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The agents influencing functions of the digestive system

1. The patient was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis: peptic ulcer of the duodenum bulbus. Analysis of his gastric juice revealed increased acidity. Choose the agent which decreases the secretory ability of gastric glands due to blockade of H2-histaminic receptors.

A. *Panitidinum

B. Extract of belladonna

C. Atropinum

D. Methacinum

E. Platyphytlinum

2. A 25 year-old man, suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach, has been treated with omeprasole. In 3 weeks the ulcer was healed. What mechanism of action does this drug produce?

A. * Blockade of H+-K+-ANP-ase (the proton pump)

B. Blockade of M-cholinoceptors

С. Blockade of synthesis of Gastrin

D. Blockade of H+-K+-ANP аsе

E. Blockade of H1 histaminic receptors

3. Patient who had been suffering from chronic gastritis was treated with an antacidic drug, after introduction of which he felt better however at the same time he experienced bloating of the stomach together with eructation. Indicate the drug which might cause this side effect.

A. *Natrii hydrocarbonas

В. Magnesu trisilicate

С. Magnesii oxydum

D. Almagel

E Aluminii hydroxydum

4. Indicate the drug to stimulate appetite, mechanism of action of which is associated with irritation of the mucus membrane of the oral cavity, that leads to reflex excitation of the hunger center in the hypothalamus.

A. *Absinthium tincture

В. Phepranonum

C. Desopimonum

D. Fenfluramine

E. Insulin

5. Indicate the drug which increases appetite due to decrease of glucose concentration in the blood

A. *Insulin

B. Mazindolum

С. Fenfluramine

D. Absinthium tincture

E. Phepranonum

6. A 32 year old patient had been suffering from the ulcer of the duode­nal bulb was treated with Farmotidin which caused him to feel better. Indicate the mechanism of action of this agent.

A. *Blockade of Н2-histaminic receptors

B. Inhibition of gastrin release

С. Suppression of the function of the gastric mucousal cells

D. Decrease of release of hydrochloric acid

E. Decrease of pepsin release

7. A patient suffering from chronic hypoacidic gastritis with remained secretory function requires administration of an agent which is physiological stimulant of the gastric glands. Indicate this agent

A. *Carbonaceous mineral water

B. Pepsin

С. Histamine

D. Diluted hydrochloric acid

E. Natural gastric juice

8. A patient with essential hypertension was treated for a long period of time with preparations containing reserpin. During last 2-3 months he started to suffer from pains in the region of stomach, heartburn and nausea. The diagnosis of hyperacidic gastritis was made after the clinical examination. Indicate the group of drugs which possesses etiotropic curative action in this case.

A. *M-cholinoblockers

B. Astringent agents

С. Antiacidic agents

D. Inhibitors of proton pump

E. H2-histamine receptors blockers

9. Indicate the remedy increasing bile secretion:

A. *Oxaphenamidum

B. Apomorphine

С. Cimetidine

D. Almagel

E. No-Spa (drotaverine)

10. Indicate the agent which stimulates contraction of gall bladder smooth muscle and causes evacuation of bile into the intestine?

A. *Magnesium sulfate in enteral introduction

B. Magnesium sulfate in parenteral introduction

С. Dehydrocholic acid

D. Legaion (silimar in)

E. No-Spa (drotaverine)

11. Indicate the agent which may be used in an attack of biliary colic to relax smooth muscles?

A. *Platyphyllinum

B. Paracetamolum

С. Analginum (metamizole)

D. Pentazocine

E. Morphine

12. A 40 years old patient was admitted to the hospital with the biliary colic attack. What agent should be administered in this case?

A. *No-spa (drotaverine)

B. Almagel

С Pancreatin

D. Contrycal (aprotinine)

E. Metoclopramide

13. Indicate the drug from the group of myotropic spasmolytics which is suitable to eliminate pain in intestinal colic

A. *Papaverine

B. Neostigmine (proserinum)

C. Piridostigmine

D. Pilocarpine

E. Prazosine

14. Indicate a cholagogue agent used for treatment of chronic cholecystitis

A. *Allocnolum

B. Absinthium (sagebrush) tincture
С. Metoclopramide

D. Almagel

E. Plathyphyllin

15. Specify an agent from the group of hepatoprotectors which restores normal structure and function of hepatocytes, used in different liver deseases.

A. * Essentiale

B. Tetracycline

С. Cholenzymum

D. Tocopherol acetate

E. Allocholum

16. Indicate the drug, which is used in chronic pancreatitis, accompa­nied by enzymesT insufficiency, for improvement of digestion processes.

A. *Festalum

B. Pepsin

С Acidin-pepsinum

D. Natural gastric Juice

E. Diluted nydrocnloric acid

17. Why is contrycal (aprotinine) used in the case of acute pancreatitis?

A. *It inactivates trypsin which causes autolysis of pancreas

B. It opens Oddies sphincter

С. It reduces the activity of hyaluronidase

D. It impairs secretion of trypsinogen

E. It oppresses secretion of bile

18. Indicate an anti-enzymatic agent inhibiting activity of trypsin, kallikrein and fibrinolysis

A. *Confrykal (aprotinine)

B. Cholenzymum

E. Pancreatin

D. Pancreozymin

E. Festal

19. A 37-year-old man was admitted to the surgical department with the symptoms of pancreatitis: vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotension, weakness, dehydration. What medicine should be used first of all?

A. *Contrycal

B. Etaperazine

C. No-spa

D. Platyphylline

E. Ephedrine


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