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Vocabulary of Bird species


Albatross – альбатрос Ostrich – страус



Black tern – чорна крачка Ovenbird – пічник


Blue tit – лазоревка Pigeons (or doves) – голуби



Booby – олуша Robin – дрозд


Bowerbird – шабашник Ruffed grouse – грівістий рябчик


Brown pelican – коричневий пелікан Satin bowerbird – атласний шалашник



Catbird – дрозд Screech-owl – вухата сова, сипу́ха



Cuckoo – зозуля


Eagle – орел Snowy owl – полярна сова



Eiderduck – гага


Emperor penguin – імператорський Starlings – шпак



Gannet – Баклан


Gentoo penguin – папуанський Swan – лебідь




Golden pheasant – золотий фазан Sраrrow – горобець


Goose – гуска


Grackle – гракл Turkey – індик



Gull – чайка




Hawk – ястреб Turkey vulture – турецький гриф



Heron – чапля Vultures – стерв'ятники


Honey-guide birds – птах, Wild turkey – дика індичка

вказівник меду



Hummingbird – колібрі

Wood duck – каролинська качка



Jay – сойка Woodpecker – дятел


Kingfisher – зимородок



Wren – кропивник

Kiwi – ківі



Nutcracker – горіщанка


Phrasal verbs and units vocabulary

A sharp eye – гострий зір

Altricial young – молодняк з повільним розвитком

Exhausting challenge – нагальна потреба

Lightning reaction – миттєва реакція

Precocial young – гарно розвинений молодняк

To be fused into – бути об’єднаним в

To be made of – бути зробленим із

To break out – виламувати; розбивати

To break up – блювати; піднімати вгору; розбивати

To bring up – виховувати, ростити

To bury up – закопувати

To come to hand – потрапляти під руку

To cool down – охолоджувати

To end up – закінчувати

To end up – мати поганий кінець

To fly to and from the nest – літати із гнізда та у гніздо

To grind up – перемелювати

To keep open – тримати відкритим

To keep warm – підтримувати тепло

To make up – складати

To meet the demands – відповідати вимогам

To pick up – піднімати

To save on weight – підтримувати вагу

To scoop up – зачерпнути

To shed off water – відбивати воду

To spring off – зіскакувати; злетіти

To turn a blind eye – закривати очі на щось

To turn round – обертатися навколо

To warm up – підігрівати

To wary of danger – застерігатися від небезпеки

To wither away – всихати

To wolf down – жадібно ковтати


Alula -A tuft of feathers on the leading edge of a bird’s wing that it raises to prevent it from stalling as it slows down.

Barbs -Tiny side branches off a feather shaft that make up a bird’s feather vane.

Breed -To mate, lay eggs.

Birds of prey – a bird, such as a hawk, eagle, or owl that hunts and kills other animals, esp. vertebrates, for food.

Camouflage -The colour and patterning of a bird’s feathers that match its particular surroundings, making it hard to see.

Colony -A large group of birds that lives together in one place to breed or roost, or the place in which they live.

Contour feathers -Also called body feathers, these are the small, overlapping feathers on a bird’s head that give it a streamlined shape.

Crop -A bag-like extension of a bird’s gullet used to store food. It is often used to carry food back to the nest.

Down feathers -Very soft, fine feathers that trap air close to a bird’s body and help to keep it warm.

Egg tooth -A small structure on the tip of a chick’s upper bill, which it uses to crack open the eggshell when hatching. The egg tooth drops off soon after hatching.

Flight feathers -The long feathers that make up a bird’s wings and are used to fly. They can be grouped into primary feathers (on the outer wing) and secondary feathers (on the inner wing).

Flock -A group of birds, usually of the same species, flying or feeding together.

Gizzard -The muscular chamber in a bird’s stomach, where the food that it has eaten is ground to a pulp.

Habitat -The type of environment where a bird is normally found, such as wetland, forest, or grassland.

Hatching -The process by which a baby bird breaks out of its egg by chipping its way through the shell with the tiny egg tooth on its beak.

Invertebrate -A type of small animal that has no backbone, such as a worm, an insect, a spider or a crab.

Mammals – Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.

Pellet -A hard lump of indigestible bits of food, such as fur or bones, that birds such as owls cough up.

Plumage -A bird’s feathers.

Predator -An animal that kills other animals for food.

Predatory dinasaurs – lived by killing other animals for food.

Preening -The way in which birds keep their feathers in good condition, drawing them through their beaks to clean and smooth them.

Prey -An animal that is hunted and killed by another animal.

Primary feathers -The long flight feathers on the outer half of a bird’s wings that provide the power for flying.

Scientific class Aves – (vertebrate zoology) A class of animals composed of the birds, which are warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates primarily adapted for flying.

Secondary feathers -The inner wing feathers that provide lift during flight.

Species -A group of similar animals that can breed together and produce fertile offspring.

Territory -An area occupied by an animal. Birds may defend their territories against other birds of the same species.

Theropods – Any of various carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs of the group Theropoda. Theropods walked on two legs and had small forelimbs and a large skull with long jaws and sharp teeth. Most theropods were of small or medium size, but some grew very large, like Tyrannosaurus. Theropods lived throughout the Mesozoic Era.




1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

3. One swallow does not make a summer.

4. Wise as an owl.

5. Eagle eye.

6. Kill two birds with one stone.

7. Like water off a duck’s back.

8. Like a duck to water.

9. Light as a feather.

10. Hen party.

11. Watch like a hawk.



Bird websites

1. http://www.rspb.org.uk

The website of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Europe’s largest wildlife conservation charity.

2. http://www.birdlife.net

The BirdLife Partnership looks at the welfare and conservation of birds across the world. The website includes news reports and project updates.

3. http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~tony/birds/

Hear birds’ songs through your computer speakers by clicking on the birds. Use the map to link through to more birds across the world.

4. http://birds.cornell.edu

From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, this site looks at bird research and provides a useful “all about birds” educational section.

5. http://www.earthlife.net/birds/intro.html

An introduction to many bird-related topics, such as migration and anatomy, with easy explanations and fun facts.

6. http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/

Birdwatching site for the UK including a bird guide, quizzes, and gallery.






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