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Approaches to the intonation study. Functions of intonation. Stylistic use of intonation.

The music of a l-ge. Is very imp-t, cause it may effect the meaning. How we say. The segments of spoken l-ge are v-s & c-s – produce syl-s, w-s, s-ces – the verbal aspect of speech. We articulate them, a voise effect, extending over more than 1 segment – suprasegmental analysis. I-n – a complex unity of non-seg-l or prosodic features of speech (do not exist in isolation). Term prosody (acoustic properties of the speech, the el-s of pr-dy are derived from the acoustic ch-s of speechis wider than in-n: just the changes in the pitch.


Approaches: 1) contour analysis (H.Sweet, D.Jones, Palmer, J.O’Conner; the smallest unit to which ling-c meaning can be attached is a tone-group (sense-group), based: in-n consists of basic functional blocks; traditional & widely used); 2) gram-l (Halliday; the main unit of I-n – clause; based on syntactical f-n of in-n; tied with gram.categories: tonality – marks the b-g & the end of a tone group; tonicity – marks the focal point of an in-n group; tones – may be primary or sec-ry; 3) functional (O’Conner, Alexander; based on discovering the links of the voice of the speeker – his attitude); 4) contextual (D.Brazil, Barbara Bradford; context.signif-ce of I-n, meanings are like surprise, irony are features of particular context, major components – prom-ce, tone, key (pitch levels)-high\low key inf-n, termination (result).

Functions of I-n: 1) emotional; 2) grammatical (iden-n of clauses, disj,q-ns); 3) inform-al (what is new, what is already known); 4) textual (paragraghs of I-n on radio; 5) psychological (to organize l-ge into unites – more easily perceived & memorized; 6) indexical (markers of a personal identity, belonging to dif-t occupations & social groups.

Stylistic use of int-n.Style – different manner of non-verbal expression. The choice of a speech style is situationally determined. Any act of verb.com-n is changed by certain int-nal peculiarities which depend on such extra-ling-c factors (effect the situation) as: 1) the purpose of com-n; 2) social setting of curc-s; 3) social identity of the speeker; 4) individual speech habits; 5) em-nal state of the speeker. An int-l style – a s-m of interrelated int-nal means, which is used in a certain social spere and serves the def-te aim of com-n.

Clas-n by Sh.Bally: 1) highly elevated style; 2) elaborate pron-n (тщательное); 3) slow coll.pron-n; 4) fluent coll.pron-n. Clas-n by Sokolova, Gintovt, Kanter: 1) inform-al – formal; radio, press; 2) scientific – accad.; 3) declamatory; 4) publicific; 5) conversational. Inform-n: intellectual, emotional, volitional.




№1 The subject matter of phonetic

Phonetics as a branch of linguistics structure and functions of the speech sounds. - This branch of linguistics is called phonetics.

Phonetics is an independent branch of linguistics like lexicology or grammar. These linguistic sciences study language from three different points of view. Lexicology deals with the vocabulary of language, with the origin and development of words, with their meaning and word building. Grammar defines the rules governing the modification of words and the combination of words into sentences. Phonetics studies the outer form of language; its sound matter.Phonetics occupies itself with the study of the ways in which the sounds are organized into a system of units and the variation of the units in all types and styles of spoken language.

Theoretical Phonetics has the following branches: articulatory, acoustic,auditory,functional /phonologicalEach branch of Theoretical Phonetics investigates the appropriate aspect of speech sounds.Articulatory Phonetics investigates the functioning of one’s speech apparatus and mechanism. It is based on profound knowledge of physiology and the structure of one’s speech apparatus. While investigating the articulatory aspect of speech sounds both subjective and objective methods are employed: the method of direct observation (concerning the lips & the tongue movements) – subjective method and X-ray photography and X-ray cinematography (objective methods). Acoustic Phonetics studies the acoustic properties of sounds (quantity, timber/voice quality, intensity, the pitch of the voice and temporal factor) in terms of the frequency of vibration and the amplitude of vibration in relation to time. The analysis begins with a microphone, which converts the air movement into corresponding electrical activity. While investigating the acoustic aspect of speech sounds special laboratory equipment is employed: spectrograph, intonograph, sound analyzing & sound synthesizing machines.

Auditory Phoneticsis aimed at investigating the hearing process which is the brain activity.

Functional Phonetics presupposes investigating the discriminatory (distinctive) function of speech sounds.



№2 Articulatory and phisiological aspects of speech sound

Theoretical Phonetics has the following branches:

Ø articulatory

Ø acoustic

Ø auditory

Ø functional /phonological

Each branch of Theoretical Phonetics investigates the appropriate aspect of speech sounds.

Articulatory Phonetics investigates the functioning of one’s speech apparatus and mechanism. It is based on profound knowledge of physiology and the structure of one’s speech apparatus. While investigating the articulatory aspect of speech sounds both subjective and objective methods are employed: the method of direct observation (concerning the lips & the tongue movements) – subjective method and X-ray photography and X-ray cinematography (objective methods).

Acoustic Phonetics studies the acoustic properties of sounds (quantity, timber/voice quality, intensity, the pitch of the voice and temporal factor) in terms of the frequency of vibration and the amplitude of vibration in relation to time. The analysis begins with a microphone, which converts the air movement into corresponding electrical activity. While investigating the acoustic aspect of speech sounds special laboratory equipment is employed: spectrograph, intonograph, sound analyzing & sound synthesizing machines.

Auditory Phoneticsis aimed at investigating the hearing process which is the brain activity. Auditory Phonetics and Acoustic Phonetics are very closely connected.

Functional Phonetics presupposes investigating the discriminatory (distinctive) function of speech sounds. While investigating the functional aspect of speech sounds the following methods are employed:

· the distributional method

Distributionis a total sum of occurrences of a linguistic unit ( a phoneme, a morpheme, a word, a word combination). Distribution presupposes contexts in which a segment can be used.

For example, in accordance with the distribution of the phoneme /N/ it can’t be used word initially. But we may use it word medially and word finally.


Ø contrastive

It is such a distribution in which allophones of different phonemes occur in identical phonetic context (cake – bake, bike – bite).

Ø non-contrastive

o complementary

It is such a distribution in which different allophones of the same phoneme occur in mutually exclusive positions ( /t/: try, at the, twice, kettle, kitten)

o free variation

It is such a distribution in which different allophones of the same phoneme occur in the same phonetic context but are realized differently (let me /’lemmi/ & /’let mi/). It is determined by social and territorial stratification of language.


Thus the distributional method is based on the following two laws of phonetic and allophonic distribution:


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