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Intracranial hemorrhage

A) the death of brain tissue;

B) an abnormality of the facial nerve that leads to paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face;

C) abdominal bleeding;

D) bleeding inside the skull.


A) a scientific study which deals with the reception of sound vibration by the ear;

B) a scientific study of visual sensory system;

C) a science which deals with the study of odours and the sense of smell;

D) a scientific study of tactile perception.


A) hypertension, blood pressure higher than normal;

B) an increased intraocular tension, “hardening” of the eyeball;

C) a decreased intraocular tension, “lightening” of the eyeball;

D) cloudiness of the lens of the eye.


A) an instrument for measuring the eye;

B) an instrument for measuring the ear;

C) a doctor qualified to treat ophthalmologic diseases;

D) an instrument for measuring the blood pressure.


A) a sudden explosive movement of air that tends to clear material from the airways;

B) a crowing sound when breathing;

C) the unpleasant sensation of difficulty in breathing;

D) a whistling, musical sound during breathing that result from partially obstructed airways.


A) an inflammation of the bronchi caused by an infection;

B) an infection of the lungs that involves alveoli and the tissues around them;

C) an inflammation of the throat, usually caused by a virus but also commonly caused by bacteria;

D) an inflammation of the voice box caused either by a virus or by bacteria.


A) study of the structure and functions of the brain;

B) any disease of the brain;

C) abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain;

D) examination of the brain.

Parkinson’s disease

A) a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system;

B) inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;

C) inflammation of both the brain and the spinal cord;

D) a stroke or a transient ischemic attack causing disabling neurologic damage.


A) a specialist in the care of AIDS patients;

B) a specialist in the care of newborns;

C) a specialist in the care of pregnant women;

D) a specialist in the care of elderly people.


A) the science which deals with disorders of exocrine glands;

B) endocrine system;

C) exocrine system;

D) the science which deals with disorders of endocrine glands.


A) presence of pus in the urine;

B) presence of blood in the urine;

C) presence of sugar in the urine;

D) presence of bacteria in the urine.


A) any disease of the head;

B) any disorder of the glands;

C) any disorder of the heart;

D) any disease of the lungs.


A) infectious disease;

B) birth defect;

C) the condition of carrying an unborn child;

D) the condition of permanent sickness.


A) hormone secreted by kidneys; stimulates red blood cell production;

B) hormone secreted by pituitary gland; starts milk production;

C) hormone secreted by the pancreas; lowers the blood sugar level;

D) hormone secreted by ovaries; controls the development of reproductive system.


A) inflammation of kidney;

B) surgical excision of kidney;

C) pus formation in the kidney;

D) science that studies diseases of kidneys.


A) drug used for herpetic infections;

B) drug used for only skin infections;

C) drug used for tetanus;

D) drug used for respiratory viral infections.


A) false pregnancy;

B) a period of the production of milk;

C) abnormal delivery;

D) a periodic discharge of the menses.


A) inflammation of the pelvic muscles;

B) inflammation of the pelvis of a kidney;

C) suppuration of the kidneys;

D) surgical operation on the kidneys.


A) a substance that carries the man’s genes; it is made in the testes and stored in the seminal vesicles;

B) a substance which is rich in calories, protein, and antibodies; it flows from the nipple before breast milk is produced;

C) a hormone which stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues and causes growth;

D) a substance which effects skin pigmentation.

Wilm’s tumour

A) a cancer of the kidneys that can develop in a fetus but may not cause symptoms for years after birth;

B) a cancer that grows in parts of the nervous system;

C) a cancer of the retina, the light-sensing area at the back of the eye;

D) a cancer of the placenta originating in the outer membrane surrounding the fetus.


A) faulty nerve conduction characterized by weakness and quick fatigue of muscles;

B) slight paralysis affecting either right or left side of the body;

C) paralysis affecting all four extremities;

D) very severe paralysis of lower extremities.




A) the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or a problem;

B) a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy;

C) the state of being physically or mentally ill;

D) an illness affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection.


A) kidney inflammation;

B) stomach inflammation;

C) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose;

D) inflammation of the body’s inner organs, namely bladder, gallbladder, liver, spleen, etc.


A) lack of blood;

B) presence of excess of blood;

C) resembling blood;

D) abnormal tendency of bleeding.


A) under the tongue;

B) under the skin;

C) on the tongue;

D) on the skin.

Malignant tumour

A) a noncancerous neoplasm;

B) a malfunction of the trigeminal nerve;

C) a malfunction of the peripheral nerves;

D) a cancerous neoplasm.


A) a part of the brain which monitors the sensory stimuli we receive by suppressing some and magnifying others;

B) a part of the brain located beneath the posterior part of the cerebrum;

C) a part of the brain which contains neurons which control body temperature, sleep, appetite, and emotions;

D) a part of the brain which literally means “bridge”.


A) discharge from the ear;

B) discharge from the eye;

C) a doctor qualified to treat ear diseases;

D) a venereal disease.


A) the death of brain tissue resulting from the lack of blood flow and insufficient oxygen to the brain;

B) a tumour originating in the cells of the meninges, which lines the brain and the spinal cord;

C) the total or partial inability to recall recent or remote experiences;

D) a chronic disease in which there is a scattered demyelination of the central nervous system.


A) islet cell of Langerhans;

B) the pineal gland;

C) hormone, also called adrenaline;

D) the adrenal gland.


A) false pregnancy;

B) abnormal delivery;

C) giving birth;

D) the breast nipple.


A) drug used for skin infections;

B) drug used for typhoid fever only;

C) drug used for fungal skin infections;

D) drug used for wide range of infections.


A) treatment of the disease;

B) all the symptoms of any disorder;

C) prevention of the disease;

D) insidious onset of the disorder.

Mental retardation

A) profound intellectual ability;

B) subaverage intellectual ability;

C) a disease also called Down syndrome;

D) difficulties in speaking.


A) pain in the bones;

B) muscular pain;

C) pain in the arm;

D) pain in the abdomen.


A) the study and treatment of eye diseases;

B) the study and practice of treating tumours;

C) the science of fungi;

D) the general medicine of childhood.


A) a cancer of the nerves;

B) a cancer of the kidneys, which usually occurs in children under 5;

C) a cancer of the kidneys, which always occurs in adults;

D) a cancer of the mammary gland.


A) surgical removal of a breast;

B) pain in the breast;

C) the period of milk secretion;

D) inflammation of the breast.


A) a hormone which affects skin pigmentation;

B) a hormone which augments milk production and the development of corpus luteum;

C) a hormone which stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues;

D) a hormone which influences intracellular metabolism.


A) a congenital mental underdevelopment, mental weakness;

B) a subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy;

C) a condition of underdevelopment;

D) a condition in which a pregnancy lasts longer than 42 weeks.

Down syndrome

A) a general atrophy of the body;

B) a chromosomal disorder that results in mental retardation and physical abnormalities;

C) an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and diarrhea;

D) a contagious viral infection causing painful enlargement of the salivary glands.


A) study of the vision organs;

B) study of the sense of smell and hearing;

C) study of the sense organs;

D) any factor causing senses.


A) yellow or even brown colouration of the skin;

B) bluish colouration of the skin and mucous membranes;

C) red or sometimes purple colour of the mucous membranes;

D) subjective visual perception of the blue colour.

Finger clubbing

A) a difficulty in breathing;

B) any fracture of a finger or a toe because of low oxygen level in the blood;

C) a familial but complicated reflex in which the lungs and airways are protected;

D) an enlargement of the tips of fingers or toes caused by lung diseases.


A) a surgical procedure of making an incision into the throat to remove a tumour or anything obstructing the passage;

B) a surgical procedure of removing part of the throat;

C) plastic surgery of the throat;

D) inflammation of both throat and voice box.


A) the virus that can cause cancer;

B) the virus that causes a sudden death;

C) the virus that can cause AIDS;

D) the virus that causes atherosclerosis.

Atopic disease

A) gastro-intestinal tract disorder;

B) an inherited allergic disease;

C) a catching skin disease;

D) a grave heart disease.


A) the state of being pathologically too influenced, harmed or affected by a disease, infection, etc.;

B) a pathological condition in which a person doesn’t feel any pain at all;

C) a scientific study of a person’s susceptibility to a disease, infection, etc.;

D) a medical condition in which susceptibility to infection, disease, etc. is much lower than normal.


A) a person qualified to treat tumours in the body;

B) the scientific study of and treatment of tumours in the body;

C) a specialized hospital for people suffering from tumours;

D) the scientific study of and treatment of eye diseases.


A) a pathologic new growth that can be either malignant or benign;

B) an inflammation of the brain caused by a virus;

C) a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system;

D) a malfunction of the peripheral nerves.

Cerebrospinal fluid

A) a fluid used in treatment of cerebrospinal disorders;

B) a colourless acidic fluid located in the stomach, also often called as gastric juice;

C) a watery fluid which flows throughout the brain and around the spinal cord and protects them from shock as might a cushion;

D) the red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals.


A) discharge from the ear;

B) discharge of pus;

C) discharge of saliva;

D) discharge from the eye.



A) a substance that helps to prevent infection in wounds by killing bacteria;

B) a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease;

C) a substance that stops the blood from becoming thick and forming clots;

D) a substance that enters the body and can cause a disease.


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