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The agents used in insufficiency of cerebral circulation. Hypolipidemic agents

1. The patient who had been treated with a vitamin drug for the prophylaxis of brain vessel constriction complained of unpleasant sensations: blushing of upper part of the body, vertigo, flushing of blood to the head. Which drug exerts this effect

A. * Nicotinic acid

В. Tocopherol acetate

C. Riboflavin

D. Thiamini bromidum

E. Calcium pangamate

2. A patient suffering from atherosclerosis is treated with lovastatinum 0,04g PO before sleep. Why is this drug administered once a day and before sleep?

A. *Cholesterol is synthesized only at night

B. Development of sleepiness in the action of the drug.

С. In the evening the drug is better absorbed.

D. The cataboiism of a cholesterol goes mainly at night.

E. The cholesterol is excreted from an organism mainly at night

3. A patient admitted to the neurology department with complaints of severe headache, nausea, vomiting, feeling of numbness and weakness of the right arm, disorders of speech. BP – 220/130 mm Hg. During 15 years he had been suffering from arterial hypertension. After the examination the following diagnosis was made: ische­mia of the left hemisphere due to vascular spasm and impairment of venous outflow. Specify the drug which is the most preferable for the improvement of cerebral blood supply due to decrease of hypercoagulation.

A. *Xanthinoli nicotinas

В. Sydnophenum

С. Coffetnum

D. Meridilum

E. Aminalonum

4. A patient admitted to a hospital with complaints of decrease of memory, feeling of "noise" in the head. The diagnosis which had estab­lished after examination was atherosclerosis of brain blood vesseles. Indicate the agent which can be administered to the patient.

A. *Clofibratum

B. Euphyllinum

С Dibazolum

D. Nimodipin

E. Minoxidilum

5. A 58 year old woman suffered from cerebral atherosclerosis. The complex therapy administered by the physician included vitamins E and C. Indicate the role of these drugs in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

A. *Inhibition of lipids' peroxydation

B. increase of release of the pituitary gonadotropic hormones

С. Decrease of release of glucocorticoids in adrenal cortex

D. Activation of the antitoxic function of the liver

E. Improvement of coronary circulation

6. A patient was admitted to the clinic of nervous diseases with increased arterial pressure (220/130 mm Hg). It was diagnosed that he had ischemia of the left hemisphere of the brain as a result of vessel spasm and impairment of venous outflow. Choose the preparation from the listed ones which is preferable for improvement of brain blood supply and which removes hypercoagulation in an acute period of the illness:

A. * Xantinol nicotinate

B. Caffeine (coffeinum)

С. Meridilum (methylpnenidate)

D. Aminalonum (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

E. Sydnophenum (pheprosidine)

7. Indicate the main effect of Piracetam

A. * Improves memory and cognition

B. Decreases the integrating processes in the brain

С. Slows down synthesis of GABA in the brain

D. Reduces resistance of the brain tissue to hypoxia

E. increases brain necessity in oxygen

8. A patient was admitted to the neurological department complaining of memory impairment and decrease of intellectual capacity after the car crash head trauma. Offer the remedy for improvement of metabolism in the brain:

A. * Pyracetam (Nootropil)

B. Nifedipinum

С. Sydnocarbum

D. Caffeine (coffeinum)

E. Analginum (metamizole)

9. What class of lipoproteins is the most atherogenic?

A. * Low density lipoproteins

B. Chylomicrons

С. High density lipoproteins

D. Very low density lipoproteins

E. Intermediate density lipoproteins

10. Indicate the principle of an antiatherosclerotic action of Lovastati-num

A. *Oppression of endogenous cholesterol synthesis in the liver

B. Inhibition of peroxide radicals formation

С. Infringement of exogenous cholesterol absorption

D. Inhibition of lipolysis in fatty tissue

E. Prevention or penetration of atherogenic lipoproteins in tunica intima of vessels

11. A patient with atherosclerosis of vessels was treated with one of the hypolipidemic drugs which reduces cholesterol synthesis due to inhibition of enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. Indicate the drug

A. * Lovastatinum

B. Cholestyramine

С. Clofibrate

D. Nicotinic acid

E. Probucol

12. Among special hypolipidemic agents the most effective ones are those which block synthesis of endogenous cholesterol in the liver. What drug from listed below has such mechanism of action?

A. *Lovastatinum

B. Clofibrate

С. Cholestyramine

D. Parmidinum

E. Probucol

13. A patient has the family hypercholesterolemia. Indicate the drug which may be used due to ability to inhibit the main enzyme of cholesterol synthesis?

A. * Lovastatinum

B. Colestipol

С. Cholestyramine

D. Nicotinic acid

E. Probucol

15. Indicate the hypolipidemic agent which may be used in atherosclerosis of brain arteries

A. *Lovastatinum

B. Cinnarizine

С. Pyracetam

D. Tocopherol acetate

E. Ascorbinic acid

16. Specify the principle of antihy-perlipidemic action of lovastatinum.

A. *Inhibition of synthesis of endogenous cholesterol in the liver

B. Impairment of creation of superoxide radicals

С. Impairment of absorption of cholesterol in the intestine

D. Impairment of lipolysis in the fatty tissue

E. Impairment of binding of atherogenous lipoproteins with endotheliocytes


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