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Упражнение №1. Вставьте “if” или “when”

Контрольная работа

По английскому языку


(для студентов заочного отделения)


I.Обзор грамматических времен: Present Perfect и Past Simple.

Упражнение №1. Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся со слов: Have you ever…

1. Have you ever been to Paris? – No, never.

2. Have you ever played golf? – Yes, many times.

3. Have you ever been to Australia? – No, never.

4. Have you ever lost your passport? – Yes, once.

5. Have you ever slept in a park? – No, never.

6. Have you ever eaten the Chinese food? - Yes, a few times.

7. Have you ever been to New York? – Yes, twice.

8. Have you ever won a lot of money? – No, never.

9. Have you ever broken your leg? – Yes, once.

Упражнение №2. Ответьте на вопросы. Используйте слова в скобках и for или ago. (Дайте полные ответы).

1. When did he arrive in London? – He arrived in London four days ago.

2. How long has she been in London? – She has been in London for four days.

3. How long have they been married? - They have been married for 20 years.

4. When did they get married? - They married 20 years ago.

5. When did John arrive? - John arrived ten minutes ago.

6. When did you buy these shoes? - I bought these shoes two months ago.

7. How long has she been in Moscow? - She has been in Moscow for two month.

8. How long have you known Jane? - I have known Jane a long time ago.

9. What time did you have lunch? - I had lunch at an hour.

Упражнение №3. Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect (I have done) или в Past Simple (I did)

1. My friend is a writer. She has written many books.

2. We didn’t have a holyday last year.

3. Did you see Alan last week?

4. I have played tennis yesterday afternoon.

5. What time you went to bed last night?


7. My hair is clean. I did wash it.

8. I have washed my hair before breakfast this morning.

9. When I was a child I didn't like sport.

10. Ann loves travelling. She did visit many countries.

11. John works in a bookshop. He has worked there for three years.

12. Last year we have gone to Finland, for a holiday.

We have stayed there for three days.

II. Modal Verbs. Модальные глаголы.

Упражнение №1. Закончите предложение, использовав can или can’t и один из следующих глаголов:

Come; find; hear; see; speak.

1. I’m sorry, but we can’t come to your party next Saturday.

2. She got the job because she can speak five languages.

3. You are speaking very quietly. I can’t hear you.

4. Have you seen my bag? I can’t find it.

5. I like this hotel room. You can see the mountains from the window.


Упражнение №2. Напишите предложения, используя “may”.

1. I may go to the cinema.

2. Kay may be late.

3. It may show today.

4. I may see Tom tomorrow.

5. I may wear my new jeans.

Напишите отрицательные предложения

6. They may not come.

7. I may not go out tonight.


Упражнение №3. Закончите предложения. Используйте must и один из следующих глаголов:

be; buy; go; help; hurry; learn; meet; phone; read; wash; win;

1. We must go to the bank today. We haven’t got any money.

2. I must hurry. I haven’t got much time.

3. She’s a very interesting person. You must meet her.

4. I forgot to phone Dave last night. I must phone him today.

5. You must learn to drive. It’s very useful.

6. This is an excellent book. You must read her.

7. We must buy some food. We've got nothing for dinner.

8. My hair is dirty. I must wash it.

9. I must go to the post office. I need some stamps.

10. I have a big problem. You must help me.

11. The game tomorrow is very important for us. We must win.

12. You can’t always have things immediately. You must be patient.


Упражнение №4. Вставьте “must” или “had to”.

1. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

2. The windows are very dirty. I must clean them.

3. The windows were very dirty yesterday. I had to clean them.

4. I must get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

5. Come on! We must hurry. We haven't got much time.

6. We arrived home very late last night. We had to wait half an hour for a taxi

7. These cakes a very nice. You must have one.

8. Ann came to the party but she didn't stay very long. She had to leave early.

9. He didn't know how to use the machine. I had to show him.

10. I was nearly late for my appointment this morning. I had to run to get there on time.


III. Придаточные предложения времени и условия.

Упражнение №1. Вставьте “if” или “when”.

1. If I’m late this morning, don’t wait for me.

2. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’ll phone you.

3. Do you mind when I close the window?

4. When I get up in the morning, I usually drink a cup of coffee.

5. Have something to eat. If you don’t eat now, you’ll be hungry later.

6. John is still at school. When he leaves school, he wants to go to university.

7. Be careful, If you aren’t careful, you’ll fall.



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