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Инверсия, усилительные конструкции

Инверсия– это способ изменения порядка слов (без использования дополнительных элементов), при котором выделяемое слово выносится в начало предложения без нарушения при этом грамматических связей между словами.

При инверсии в начало предложения выносится:

1) дополнение, например:

This mistake we observed in all his works.

При переводе рекомендуется сохранить порядок слов, добавив усиливающее слово «именно», например:

Перевод:Именно эту ошибку мы наблюдали во всех его работах.

2) сказуемое, например: Nowhere can we see such rapid development as in computer science. Перевод: Ни одна область научного знания не развивается так быстро как информатика.

3) смысловая часть сложного сказуемого, выраженная прилагательным, причастием I, причастием II, существительным с предлогом, например: Important in this case is statistics. Перевод следует начинать с обстоятельства (если оно есть), а смысловую часть сказуемого перенести к глаголу be, например: В данном случае большое значение имеют статистические данные.

4)Инверсию также могут вызывать некоторые наречия, союзные слова и словосочетания, используемые в начале предложения: only, never, rarely, nowhere, not only … but, hardly … when, neither …nor.

При переводе порядок слов, как правило, не меняется, например:

Only then does the action not lead to imbalance.

Перевод: Лишь после этого данная операция не приводит к дисбалансу.

Never does it lead to considerable changes.

Перевод: Это никогда не приводит к значительным изменениям.

We could not identify the sample. Neither could we make the experiment once more. Мы не смогли определить образец. А также мы не смогли провести эксперимент еще раз.

Усилительные конструкции:

1) It is … that (which, who, when),например:

It was he who informed us about the results of their work.

При переводе элемент it is можно заменить словами именно, только, как раз, это и т.д., а слова that (which, who, when) опустить. Например:

Именно (Это) он проинформировал нас о результатах их работы.

2) Усилительный глагол do, который используется в утвердительных предложениях для усиления значения сказуемого, например:

It did course some difficulties.

При переводе можно использовать усилительные слова действительно, все же, наконец и т.д. Например: Это все же вызвало некоторые трудности.

Ex. 1.

Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. This is an aspect that has not been thoroughly discussed in the field of translation studies.

2. The more information is provided at the outset of a project, the more problems will be avoided later.

3. It is a wide usage of high quality photos and images that add a great deal of visual interest to a design.

4. This agreement they achieved during the meeting.

5. Maths he interested in.

6. This event does take place in this region.

7. Particularly relevant in the solving of these issues are some concepts.

8. It is the English language that is the language of business, commerce and technology.

9. Сompletely international now are Science and medicine.

10. Some of these locations did appear on the maps of that era.

11. It is by this means that we can solve this problem.

12. Ideas the students had very many.

13. It was the day when Sun Microsystems was supposed to rise again.

14. Only in this book does the authors solve this problem thoroughly.

15. It was not until the beginning of the year that the government proposed a new law project.

Ex. 2.

Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. With neither the euro nor the yean yet ready to usurp it, the dollar will not quickly lose its status.

2. Having worked as a digital publishing specialist at a large corporation at my previous job, I did not think being in charge of foreign language typesetting would be too difficult. After all, the layout and the images are already prepared and I only need to flow in the text .Was I ever wrong! Through experience, I've discovered that foreign language typesetting can be very challenging .

3. Of great importance nowadays is the theory for the practice.

4. Not only will this make your work easier and more consistent, it will also help the foreign partners.

5. The study indicates that the spread of a product by word of mouth--what the authors call "contagion"- can and does happen over social networks.

6. One lesson from the crisis is that the closer firms are to the financial system, the better the chance of receiving a handout.

7. Not only has there been rapid growth in world trade, but it has taken place in an environment where the support facilities are readily available from other trading nations.

8. Very little they have published in the literature about translation studies and globalization, which is of course highly overdue.

9. In any event, countries that are concerned about inequality of incomes within their countries can, and do, address it through government policies.

10. Supporting them in that difficult situation were the army, the police and the government.

Ex. 3.


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