protozoan was revealed in the smears?

A. Trypanosomes

B. Viscerotropic leishmania

C. Toxoplasms

D. Malarial plasmodiums

E. Dermotropic leishmania

114. A patient has symptoms of inflammation of urogenital tracts. Examination of a vaginal smear revealed big monocellular, pear-shaped organisms with the pointed spike at the posterior end of body, big nucleus and undulating membrane. What protozoa were found in the smear?

A. Trichomonas vaginalis

B. Trichomonas hominis

C. Trichomonas buccalis

D. Trypanosoma gambiense

E. Lamblia intestinalis

115. A woman delivered a dead child with multiple developmental defects. What protozoan disease might have caused the intrauterine death?

A. Toxoplasmosis

B. Leishmaniasis

C. Malaria

D. Amebiasis

E. Lambliasis

116. A patient consulted an urologist about pain during urination. Analysis of his urine taken in the daytime revealed eggs with a characteristic sharp point. It is known from the anamnesis that the patient has recently returned from Australia. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Urogenital schistosomiasis

B. Intestinal schistosomiasis

C. Japanese schistosomiasis

D. Opisthorchiasis

E. Dicroceliasis

117. A patient working at a pig farm complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, liquid feces with admixtures of mucus and blood, headache, weakness, fever. Examination of large intestine revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to 1 cm large, feces contained oval unicellular organisms with cilia. What disease should be suspected?

A. Balantidiasis

B. Amebiasis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Lambliasis

E. Trichomoniasis

118. A gynaecologist was examining a patient and revealed symptoms of genital tract inflammation. A smear from vagina contains pyriform protozoa with a spine, flagella at their front; there is also an undulating membrane. What disease can be suspected?

A. Urogenital trichomoniasis

B. Lambliasis

C. Intestinal trichomoniasis

D. Toxoplasmosis

E. Balantidiasis

119. The examination of a patient showed that he had toxoplasmosis. Which material was used for diagnosing the disease?

A. Blood

B. Feces

C. Urine

D. Duodenal contents

E. Phlegm

120. A woman gave birth to a dead baby with a lot of failures of development. What protozoan disease could cause the fetus's death?

A. Toxoplasmosis.

B. Malaria

C. Amebiasis

D. Leishmaniasis

E. Giardiasis

121. A patient was taken to a hospital with complaints of general weakness, pain in bowels, indigestion. The feces examination revealed cysts with 4 nuclei. Which protozoan are these cysts most typical of?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Giardia intestinalis

C. Entamoeba coli

D. Balantidium coli

E. Entamoeba gingivalis

122. Mosquitoes bites caused appearance of ulcers on the human skin; the ulcers were observed under microscope. The ulcer's contents analysis revealed nonflagelated protozoans. What disease is this?

A. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

B. Visceral leishmaniasis

C. Malaria

D. Scabies

E. Myiasis

123. A patient complained of general weakness, bad appetite, and nausea. After the examination in the duodenal aspirates pear-shaped protozoans with 4 pairs of flagella and two nuclei were found. Which disease could the patient be ill with?

A. Giardiasis

B. Trichomoniasis

C. Leishmaniasis

D. Toxoplasmosis

E. Malaria.

124. In some regions of the world the cases of malaria became more frequent. What insect is a carrier of the agent of malaria?

A. Anopheles mosquito

B. Culex mosquito

C. Phlebotomus sandfly

D. Simulium black fly

E. Aedes mosquito

125. A patient consulted a doctor because of complaints of general weakness, pain in bowels, indigestion, frequent cases of bloody diarrhea (3 — 5 times a day). Laboratory analysis showed that the patient's feces contained vegetative forms of protozoans with an unstable body shape. Their cytoplasm contained food vacuoles with erythrocytes. What representative of Protozoa was found in the patient's feces?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Giardia intestinalis

C. Balantidium coli

D. Entamoeba coli

E. Trichomonas vaginalis

126. A patient with bile ducts inflammation was admitted to a gastrointestinal department. In the bile duct pear-shaped protozoans with 2 nuclei and 4 pairs of flagella were found. What protozoan disease did the patient have?

A. Giardiasis

B. Toxoplasmosis

C. Balantidiasis

D. Trichomoniasis

E. Amebiasis

127. A patient with attacks of wasting fever and the body temperature rising up to 40° C was admitted to an infectious department of a hospital. The attacks repeated rhythmically every 48 hours. It was known from anamnesis that the patient had recently returned from South Africa where he had been staying for 3 years. What was the causative organism of the disease?

A. Agent of three-days' malaria

B. Agent of Gambian trypanosomiasis

C. Agent of giardiasis

D. Agent of four-days' malaria

E. Agent of toxoplasmosis

128. Cysts with 8 nuclei were found in the feces examined through a microscope. Which protozoans did those cysts belong to?

A. Entamoeba coli

B. Balantidium coli

C. Giardia intestinalis

D. Trichomonas hominis

E. Toxoplasma gondii

129. Some antelopes were brought to the Kyiv zoo from Africa. Trypanosoma gambiense were found in their blood. Are these antelopes epidemically dangerous?

A. Are not epidemically dangerous to all

B. Dangerous to domestic animals and human

C. Dangerous only to human

D. Dangerous to other antelopes

E. Dangerous only to predators

130. Having returned from Turkmenia, a patient with ulcers on his face came to a doctor. The doctor diagnosed cutaneous leishmaniasis. How did the disease agent get into the patient's organism?

A. By the inoculable way

B. By the respiratory way

C. By a direct contact

D. By a sexual contact

E. By food

131. Cysts were found in the feces of a restaurant worker. They had 4 nuclei of the same size. Which of the protozoans did the cysts belong to?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Entamoeba coli

C. Balantidium coli

D. Trichomonas vaginalis

E. Toxoplasma gondii

132. During the examination of duodenal aspirates of a patient with indigestion pear-shaped protozoans measuring 10 — 18 micrometers with 4 pairs of flagella were found. On a large scale there were 2 symmetrically placed nuclei. Which of the protozoans parasitized within the patient's body?

A. Giardia intestinalis

B. Entamoeba coli

C. Entamoeba histolytica

D. Trichomonas hominis

E. Balantidium coli

133. A patient has typical symptoms of malaria: wasting fever, exhaustion. These attacks repeat after certain intervals of time. What stage of Plasmodium is in the patient's blood?

A. Merozoites

B. Ookinete

C. Oocysts

D. Sporozoites

E. Sporocysts

134. A doctor is staying in one of Asian countries taking care of 10-year-old sick children. The symptoms of the disease are: exhaustion, fever, anemia, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly, there are a lot of mosquitoes in this country, the children are likely to be sick with:

A. Visceral leishmaniasis

B. Balantidiasis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Giardiasis

E. Amebiasis

135. In the feces of a person ill with chronic colitis round cysts with 4 nuclei, 10 micrometers in diameter were found. Which of the protozoans do they belong to?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Entamoeba gingivalis

C. Entamoeba coli

D. Giardia intestinalis

E. Balantidium coli

136. A patient with a provisional diagnosis of liver abscess was delivered to surgical department of a hospital. The patient was staying in Ukraine. He had stomach disorder, indigestion, and frequent bloody diarrhea. The patient hadn't consulted a doctor before. Which protozoan illness could the patient be ill with?

A. Amebiasis

B. Malaria

C. Trypanosomiasis

D. Leishmaniasis.

E. Toxoplasmosis.

137. The parents of an ill boy have borne to consult an infectious disease doctor. The family has lived in an Asian country for a while, where there are a lot of mosquitoes. The boy's skin is of dark color. He has a bad appetite, malaise, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, and peripheral lymph nodes enlargement. Which protozoan illness are these symptoms typical of?

A. Visceral leishmaniasis

B. Giardiasis

C. Balantidiasis

D. Amebiasis

E. Toxoplasmosis

138. A female patient with symptoms of the inflammatory process of urogenital apparatus had large unicellular organisms observed in the vagina smear. The cell bodies of the organisms are pear-shaped with a pointed posterior part, a large nucleius, and an undulating membrane. What protozoans have been found in the smear?

A. Trichomonas vaginalis

B. Trichomonas hominis

C. Toxoplasma gondii

D. Trypanosoma gambiense

E. Giardia intestinalis

139. A woman who had two miscarriages came to a women's consultating centre. Which protozoan illness could provoke the miscarriages?

A. Toxoplasmosis

B. Balantidiasis

C. Trichomoniasis

D. Giardiasis

E. Amebiasis

140. During the examination of a patient a doctor found small ulcers with rough edges on the patient's skin. The patient had just returned from an Asian country where there were a lot of mosquitoes. What disease can be suspected?

A. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

B. Trypanosomiasis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Malaria

E. Scabies

141. In the woman's anamnesis there were two miscarriages. The third pregnancy ended in a birth of a baby with a lot of malformations (upper extremities were absent and lower extremities were underdeveloped). The presence of what protozoans in the woman's body could cause such abnormalities?

A. Toxoplasma gondii

B. Entamoeba histolytica

C. Giardia intestinalis

D. Balantidium coli

E. Trichomonas hominis

142. During the checkup of restaurant workers doctors often notice assymptomatic parasitosis: a totally healthy person is a carrier of cysts which infect other people. The parasitism of which parasites makes it possible?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Plasmodium vivax

C. Trypanosoma gambiense

D. Leishmania donovani

E. Leishmania infantum

143. Parents with ill child came to the doctor. They worked in one of the Asian countries for a long time. Child has earthy colored skin, loss of appetite, laxity, enlarged liver, spleen, peripheral glands. What protozoan illness can this child have?

A. Visceral leishmaniasis

B. Balantidiasis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Lambliasis

E. Amebiasis

144. In laboratory are feces with an impurity of blood of the patient with amoebic dysentery. What forms of Entamoeba histolytica can be revealed?

A. Cyst with 4 nuclei

B. Cyst with 2 nuclei

C. Eggs

D. Cyst with 6 nuclei

E. Cyst with 1 nuclei

145. Stool examination of the man is revealed cysts, which have 8 nuclei. Indicate what protozoa is finding on the patient?

A. Entamoeba сoli

B. Balantidium

C. Dysenteric amoeba

D. Trichomonas

E. Lamblia

146. In infectious hospital comes the patient with the complaints to an often-liquid stool and pain in the field of a stomach. Stool examination has revealed vegetative form of amoeba by size 15 microns without erythrocytes incorporations. Faces have placed in a refrigerator and in day 10 microns in diameter cysts have come. Everyone cyst had 4 nuclei. What kind of amoebas is the parasite of the patient?zx

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Balantidium

C. Lamblia

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

147. At the student, which has returned from Central Asia, on the face has appeared crimson papule. In 10 days papule has turned to ulcer. What protozoa disease can be suspected?

A. Skin leishmaniasis

B. Balantidiasis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Lambliasis

E. Amebiasis

148. The domestic fly transfers cysts of Giardia lamblia and Amoebae on their legs. What is the name of this host type?

A. Mechanical

B. Reservoir

C. Intermediate

D. Final

E. Speific

149. At the patient with pains in duodenum area and bilious bladder area in stool examination revealed 2-4 nuclear oval cysts by the size of 10-14 microns with an environment as a half moon. What protozoa disease is at the patient?

A. Lamblia

B. Balantidium

C. Entamoeba histolytica

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

150. In liquid feces pear-shaped protozoa 10-20 microns by the size are revealed. Protozoa have 5 flagella, move quickly. The undulating membrane and large nucleus are visible. The body comes to an end by axostyle. What protozoa is revealed?

A. Trichomonas hominis

B. Balantidium

C. Lamblia

D. Trichomonas vaginalis

E. Intestinal amoeba

151. Sick men has addressed to the doctor with symptoms of an inflammation of urogenital ways. In smear from vagina mucous oval-pear-shaped protozoa with axostyle on the end of a body, large nucleus and undulating membrane are revealed. Put the laboratory diagnosis.

A. Trichomoniasis

B. Balantidiasis

C. Lambliasis

D. Enterobiasis

E. Ascariasis

152. In hospital have brought the patient with the complaints to a headache, pain in left hypochondrium. He is sick for 1,5 weeks. The illness began sharply from increase of temperature of a body up to 39,90 C. In 3 hours has decreased and hydropoiesis began. The attacks repeat rhythmically in every 48 hours. The patient was at excursion in one of the African countries. The doctors have suspected malaria. What method of laboratory diagnosticss is necessary for using?

A. Blood examination

B. Immunological tests

C. Stool examination

D. Examination of vaginal and urethral discharge

E. Urine examination

153. In hospital have brought the patient with the complaints to a headache, pain in left hypochondrium. He is sick for 4,5 weeks. The illness began sharply from increase of temperature of a body up to 39,90 C. In 3 hours has decreased and hydropoiesis began. The attacks repeat rhythmically everyone 72 hours. The patient was at excursion in one of the African countries. The physician has suspected “malaria”. What kind of Plasmodium can be assumed?

A. Plasmodium malariae

B. Plasmodium falciparum

C. Plasmodium vivax

D. Plasmodium ovale

E. Plasmodium minuta

154. In blood smear of the patient with malaria is revealed Plasmodium malaria, which borrows almost all red blood cells. The pigment is seen. A nucleus is large. What stage of erythrocytic schizogony is revealed in a specimen?

A. Trophozoite

B. Merozoite

C. Sporozoite

D. Ring-shaped trophozoite

E. Oocyst

155. At the woman the dead child with infringements of development was born. What protozoa disease can cause destruction of a fetus?

A. Toxoplasma

B. Balantidium

C. Lamblia

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

156. At the three-year child temperature sharply has risen, have appeared pneumonia, diarrhea, increase of a liver and spleen. At the cat, which lived at the patient, some time ago the eyes are sick, and then she has lost sight. What disease can be assumed at the child?

A. Toxoplasma

B. Balantidium

C. Lamblia

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

157. The working woman of pig farm has addressed to the doctor with the complaints to a pain in a stomach, often stool with an impurity of blood and slime, reduction of appetite, loss of weight. What protozoa disease can cause such symptoms?

A. Balantidium

B. Toxoplasma

C. Lamblia

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

158. The man in feces has slime, blood, the protozoa 30-200 microns of length is revealed. The body is covered by cilias, has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed forward and wide round shaped back end. On the forward end mouth is visible. In cytoplasm are two nucleuses and two short vacuoles. For whom the described attributes are characteristic?

A. Balantidium

B. Lamblia

C. Dysenteric amoeba

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

159. At the sanitary – protozoa controls of waste water cysts of protozoa are revealed: round shaped cysts with a thick environment of the sizes 50-70 microns, cytoplasm is homogeneous, the large and small nuclei are well visible. What protozoa cysts are in waste water?

A. Balantidium

B. Lamblia

C. Dysenteric amoeba

D. Trichomonas

E. Intestinal amoeba

160. The patient has fever with double daily rise (39-400 C), the enlargement of the spleen and the liver. blood analysis revealed bad anaemia. What disease can be suspected in the patient?

A. Trypanosomiasis

B. Leishmaniasis

C. Giardiasis

D. Тrichomoniasis

E. amoebiasis

161. In three weeks after mission in India the journalist’s temperature of the body has sharply increased in the morning, being accompanied with shivering and bad headache. In some hours the temperature has decreased. The attacks began to repeat in a day. The diagnosis - tropical malaria was made. What stage of development of Plasmodium is infective for anopheles-female?

A. Gametocytes

B. Shizontes

C. Merozoites

D. Microgamete

E. Sporozoites

162. The child had vomiting, nausea and the pains in the right hypochondrium. In stool examination oval-shaped cysts (8-14 µm) with 2-4 nuclei have been found out. What disease can be suspected in the patient?

A. Giardiasis

B. amoebiasis

C. Тrichomoniasis

D. Trypanosomiasis

E. Leishmaniasis

163. To the patient the preliminary diagnosis of genitourinary trichomoniasis was made. For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary to:

A. Find out vegetative form in urethral discharge

B. Find out vegetative form in feces

C. Find out vegetative form in blood

D. Find out cysts in feces

E. Make serological tests

164. A woman gave birth to a child with fatal disorders of development. What protozoa might have been the cause of fetus death?

A. Toxoplasma gondii

B. Plasmodium vivax

C. Lamblia intestinalis

D. Leishmania donovani

E. Trichomonas vaginalis

165. In some regions of the world the cases of malaria became more frequent. What insect is a carrier of the agent of malaria?

A. Anopheles mosquito

B. Culex mosquito

C. Phlebotomus sandfly

D. Simulium black fly

E. Aedes mosquito

166. A patient with bile ducts inflammation was admitted to a gastrointestinal department. In the bile ducts the pear-shaped protozoans with 2 nuclei and 4 pairs of flagella were found. What protozoan disease did the patient have?

A. Giardiasis

B. Toxoplasmosis

C. Balantidiasis

D. Trichomoniasis

E. Amebiasis

167. A patient with attacks of wasting fever and the body temperature rising up to 40° C was admitted to an infectious department of a hospital. The attacks repeated rhythmically every 48 hours. It was known from anamnesis that the patient had recently returned from South Africa where he had been staying for 3 years. What was the causative organism of the disease?

A. Agent of three-days' malaria

B. Agent of Gambian trypanosomiasis

C. Agent of giardiasis

D. Agent of four-days' malaria

E. Agent of toxoplasmosis

168. Cysts with 8 nuclei were found in the feces examined through a microscope. Which protozoans did those cysts belong to?

A. Entamoeba coli

B. Balantidium coli

C. Giardia intestinalis

D. Trichomonas hominis

E. Toxoplasma gondii

169. Having returned from Turkmenia, a patient with ulcers on his face came to a doctor. The doctor diagnosed cutaneous leishmaniasis. How did the disease agent get into the patient's organism?

A. By the inoculable way

B. By the respiratory way

C. By a direct contact

D. By a sexual contact

E. By food

170. During the examination of duodenal aspirates of a patient with indigestion pear-shaped protozoans measuring 10 — 18 micrometers with 4 pairs of flagella were found. High power magnification shows 2 symmetrically placed nuclei. Which of the protozoan parasitized within the patient's body?

A. Giardia intestinalis

B. Entamoeba histolytica

C. Trichomonas hominis

D. . Entamoeba coli

E. Balantidium coli

171. A patient has typical symptoms of malaria: wasting fever, exhaustion. These attacks repeat after certain intervals of time. What stage of Plasmodium is in the patient's blood?

A. Merozoites

B. Ookinete

C. Oocysts

D. Sporozoites

E. Sporocysts

172. In the feces of a person ill with chronic colitis round cysts with 4 nuclei, 10 micrometers in diameter were found. Which of the protozoans do they belong to?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Entamoeba gingivalis

C. Entamoeba coli

D. Giardia intestinalis

E. Balantidium coli

173. A patient was taken to a hospital with complaints of general weakness, pain in bowels, indigestion. The feces examination revealed large cysts and vegetative forms of ciliated protozoa. Which protozoan are these features most typical of?

A. Balantidium coli

B. Giardia intestinalis

C. Entamoeba coli

D. Entamoeba gingivalis

E. Entamoeba histolytica

174. The feces examination of a patient was taken to a hospital revealed cysts with 8 nuclei. Which protozoan are these cysts most typical of?

A. Entamoeba coli

B. Giardia intestinalis

C. Balantidium coli

D. Entamoeba gingivalis

E. Entamoeba histolytica

175. Which host gives to parasite possibility of sexual maturation reaching?

A. Definitive host

B. The last one

C. Intermediate host

D. The first one

E. Additional host

176. Which form of Entamoeba histolytica is pathogenic in human being?

A. Forma magna

B. The last one

C. Forma minuta

D. The first one

E. Cyst

177. Which host carries larval parasitic stages?

A. Intermediate host

B. The last one

C. Definitive host

D. The first one

E. Additional host

178. Which stage of Balantidium coli is infective for humans?

A. Cyst

B. Forma minuta

C. Forma magna

D. The first one

E. The last one

179. A woman gave birth to a dead baby with a lot of failures of development. What protozoan disease could cause the fetus's death?

A. Toxoplasmosis

B. Malaria

C. Amebiasis

D. Leishmaniasis

E. Giardiasis

180. A woman who had two miscarriages came to a women's consulting centre. Which protozoan illness could provoke the miscarriages?

A. Trichomoniasis

B. Balantidiasis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Giardiasis

E. Amebiasis

181. In the woman's anamnesis there were two miscarriages. The third pregnancy ended in a birth of a baby with a lot of malformations (upper extremities were absent and lower extremities were underdeveloped). The presence of what protozoans in the woman's body could cause such abnormalities?

A. Toxoplasma gondii

B. Entamoeba histolytica

C. Giardia intestinalis

D. Balantidium coli

E. Trichomonas hominis

182. During the checkup of restaurant workers doctors often notice assymptomatic parasitosis: a totally healthy person is a carrier of cysts which infect other people. The parasitism of which parasites makes it possible?

A. Entamoeba histolytica

B. Plasmodium vivax

C. Trypanosoma gambiense

D. Leishmania donovani

E. Leishmania infantum

183. A malarial plasmodium (haemamoeba) - the pathogene of vivax malaria - has two strains: southern and northern. They differ by the duration of their incubation period: the southern has short and the northern - long one. What selection works in this case?

A. Cutting

B. Stabilizing

C. Artificial

D. Moving

E. Sexual

Helminthology and Arachnoentomology

184. A 10-year-old child complains of weakness, nausea, irritability. Helminthes of white color and 5-10 mm long were found on the underwear. On microscopy of the scrape from the perianal folds achromic ova of the unsymmetrical form were revealed. Indicate what helminth is parasiting on the child?

A. Enterobius vermicularis

B. Ancylostoma duodenalis

C. Trichuris

D. Ascaris lumbricoides

E. Trichina

185. Larvae were detected occasionally on the microscopic examination of the sputum of the patient with pneumonia. Eosinophiles were detected on the blood examination. What helminthiasis can be diagnosed?

A. Ascariasis

B. Enterobiosis

C. Opistorchis

D. Trichocephaliasis

E. Paragonimiasis

186. On autopsy of a still-born infant it is revealed heart development abnormalities: ventricles are not separated, originates from the right part single arterial trunk. For what class of vertebrate is such heart construction characteristic?

A. Amphibian

B. Birds

C. Reptiles

D. Mammals

E. Fishes

187. The guide of the scientific expedition in India was native who always was with his dog. What invasive diseases can be transmitted by the dog if it is the source of invasion?

A. Echinococcosis

B. Fascioliasis

C. Teniasis

D. Dicroceliasis

E. Paragonimiasis

188. During the examination of a patient with bleeding wounds the doctor found out that the tissue was damaged by maggots, there were local maturations. The diagnosis was obligate myiasis. The maggots of what insect caused the disease?

A. Blow fly (Musca Volfarti)

B. Stable fly

C. Filth (house) fly

D. Tsetse fly (Glossina)

E. Triatomic bug

189. A group of men applied to the doctor complaining of rising temperature, headache, swelling of face and eyelids, myalgia. From the history it became known that they all were hunters and they often ate meat of wild animals. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Trichinosis

B. Teniarrhinchosis

C. Teniasis

D. Cysticercosis

E. Filariasis

190. A patient with suspicion on epidemic typhus was admitted to the hospital. Some arachnids and insects have been found in his flat. Which of them may be a carrier of the pathogen of epidemic typhus?

A. Lice

B. Spiders

C. Houseflies

D. Bed-bugs

E. Cockroaches

191. A sick man with high temperature and a lot of tiny wounds on the body has been admitted to the hospital. Lice have been found in the folds of his clothing. What disease can be suspected in the patient?

A. Epidemic typhus

B. Scabies

C. Malaria

D. Plague

E. Tularemia

192. Microscopic examination of the sputum of a patient with pneumonia occasionally revealed some larvae. Eosinophiles were detected on blood examination. What helminthiasis can be diagnosed?

A. Ascariasis

B. Enterobiosis

C. Trichocephaliasis

D. Paragonimiasis

E. Opisthorchosis

193. According to the data of WHO, for about 250 mln of Earth population fall ill with malaria. This disease is mostly spread in tropical and subtropical regions. Range of its spread falls into the areal of the following mosquitoes:

A. Anopheles

B. Aedes

C. Mansonia

D. Culex

E. Culiseta

194. A patient complains of pain in the area of his liver. Duodenal intubation revealed yellowish, oval, narrowed at the poles eggs with an operculum at the end. Size of these eggs is the smallest among all helminth eggs. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Opisthorchosis

B. Beef tapeworm infection

C. Diphyllobothriasis

D. Echinococcosis

E. Teniasis

195. A female patient consulted a physician about digestive disorder, extended abdominal pain. Examination revealed drastic decrease in hemoglobin concentration. It is known from the anamnesis that while living in the Far East the patient used to eat freshly-salted caviar. Some relatives living with her had the similar condition. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Diphyllobothriasis

B. Echinococcosis

C. Teniasis

D. Trichiniasis

E. Ascaridiasis

196. During regular examination of schoolchildren it was revealed that a 10 year old girl had asymmetric oval eggs with a larva in the scrape from her perianal folds. What diagnosis should be made?

A. Enterobiasis

B. Ascariasis

C. Amebiasis

D. Trichocephalosis

E. Ankylostomiasis

197. Two days after consumption of smoked pork a patient got face and eye-lid edemata, gastrointestinal disturbances, abrupt temperature rise, muscle pain. Blood analysis showed full-blown eosinophilia. What helminth could the patient be infected with?

A. Trichina

B. Pinworm

C. Ascarid

D. Whipworm

E. Hookworm

198. A patient has acne on his face. Microspcopic examination of scrapings from the affected areas revealed living porrect vermiform arthropoda 0,2-0,5 mm large with four pairs of short extremities in the front part of their bodies. What is the laboratory diagnosis?

A. Demodicosis

B. Scabies

C. Myiasis

D. Pediculosis

E. Phthiriasis

199. A boy found a spider with the following morphological characteristics: it is 2 cm long, has roundish black abdomen with two rows of red spots on its dorsal side; four pairs of jointed limbs are covered with small black hairs. What arthropod is it?

A. Karakurt spider

B. Scorpion

C. Solpuga

D. Mite

E. Tarantula

200. In the perianal folds of a 5-year-old girl her mother has found some white "worms" that caused itch and anxiety in the child. The "worms" were sent to the laboratory. During examination the physician saw white filiform helminths 0,5-1 cm long, with pointed ends, some helminths had twisted ends. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Enterobiasis

B. Diphyllobothriasis

C. Teniasis

D. Ascaridiasis

E. Opisthorchiasis

201. A man has worked in an African country for 3 years. A month after his return to Ukraine he consulted an ophthalmologist and complained about eye ache, eyelid edema, lacrimation and temporary visual impairment. Underneath the eye conjunctiva the doctor revealed helminths 30-50 mm long with elongated filiform body. What diagnosis might be suspected?

A. Filariasis

B. Diphyllobothriasis

C. Ascaridiasis

D. Enterobiasis

E. Trichocephaliasis

202. A doctor revealed tissues injury on patient's scalp with localized suppurations and diagnosed his disease as myiasis. This infestation is caused by larvae of the following insect:

A. Wohlfahrtia fly

B. Kissing bug

C. Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)

D. Mosquito Anopheles

E. Mosquito Culex

203. A male patient has fever and enanthesis. As a result of the examination involving serological tests he has been diagnosed with fasciola hepatica. It was found out that the patient had been infected through raw river water. Which stage of fasciola life cycle is invasive for humans?

A. Adolescaria

B. Miracidium

C. Egg

D. Cysticercus

E. Metacercaria

204. A patient presents with acne and inflammatory alterations of facial skin. Microscopial investigation of lesion foci has revealed live arthropods sized 0,2-0,5 mm. They have prolate vermiform form and four pairs of thin short limbs located in the middle part of the body. The revealed arthropods cause:

A. Demodicosis

B. Pediculosis

C. Dermamyiasis

D. Scabies

E. Phthiriasis

205. During the microscopy of the scrape of the anal mucosa of a child assymmetric colorless eggs were found. Which helminth did those eggs belong to?

A. Enterobius vermicularis

B. Ancylostoma duodenale

C. Ascaris lumbricoides

D. D.Trichocephalus trichiurus

E. Hymenolepis nana

206. During the operation white helminths 40 mm long with a thin filiform anterior part of the body were found in the appendix. After the preliminarily examination of the patient's feces oval-shaped eggs with two prominent plugs on the poles were found. What helminth was found during the operation?

A. Trichocephalus trichiurus

B. Ancylostoma duodenale

C. Enterobius vermicularis

D. Ascaris lumbricoides

E. Strongyloides stercoralis

207. It is well known that some of the helminths at the larval stage parasitize in the muscles of fish. What helminthosis may a person get if he eats raw fish?

A. Diphyllobothriasis

B. Taeniasis

C. Enterobiasis

D. Trichinosis

E. Ascariasis

208. A helminth 2 m long was found in the feces of a patient after drug treatment. The helminth's body consist of segments, has a little head with hooks and four suckers. Which helminth did the patient have?

A. Taenia solium

B. Taenia saginata

C. Hymenolepis nana

D. Echinococcus granulosus

E. Diphillobothrium latum

209. A worker of a live-stock farm was made a provisional diagnosis of echinococcosis. The diagnosis was confirmed during a surgery. From what animal could the patient get the disease?

A. A dog

B. A sheep

C. A pig

D. A rabbit

E. A caw

210. A patient has severe indigestion. Ripe and immovable segments of a tapeworm are found in his feces; the uterus of each of them has 7—12 lateral branches. Which helminth does the patient have?

A. Taenia solium

B. Diphyllobothrium latum

C. Taenia saginata

D. Hymenolepis nana

E. Echinococcus granulosus

211. After the dissection of a woman's pad body larvae of helminths — cysticercus were found in the tissue of the brain. Which helminth did the larvae belong to?

A. Taenia solium

B. Alveococcus multilocularis

C. Taenia saginata

D. Echinococcus granulosus

E. Hymenolepis nana

212. A 35-year-old man came to a doctor complaining of epigastric pain. As it appeared, the patient was fond of fishing and often ate raw fish. Eggs of helminths were found in the patient's feces. The eggs were dark and oval-shaped with an operculum on one of the poles, 30x15 micrometers in size. Which helminthosis did the patient have?

A. Opisthorchiasis

B. Paragonimiasis

C. Fascioliasis

D. Schistosomiasis

E. Ancylostomiasis

213. A woman came to a doctor complaining of general weakness, epigastic pain, indigestion. After the examination of the patient anemia connected with vitamin B12 deficiency was found. It was known from anamnesis that living in the Far East she used to eat caviar. Laboratory analysis showed that the feces contained eggs of helminth which were oval-shaped, yellow, and had an operculum on one of the poles. What disease did the patient have?

A. Diphyllobothriasis

B. Taeniasis

C. Echinococcosis

D. Trichinosis

E. Ascariasis

214. A child doesn't sleep well; sometimes he scratches the area around the anus. After the examination of the child's nightwear white filiform helminths 1 cm long were found. During the microscopic examination of a 1 specimen from perianal folds of the child small ovoid asymmetrical colourless eggs were observed. What is the helminth, which parasitizes in the child's organism, called?

A. Enterobius vermicularis

B. Ascaris lumhricoides

C. Strongyloides stercoralis

D. Trichinella spiralis

E. Trichocephalus trichiurus

215. Fragments of a helminth were found in the feces of a patient after drug treatment. These fragments had a tape-like segmented structure. The width of the segments exceeded their length. In the centre of the segment there was a rosette-shaped uterus. Which helminth did the patient have?

A. Diphyllobothrium latum

B. Taenia solium

C. Taenia saginata

D. D.Alveococcus multilocularis

E. Hymenolepis nana

216. A sick child had recurrent diarrhea, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting. Once after the child's vomiting his mother found a spindle-shaped helminth 20 cm long. Which disease could cause such a condition?

A. Ascariasis

B. Trichuriasis

C. Ancylostomiasis

D. Dracunculiasis

E. Trichinosis

217. A microscopy revealed yellow-brown knobby-coated eggs of helminths with a thick wall in the feces of a schoolboy. Which helminth did the eggs belong to?

A. Ascaris lumhricoides

B. Trichocephalus trichiurus

C. Enterobius vermicularis

D. Hymenolepis nana

E. Diphyllobothrium latum

218. A mother of a 5-year-old girl found filiform helminths 0.5 — 1 cm long with sharp tips on the child's nightwear. She brought them to a laboratory. Which disease did these parasites cause?

A. Enterobiasis

B. Ascariasis

C. Diphyllobothriasis

D. Taeniasis

E. Opisthorchiasis

219. The treatment of a patient with pneumonia didn't relieve his condition. He began complaining of stomachache, vomiting, indigestion, worsening of his general state. The analysis of the feces revealed oval-shaped helminth's eggs covered with a thick tuberculate envelope. What diagnosis can be made basing on the above mentioned data?

A. Ascariasis

B. Fascioliasis

C. Trichuriasis

D. Diphyllobothriasis

E. Enterobiasis

220. A patient with the preliminary diagnosis of trichinosis was admitted to a hospital. Consuming of what food could cause that disease?

A. Pork

B. Beef

C. Fish

D. Crayfish

E. Crab

221. A woman came to a doctor complaining of indigestion. In her feces flat white moving segments constantly appeared. Laboratory examination revealed that they were long, narrow proglottids with a longitudinal canal of the uterus which had 17 — 35 lateral branches on each side. Which of the helminths did the woman have in her intestines?

A. Taenia saginata

B. Hymenolepis nana

C. Taenia solium

D. Diphyllobothrium latum

E. Echinococcus granulosus

222. A hunter drank raw water from a pond. Which of helminthosis may the man get?

A. Fascioliasis

B. Opisthorchiasis

C. Paragonimiasis

D. Clonorchiasis

E. Taeniasis

223. During the checkup of school girls colorless asymmetric oval eggs with larvae inside were found in the scrape bf perianal folds of a 10-year-old girl. What disease does it indicate?

A. Enterobiasis

B. Amebiasis

C. Ascariasis

D. Trichuriasis

E. Ancylostomiasis

224. A 35-year-old man was taken to the hospital. He failed to see with one of his eyes. It was known from anamnesis that he used to eat pork. After the radiologic examination and serologic findings he was diagnosed with cysticercosis. What helminth is an agent of cysticercosis?

A. Taenia solium

B. Taenia saginata

C. Trichocephalus trichiurus

D. Trichinella spiralis

E. Diphyllobothrium latum

225. A patient came to a doctor complaining of general weakness and indigestion. He brought segments of a tape worm found on his bedclothes. Which of the helminths did the patient have?

A. Taenia saginata

B. Hymenolepis nana

C. Taenia solium

D. Diphyllobothrium latum

E. Echinococcus granulosus

226. A patient came to a doctor complaining of allergy and epigastric pain. Oval-shaped, yellow eggs measuring 135x80 micrometers with an operculum on one of the poles were found in the feces during the stool examinations. What disease did the patient have?

A. Fascioliasis

B. Taeniasis

C. Opisthorchiasis

D. Diphyllobothriasis

E. Echinococcosis

227. During the examination a patient was diagnosed with opisthorchiasis. With what food could the patient get the agent of opisthorchiasis?

A. Undercooked fish

B. Cysticercosis beef

C. Dirty vegetables

D. Cysticercosis pork

E. Dirty fruit

228. A patient, who came to Ukraine from Australia, consulted a doctor complaining of pain during urination. The analysis of his day urine specimens revealed large terminally spined eggs. What helminth did the patient have?

A. Schistosoma haematobium

B. Opisthorchis felineus

C. Schistosoma mansoni

D. Schistosoma japonicum

E. Dicrocoelium lanceatum

229. During the examination of a man who has recently come back from Africa schistosomiasis is diagnosed. How could the pathogenic organism penetrate into the organism of the patient?

A. While swimming in the river

B. While eating pork

C. While eating fish

D. Through dirty hands

E. In case of mosquitos' bites

230. A tourist who was staying in Eastern Asia had been hospitalized to a therapeutic department with suspected pneumonia. During the examination of the patient's sputum and feces the eggs of Paragonimus ringeri were found. With what food could the patient get the pathogenic organism?

A. Undercooked crabs

B. Unboiled water

C. Undercooked fish

D. Undercooked pork

E. Dirty fruit and vegetables

231. Larvae of roundworms (Nematoda) have been found in the sputum of a patient with the provisional diagnosis of pneumonia. What species of the roundworm is this?

A. Ascaris lumbricoides

B. Fasciola hepatica

C. Paragonimus ringeri

D. Taenia solium

E. Echinococcus granulosus

232. A patient came to a stomatological department complaining of pain in the chewing muscles. It was known from anamnesis that he was fond of hunting and often ate meat of wild animals. The encysted larva of what parasite was found in the result of muscle biopsy of the patient?

A. Trichinella spiralis

B. Ancylostoma duodenale

C. Taenia solium

D. Dracunculus medinensis

E. Wuchereria bancrofti

233. Grey insects measuring 1 —1.2 mm with a short wide body covered with setae were observed on the pubis of some boys during the medical check up. What insects were these?

A. Phthirus pubis

B. Sarcoptes scabiei

C. Pulex irritans

D. Pediculus humanus capitis

E. Cimex lectularius

234. Grey arthropods measuring 3 mm in length with three pairs of legs were found on a patient's head. The arthropods had deep incisures on each side of the body. What arthropods did the patient have?

A. Pediculus humanus capitis

B. Sarcoptes scabiei

C. Pulex irritans

D. Cimex lectularius

E. Phthirus pubis

235. Patient with itched rash between fingers and on abdomen came to the doctor. After microscopic examination of his rash small roundish haired arthropods without eyes were found. What disease may be diagnosed?

A. Scabies

B. Ichtiosis

C. Demodicosis

D. Pediculosis capitis

E. Pediculosis pubis

236. A child complained of itching in the occipital and temporal parts of the head. After the examination of his head surface ulcers on the head skin and white nits on the hair were found. What arthropod was parasitizing on the child's head?

A. Body louse

B. Wohlfahrtia fly

C. Human flea

D. Head louse

E. Crab louse

237. А patient came to а dеrmаtоlоgist complaining of rashes which appeared on his body and legs skin surface. After their flat’ sanitary-hygienic control black roundish insects about 8 mm long were revealed which feeds on patient’ blood and cause rashes. What animal infected the patient?

A. Bed bug

B. Follicle mite

C. Itch mite

D. Human flеа

E. Wohlfahrtia fly

238. А patient came to а dеrmаtоlоgist complaining of ulcers which appeared on his face and neck skin surface. After the laboratory examil1ation of the ulcers immobile parasitic arachnids were found. What animal infected the patient?

A. Follicle mite

B. Itch mite

C. Human flеа

D. Bed bug

E. Wohlfahrtia fly

239. A patient came to a doctor with complaints of itchy skin especially between the fingers and at the bottom of his abdomen. Sinuous passages with disseminations on their ends were found on the patient's skin. What disease did these symptoms point out?

A. Scabies

B. Pediculosis

C. Toxoplasmosis

D. Malaria

E. Myiasis

240. A patient came to a doctor complaining of itching between the fingers and on the abdomen, which intensified at night. After the examination of his skin rash and thin grey stripes were found. What pathogenic organism could produce such symptoms?

A. Sarcoptes scabiei

B. Ixodes ricinus

C. Ornithodoros papillipes

D. Dermacentor pictus

E. Ixodes persulcatus

241. A 40-year-old man who in a pisewalled house came to a laboratory. He found dark-grey arthropods with a long oval body and a somewhat pointed front end in the wall chink. The mouth apparatus of the arthropod were placed in the notch of the abdomen surface. The arthropod had 4 pairs of ambulatory legs, the sexual opening was placed at the level of the first pair of legs. What arthropod is it?

A. Ornithodoros papillipes

B. Ixodes ricinus

C. Ixodes persulcatus

D. Sarcoptes scabiei

E. Dermacentor nuttalli

242. A man lives in the area of dermal leishmaniasis distribution. He hasn't been inoculated against this disease because of his having contraindication against it. What insects' bites should this man avoid?

A. Sand flies

B. Mosquitoes

C. Fleas

D. Gadflies

E. Stable flies

243. Old patient came to а dеrmаtоlоgist complaining of subcutaneous furunculoid and boil-like lesions. In these lesions white undeveloped creatures were found. What animal infected the patient?

A. Wohlfahrtia fly

B. Follicle mite

C. Itch mite

D. Human flеа

E. Bed bug

244. Which of the animals enumerated are parasites?

A. Echlnococcus granulosus

B. Planaria alba

C. Domestic fly

D. Euglena viridis

E. Entamoeba coli

245. A hunter drank raw water from a pond. Which of helminthosis may the man get?

A. Fascioliasis

B. Opisthorchiasis

C. Paragonimiasis

D. Clonorchiasis

E. Taeniasis

246. During the examination a patient was diagnosed with opisthorchiasis. With what food could the patient get the agent of opisthorchiasis?

A. Undercooked fish

B. Cysticercosis beef

C. Dirty vegetables

D. Cysticercosis pork

E. Dirty fruit

247. What type of host are human beings for Fasciola hepatica?

A. Definitive

B. Intermediate

C. Panxenous

D. Monoxenous

E. Reserve

248. What type of host are human beings for Opisthorhis felineus?

A. Definitive

B. Intermediate

C. Panxenous

D. Monoxenous

E. Reserve

249. A helminth 10 m long was found in the feces of a patient after drug treatment. The helminth's body consists segments, has a little head with suckers. Which helminth did the patient have?

A. Taenia saginata

B. Taenia solium

C. Hymenolepis nana

D. Ehinococcus granulosus

E. Diphyllobothrium latum

250. What host for Himenolepis nana human is?

A. Both definitive and intermediate

B. Definitive

C. Intermediate

D. Reservoir

E. First

251. What is the first intermediate host for Difillobotrium latum?

A. Crustaceans

B. Fish

C. Snail

D. Human

E. Bear

252. What is the source of broad tapeworm ingestion for humans?

A. Fish

B. Water

C. It passes with the contaminated hands

D. Pork

E. Beef

253. What host are human beings for E. granulosus?

A. Intermediate

B. First

C. Last

D. Definitive

E. Reservoirs

254. Which of helminthes listed below can have both parasitic and free-living stages in the lifecycle?

A. Strongyloides stercoralis

B. Ancylostoma duodenale

C. Dracunculus medinensis

D. Trichinella spiralis

E. Wuchereria bancrofti

255. How human mostly can be infected by guinea worm? Choose among answers a most qualified one:

A. By consuming a copepods infected by larvae with contaminated water

B. By drinking a contaminated water

C. By eating the fish with larvae

D. By consuming a copepods infected by larvae

E. By eggs in air passage

256. What vectors are responsible for the lymphatic filariasis?

A. Mosquitoes

B. Blackflies

C. Deerflies

D. Ticks

E. Midges

257. Which forms of Strongiloides are infective for human being? Among answers choose most qualified one:

A. Filarieform larva in the environment

B. Rhabditiform larva

C. Adult worm

D. Cysts

E. Eggs

258. During the checkup of school girls colorless asymmetric oval eggs with larvae inside were found in the scrape of perianal folds of a 10-year-old girl. What disease does it indicate?

A. Enterobiasis

B. Amebiasis

C. Ascariasis

D. Trichuriasis

E. Ancylostomiasis

259. Global heating leads to increasing of tropical animals’ areas. Which of them are now present in the temperate zone?

A. Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus

B. Simulium fly

C. Glossina fly

D. Lycosa tarantula

E. Dracunculus medinensis

260. Patient with brain envelops inflammation was delivered to the hospital located in field-forest zone. It was known this patient like hunting and sometimes eliminate from his body some ticks. Can you suppose which arthropods have carried disease to this patient?

A. Ixodidae tick

B. Argasidae tick

C. Demodex folliculorum

D. Demodex brevis

E. Sarcoptes scabiei

261. Living in the slum dwelling in Primorskoe recreation department at the sea students found after they waked up in the morning some tick on the body of their friend. Can you suppose which arthropod it was?

A. Argasidae tick

B. Ixodidae tick

C. Demodex folliculorum

D. Demodex brevis

E. Sarcoptes scabiei

262. Single lady came to the doctor with her dog complaining of itching, inflammation of facial skin, ruseola. After skin microscopic examination elongated mites without legs and eyes were revealed in lady skin. What disease may be diagnosed in this case?

A. Demodicosis

B. Ichtiosis

C. Scabies

D. Pediculosis capitis

E. Pediculosis pubis

263. What amimals can transmit demodicosis to humans?

A. Dogs

B. Anopheles mosquito

C. Glossina palpalis

D. Black fly

E. Musca domestica

264. What diseases are transmitted to humans by Anopheles mosquito?

A. Malaria

B. Trench fever

C. Dirofilariosis

D. Lymphatic filariasis

E. Subcutaneous filariasis

265. What diseases are transmitted to humans by Aedes and Culex mosquitoes?

A. Lymphatic filariasis

B. Trench fever

C. Malaria

D. Dirofilariosis

E. Subcutaneous filariasis

266. What disease is transmitted to humans by deer fly?

A. Loaosis

B. Onchocerciasis

C. Dirofilariosis

D. Elefantiasis

E. Lymphatic filariasis

267. What is endoparasite?

A. Organism living in the host

B. Organism living on the host

C. Organism living with the host

D. Free-living individual

E. Organism living near the host

268. What is ectoparasite?

A. Organism living on the host

B. Organism living in the host

C. Organism living with the host

D. Free-living individual

E. Organism living near the host

269. What is constant parasite?

A. Organism parasitizing on the other organism whole life

B. Organism parasitizing on the other organism

C. Organism living with the host

D. Free-living individual

E. Organism living near the host

270. After the examination a patient was diagnosed with tickborne relapsing fever. How was he infected?

A. By means of a soft tick's bite

B. By means of an itch mite's bite

C. By means of a hard tick's bite

D. By means of a housefly mite's bite

E. By means of a dog tick's bite

271. After the examination а patient was diagnosed with Russian spring-summer encephalitis. How was the patient infected?

A. By mеаns of а hard tick's bite

B. By means of аn itch mite's bite

C. By means of а malaria mosquito's bite

D. By means of а soft tick's bite

E. By means of а sand fly's bite

272. Small people populations the quantity of which does not exceed 1500 – 4000 individuals are named:

A. Demes

B. Isolates

C. Ideal population

D. Opened population

E. Closed population

273. What


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