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N-cholinoblockers, central cholinolytics.

1. Indicate the drug used for the treatment of pulmonary edema caused by systemic arterial hypertension

A. * Benzohexonium

B. Strophanthinum

C. Bemegridum

D. Cordiaminum

E. Ethyl alcohol

2. During operation on the thyroid gland, to prevent excessive hemorrhage the doctor decided to use a method of controlled hypotension with the help of trickling intravenous introduction of a drug. Specify it.

A. * Hygronium

B. Pirilenum

C. Pentaminum

D. Pachycarpinum

E. Dimecolmum

3. Injection of dithylinum (which had been introduced for simplification of reposition of a dislocation in a shoulder joint) evoked apnea in the patient. What is it necessary to intro­duce to the patient for restoration of breathing?

A. * Fresh citrated blood

B. Bemegridum

C. Dipiroximum

D. Isonitrosinum

E Galanthaminum

4. A 53 year old man was admitted to a hospital in severe state with complaints of headache, vertigo, nausea. BP 220/120 mm Hg. After injection of 1ml of 2,5% benzohexonium solution the patient's state improved. Indicate the mechanism of action of this agent.

A. *Blockade of N-cholinoceptors of vegetative ganglions

B. Blockade or M-cholinoceptors

C. Blockade of beta1-adrenoceptors

D. Excitation of alpha- adrenoceptors

E. Blockade of alpha1-adrenoceptors

5. An agent from the group of ganglion blockers was administered to a patient with essential arterial hyper­tension. What effect underlies the decrease of BP?

A. * Sympathetic ganglions blockade

B. Blockade of adrenal cortex

C. Blockade of carotide sinuses

D. Vasomotor centre blockade

E. Parasympathetic ganglions blockade

6. Ganglion blocker benzohexonium (hexamethonium) was introduced to a patient with hypertensive crisis. What complication can develop in the patient after introduction?

A. *Orthostatic hypotension

B. Withdrawal syndrome

C. Inhibition of the CMC

D. Disorder of gustatory sensibility

E. Diarrhea

7. What neurotropic hypotensive agent belongs to the group of ganglion blockers and is used to elimi­nate hypertensive crisis?

A. *Pentaminum (azamethonium)

B. Octadinum (guanethidine)

C. Anaprilinum lpropranolol)

D. Dopamine

E. Reserpine

8. 0,1% solution of hygronium was introduced intrave­nously in drops to a 50-years-old patient with increased BP (220l110 mmHg). What is the mechanism of action of the drug?

A. *Blockade of N-cholinoceptors

B. Blockade of M-cholinoceptors

C. Blockade of adrenoceptors

D. Blockade of calcium channels

E. Stimulation of alfa-adrenoceptors

9. Sings of tubocurarine overdos­age appeared in a patient during operation. What drug should be used as an antagonist?

A. *Cholinesterase inhibitors

B. Alfa-adrenomimetics

C. M-cholinoblockers

D. Ganglion blockers

E. beta-adrenomimetics

10. A 45-year s-old man with dislo­cation of shoulder joint was admitted to the hospital. What drug can be used to relax skeletal muscles and set the bone?

A. *Dithylinum (suxamethonium)

B. Dimedrolum (diphenhydramine)

C. Analginum (methamizole)

D. Promedolum (trimeperidine)

E. Acetylsalicylic acid

11. Peripheral myorelaxant was introduced to a patient with fracture of humeral bone to facilitate the bona reposition. Respiratory standstill developed in the patient. The respira­tion restored after introduction of fresh citrate blood. What myorelaxant was introduced to the patient?

A. *Dithylinum (suxamethonium)

B. Tubocurarine

C. Pancuronium

D. Pipecuronium

E. Vecuronium

12. Myorelaxant dithylinum (suxamethonium) was introduced to a patient with fracture of humeral bone to facilitate the bone reposition. Respiratory arrest developed in the patient. Proserinum (neostigmine) was introduced to a patient (it was the doctor's mistake), but respiration didnTt restore. What drug can be used?

A. *Fresh citrate blood

B. Dipyroxime

C. Isonitrosine

D. Galanthamine

E. Bemegride

13. Dithylinum (suxamethonium) was introduced to a patient with the aim to relax skeletal muscles during operation. It led to myorelaxation during 6 hours instead of 5-7 minutes. This situation can develop due to genetic deficiency of:

A. *Blood plasma cholinestherase

B. Acetylation

C. Oxidative processes

D. Methylation

E. Carboxylation

14. Action of what agent is significantly prolonged in patients with genetic deficiency of buthyrilcholine estherase?

A. *Dithylinum (suxamethonium)

B. Adrenaline hydrochloride

C. Midantanum (amantadine)

D. Tubocurarine

E. Mesatonum (phenylephrine)


1. The patient of 40 years suffered from bronchial asthma for 10 years. Acompanying this disease is cardiac arrhythmia (tachycardia). Specify the drug which may be used for elimina­tion of bronchospasm with keeping into account the acompanying disease?

A. * Salbutamolum

B. Orciprenaline

C. Eohedrine

D. Adrenaline

E. Isadrinum

2. Expressed arterial hypotension had developed in the patient during an operation which had been carried out under phthorotanum-general anesthesia. Which- from the listed medicines below should be introduced to the patient to normalize he's arterial blood pressure?

A. *Mesatonum

B. Strophanthin

C. Ephedrine hydrochloride

D. Noradrenatlnum hydrotartrate

E. Adrenaline

3. Indicate mechanism of broncho-lytic action of salbutamol?

A. *Stimulation of beta-2-adrenoceptors

B. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase

C. Activation of noradrenaline synthesis

D. Blockade of H-f-histamine receptors

E. Blockade of M-cholinoceptors

4. A 40 year old patient has been suffering from bronchial asthma for 10 years accompanied with cardiac arrthymia (tachycardia). Indicate adrenomimetic agent which should be administered for elimination of bronchospasm taking into account accompanied heart disease.

A. *Salbutamolum

B. Adrenaline

C. Isadrinum

D. Orciprenalinum

E. Ephedrinum

5. Salbutamol was administered to a 30 year old woman due to danger of having miscarriage as it causes decrease of contractile ability of myometrium. Indicate mechanism of sympathomimetics.

relaxing action upon the uterus of this drug.

A. *Stimulation of beta-2-adrenoceptors

B. Stimulation of aipha-2-adrenoceptors

C. blockade of beta- f- adrenoceptors

D. Inhibition of monoaminooxydase

E. Blockade of phosphodiesterase

6. A female patient was admitted to a hospital with complaints of unpleasant sensations in the heart area, attacks of acute weakness, sometimes loss of consciousness. Examination of patient revealed atrioventricular blockade. Indicate the group of drugs that should be appointed in this situation.n

A. *beta-adrenomimetics (Isadrinum)

B. Cardiac glycosides (Digitoxin)

C. beta-adrenoblockers (Anapritinum)

D. Calcium channel blockers (Verapamil)

E. Sympatholytics (Ornidum)

7. Anaphylactic shock has developed in a patient after novocainum (procaine) injection. What agent supresses histamine release from mast ceils and eliminates main symptoms of anaphylactic shock?

A. Beclometasone

B. Euphillinum (aminophilline)

C. *Adrenaline

D. Ketotifen

E. Cromolin natrium (cromoglycic acid)

8. A doctor diagnosed hypoglyce­mic coma in a patient with diabetes mellitus and administered glucose solution IV to him. Patient's condition improved. What drug can be used additionally as the biochemical antago­nist of insulin?

A. *Adrenaline

B. Mesatonum (phenylephrine)

C. Dobutamine

D. Isadrinum (isoprenaline)

E. Dopamine

9. A patient with chronic bronchi­tis has been taking ephedrine for a long time. What is the mechanism of the drug action?

A. *Stimulation of noradrenaline release into synaptic cleft

B. Blockade of noradrenaline release into synaptic cleft

C. Stimulation of a-adrenoceptors

D. Blokade of b-adrenoceptors

E. Direct influence on smooth muscles of bronchi

10. Indicate the state which requires introduction of ephedrine?

A. *Arterial hypotension

B. Caffeine poisoning

C. Tachycardia

D. Arterial hypertension

E. insomnia

11. A patient with obstructive bronchitis has been taking ephedrine for a long time without doctor's control. What side effect can be observed in the patient?

A. *Excitation of CNS

B. Hypotension

C. Bradycardia

D. Apathy

E. Sleepiness

12. What drug can be used for treatment of hypotension due to peripheral vascular insufficiency?

A. *alfa-adrenomimetic

B. b-adrenomimetic

C. Analeptic

D. Colloidal plasma substitute

E. Salt plasma substitute

13. Mesatonum (phenylephrine) was introduced to a patient with collapse for correction of blood pressure. What is the mechanism of action of the drug?

A. *Stimulation of alfa-adrenoceptors

B. Blockade of alfa-adrenoceptors

C. Blockade of beta-adrenoceptors

D. Stimulation of α-β adrenoceptors

E. Stimulation of b-adrenoceptors

14. Collapse developed in a patient due to decrease of peripheral vessels tone. What preparation is the most efficient in this situation?

A. *Mesatonum (phenylephrine)

B. Proserinum (neostigmine)

C. Isadrinum (isoprenaline)

D. Clophelinum (clonidine)

E. Prazosine

15. What drugs should be used for bronchospasm treatment?

A. *beta2-adrenomimetics

B. Sympatolytics

C. alfa-adrenomimetics

D. Cholines terase inhibitors

E. M-cholinomimetics

16. Salbupart (salbutamol) was introduced to a 30-years-old pregnant woman with threatened abortion. It reduced contractile activity of myometrium. Indicate the mechanism of action of salbutamol?

A. *Stimulation of beta2-adrenoceptors

B. Blockade of beta f-adrenoceptors

C. Stimulation of alfa2-adrenoceptors

D. Inhibition of monoaminooxidase

E. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase

17. Indicate broncholytic drug from the group of selective beta2-adrenomimetics.

A. *Salbutamol

B. Methacinum

C. Isadrinum (isoprenaline)

D. Euphillinum (aminophilline)

E. Atropine

18. An attack of bronchial asthma developed in 40-years-old woman. Indicate the drug belonging to beta2-adrenomimetics which is effective for elimination of the attack

A. *Fenoterol

B. Ephedrine

C. Adrenaline

D. Plathvphiiline

E. Atropine

19. A 40-years-old patient has been suffering from bronchial asthma for 10 years, fie has also an accompa­nying disease cardiac arrhythmia (tachycardia). What adrenomimetic can be administered for elimination of bronchospasm?

A. *Salbutamol

B. Adrenaline

C. Isadrinum (isoprenaline)

D. Atropine

E. Ephedrine

20. A patient with bronchial asthma has been taking isadrinum (isoprenaline) inhalation for a long time. He notices the drug leads to tachycardia and headache. Which agent from listed below can be used instead of isadrinum?

A. *Salbutamol

B. Mesatonum (phenylephrine)

C. Anapriiinum (propranolol)

D. Dobutaminum

E. Cordiaminum (nikethamide)

21. A patient with bronchial asthma did not tell doctor that he had attacks of stenocardia sometimes. The doctor administered to him the drugs. After a patient started to take this drug, attacks of bronchial asthma became rare but attacks of stenocar­dia became more frequent. Indicate the drug which was administered by the doctor?

A. *Isadinum (isoprenaline)

B. Salbutamol

C. Euphillinum (aminophilline)

D. Cromolin natrium (cromoglycic acid)

E. Fenoterolum

22. A patient with bronchial asthma had been taking tablets which caused insomnia, headache, increased blood pressure. What medicine can cause such complications?

A. *Ephedrine

B. Isadrinum

C. Cromolin sodium

D. Euphyline

E. Oxprenololum

Antiadrenergic agents

1. The patient suffering from idiopathic hypertensia, had the acompanyng diseases: ciliary arruthmia, stenocardia, and chronic bronchitis. The physician has decided to use a drug from the group of beta-adrenoblockers. Which agent should be used , taking into account the acompanyng diseases?

A. *Metoprololum

B. Timololum

C. Anaprinilum

D. Pindololum

E. Oxprenololum

2. A patient who had been suffering from arterial hypertension was treated with the drug which mechanism of action is connected with exhaustion of noradrenalin content in sympathetic nerve endings. Indicate this drug.

A. *Reserpinum

B. Clopheinum

C. Anaprinilum

D. Prazosine

E. Dibazolum

3. A 40 year old patient suffers from arterial hypertension with hyperkinetic type of circulation and increased level of renin, sternocardia, sinus tachycardia. Indicate the group of drugs which is more preferable for treatment of this patient.

A. *beta-adrenoblockers

B. Organic nitrates

C. α-adrenoblockers

D. Sympatholytics

E. Ganglion blockers

4. Indicate the drug which possesses hypotensive action exactly due to decrease of vascular tone. What drug can be used?

A. *α-adrenoblocker

B. N-cholinoblocker

C. α- β - adrenoblocker

D. M-cholinoblocker

E. β-adrenoblocker

5. Indicate the group of drugs to which prazosine belongs.

A. *α-adrenoblockers

B. Cardioselective β-adrenoblockers

C. Nonselective beta-adrenoblockers

D. Sympatholytics

E. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

6. A 40-years-old patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases: arterial hypertension of hyperkinetic type and high blood renin level, stenocardia and sinus tachycardia. Indicate the most expedient group of drugs for treat­ment of the patient?

A. *beta-adrenoblockers

B. Organic nitrates

C. alfa-adrenoblockers

D. Sympatholytics

E. Ganglion blockers

7. Indicate the state in which nonselective beta-adrenoblockers are contraindicated?

A. *Bronchial asthma

B. Thyrotoxicosis

C. Cardiomyopathy

D. Myocardial infarction

E. Arterial hypertension

8. Anaprilin (propranolol) was administered to a patient with hyper­tension that normalized BP fast. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?

A. *Blockade of beta1- and beta2-adrenoceptors

B. Blockade of beta1- adrenoceptors

C. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase

D. Blockade of alfa1-adrenoceptors

E. Stimulation of atfa2-adrenoceptors

9. Аnарrilin was administered to a patient with arterial hypertension accompanied by obstructive bronchitis. After that the attack of bronchospasm occurred in the patient. Indicate the reason of this side-effect.

A. *Blockade of beta 2-adrenoceptors of bronchi

B. Stimulation of beta 2-adrenoceptors of bronchi

C. Blockade of alfa 2-adrenoceptors of bronchi

D. Blockade of beta1-adrenoceptors of bronchi

E. Stimulation of alfa 1-adrenoceptors of bronchi

10. Therapeutic effect of beta-adrenoblocker propranolol during the treatment of stenocadia is explained by:

A. *Decrease of myocardium oxygen demand

B. Inhibition of catecholamines' production

C. Dilation of coronary arteries

D. Increase of sensibility to catecholamines

E. Increase of peripheral arteries resistance

11. Examination of the 42-years-old women revealed stenocardia with following signs: BP = 170/100 mmHg, heart rate - 84lmin, on ECG -extrasystoles. Which drug from listed below is the most suitable for treat­ment?

A. *Anaprilinum (propranolol)

B. Euphillinum (aminophilline)

C. Nitroglycerin

D. Carbocromen

E. Papaverine

12. Beta-adrenoblocker was prescribed to a patient for the treatment of ischemic heart disease but after some time cough and bronchospasm occured. Indicate the agent which was administered?

A. *Anaprilinum (propranolol)

B. Talinolol

C. Atenolol

D. Phenigidin (nifedipine)

E. Metoprolol

13. A patient suffers from arterial hypertension accompanied by chronic obstructive bronchitis. Indicate hypotensive agent which is contraindi­cated for the patient ?

A. *Anaprilinum (propranolol)

B. Prazosine

C. Nifedipin

D. Dichfothiazidum (hydrochlorthiazide)

E. Captopril

14. Which of the following antiarrhythmic drug is contraindicated for the patient with cardiac arrhythmia accompanied by bronchial asthma?

A. *Anaprilinum (propranolol)

B. Verapamil

C. Aimalin

D. Nifedipin

E. Novocainamidum (procainamide)

15. Ischemic heart disease accom­panied by cardiac arrhythmia was diagnosed in a 50 years-old patient. Indicate the group of drugs which should be administered?

A. *Beta-adrenoblockers

B. Alfa-adrenoblockers

C. Beta-adrenomimetics

D. Alfa-adrenomimetics

E. Sympatholytics

16. An agent causing decrease of noradrenaline content in vesicles of sympathetic nerve endings was admin­istered to a patient suffering from arterial hypertension. Indicate this drug ?

A. *Reserpin

B. Anaprilin (propranolol)

C. Pirroxanum

D. Dibazolum (bendazole)

E. Clophelinum

17. A 50 years old woman suffer­ing from hypertension has taken a drug. In an hour BP was increased, but in 2 hours it started to decrease. Indicate the drug.

A. *Octadine (guanethidine)

B. Reserpine

C. Prazosin

D. Dibazolum (bendazole)

E. Propranolol

18. A patient with arterial hyper­tension has been treating with reserpine for a long period of time. 2-3 weeks ago he began to notice stomachache, heartburn, nausea. Indicate the group of drugs which are able to eliminate these symptoms?

A. *M-cholinoblockers

B. Astringent drugs

C. Antacids

D. Proton pump inhibitors

E. H2-histaminoblockers

19. Elongation of P-Q interval was revealed on ECG. Indicate the drug which can cause this effect.

A. *Atenolol

B. Prazosin

C. Reserpine

D. Qctadinum (guanethidine)

E. Phentoiamine

20. A patient who had been suffer­ing from severe form of arterial hyper­tension after examination received diagnosis of pheochromocytoma (tumor of adrenal medulla which is accompanied by increased synthesis of adrenaline). Indicate the group of drugs which should be administered to a patient before surgical treatment.

A. *alpha-adrenoblockers

B. Calcium channel blockers

C. Sympatholytics

D. Ganglion blockers

E. beta-adrenoblockers


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