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Cardiac glycosides. Antiarrhythmic agents.

1. In a clinic, the patient complained of unpleasant sensations in the heart region, and attacks of weakness and loss of consciousness. Inspection of the patient's electrocardiogram had revealed the presence of II degree atrioventricular block. Specify a drug which should be used in this situation.

A. * Isadrinum

B. Novocainamide

C. Nitroglycerine

D. Stropnanthin

E. Anaplilinum

2. A patient with pulmonary edema caused by acute left ventricular insufficiency patient was treated with cardiac glycoside. In 10-15 min, his condition improved and maximal effect - was in 1-1,5 hours, after that the action gradually decreased. What drug has been injected?

A. * Strophanthin

В. Digoxin

C. Celanidum

D. Digltoxin

E. Adonisidum

3. A patient had been suffering from heart insufficiency was treated with digoxinum. He took diuretic Dichlothiazidum without the doctor's knowledge and after 2 days he felt worse and was obliged to address this matter to the doctor. Doctor administered several drugs to improve patient's state and among these drugs was Unithiolum. Indicate the mechanism of action of this agent

A. *It has got free sulfhydril groups which bind to the molecules of digoxinum

B. Promotes excretion of calcium ions from the organism

С. Promotes retention of potassium ions in the organism

D. Decrease oxygen demand of the myocardium

E. Creates complexes with calcium ions

4. Indicate the mechanism of anti arrhythmic action of quinidine sulphate

A. *Blockade of sodium channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes

B. Blockade of calcium channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes

С. Blockade of β-adrenoceptors of the myocardium

D. Blockade о α- and β-adrenoceptors of the myocardium

E. Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors of the myocardium

5. Specify the mechanism of anti arrhythmical action of verapamil

A. *Blockade of calcium channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes

B. Blockade of sodium channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes

C. Blockade or β-adrenoceptors of the myocardium

D Blockade of α- and β-adrenoceptors of the myocardium

E. Blockade of М-сholinoreceptors of the myocardium

6. Specify the cardiac glycoside which posseses the fastest onset of the action.

A. *Strophanthin

В. Celanidum (lanatoside)

С. Digitoxin

D. Digoxinum

E. Adonisidum

7. What effect of cardiac glycosides is of greatest importance?

A. *Increase of myocardium contractility

B. Increase of myocardium excitability

C. Decrease of myocardium automatism

D. Decrease of myocardium conductivity

E. Increase of diuresis and elimination of edemas

8. Indicate the mechanism of cardiotonic action glycosides

A. *Inhibition of Na-K-ATPase of cardiomyocyte membranes

B. Excitation of B-adrenoceptors of myocardium

С Activation of calcium channels of cardiomyocyte membranes

D Oppression of phosphodiesterase of cardiomyocytes

E. Activation of potassium channels of cardiomyocytes

9. Indicate the group of drugs which is the most expedient for treatment of ciliary arrhythmia?

A. *Cardiac glycosides

B. M -cholinoblockers

C. Na-channels blockers

D. Beta-adrenomimetics

E. Alfa-adrenoblockers

10. Indicate the group of drugs, overdosage of which is accompanied by following signs: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, infringement of heart activity (extrasystoles, delay of atrioventricular conductivity), headache, vision impairment (xanthopsia, diplopia).

A. * Cardiac glycosides

B. Organic nitrates

С Ca-channels blockers

D. Beta-adrenoblockers

E. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

11. Why do strophanthin and corglycon possess fast action after the introduction into the organism?

A. * They have low affinity to plasma proteins

B. They have high molecular weight
С. They have low molecular weioht

D. They have high affinity to plasma proteins

E. They have short half-life period

12. Indicate the mechanism of action of Verapamil

A * Blockade of calcium channels

B. Inhibition of Na-K-ATPase

С Activation of beta-adrenoceptors

D. Activation of M-cholinoceptors

E. Blockade of beta-adrenoceptors

13. A patient suffers from allergic reaction to iodine. Indicate an antiarrhythmic agent, which is absolutely contraindicated to him.

A. *Amiodarone

В. Verapamil

С. Novocainamidum (procainamide)

D. Ornidum (bretytium)

E. Quinidine sulfate

14. It is necessary to appoint an anti-arrhythmic agent to a patient with ciliary arrhythmia accompanying by bronchial asthma. What drug from listed below is contraindicated to this patient?

A. *Anaprilinum (propranolol)

B. Verapamil

С. Aimalin

D. Digoxine

E. Novocainamidum (procainamide)

15. A patient has lengthening of P-Q interval on the electrocardiogram under the treatment with an antiarrhythmic drug. What agent could cause it?

A. *Atenolol

B. Prazosin

С. Atropine

D. Lidocaine

E. Plathyphyllin

16. Indicate the group of drugs which is used for treatment of atrioventricular blockade

A. * M-cholinoblockers

B. Ca-channels blockers

С. Local anaesthetics

D. Beta-adrenoblockers

E. Potassium containing remedies


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