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Peter Pan: come with us to Neverland

Michael: But how can we get there?

Peter Pan: we will fly!

John: But we cannot fly.

Peter Pan: It is very easy. Tinker Bell will help you.

Tinker Bell: yes, I have fairy dust. I will blow it on you and you will. (достаёт из мешочка пыльцу (конфетти) и дует на ребят, ребята чихают)

Michael: let`s try. (подпрыгивает и падает)

John: it doesn`t work. Maybe we should eat this dust?(тянется к Тинкер Бел)

Tinker Bell(убегая)No, no, no

Peter Pan: No, stop, I forgot the main. You must think about something positive, beautiful, something that you like very much.

John: pirates.

Micheal: Indians, school( fall dowan), indians

Wendy: mermaids

Together: we can fly (музыка) (stand in a position)

выходят Winkie and Sparkle.

Winkie: Do you see what I see?.

Sparkle: The children are flying

Winkie: They’re not very good at it!

Sparkle: I hope they don’t fall out of the sky. That would be the end of the story!

Winkie: I hope Peter knows where he’s going!

PETER: (подлетает to WINKIE.) Of course I know where I’m going. Second star to the right

and straight on till morning. (To WENDY, JOHN and MICHAEL.)

Follow me!( улетают за сцену)



Sparkle: When Peter Pen and his new friends landed in Neverland, they met pirates.

Winkie: Captain Hook and his pirates took Wendy, John and Michael as prisoners.

Sparkle:Now The Pirates were resting after busy day. The Pirate Smee was trying to read a map and to find a way to the treasure.

Ведущие уходят, Капитан танцует, в это время с краю сидит Смии и увлечённо читает карту, на заднем плане сидят связанные дети.

Captain Hook: Well, I am so tired, I should take a nap.

Smee:ok, Captain Hook, I will look after them.

Captain Hook: if you see Peter Pen, let me know.

Smee:ok, don`t worry.

Капитан уходит за кулисы

John (говорит Майклу и Венди): What should we do?

Wendy: We should wait, Peter Pen will come and save us.

Michael: I have a plan!(обращаясь к пирату)Hey, Smee. This map is the old one, you will never find the way there.

Smee: Hm, you are right, it is so difficult to understand it.

Michael: But I can help you.

Smee: really? how?

Michael: I have a modern map, it can help you a lot. But the thing is that my hand are tied and I cannot give it to you.

Smee: ok, I will untie your hands, but only for several seconds while Captain Hook is sleeping.

(развязывает руки Майклу, Майкл достаёт планшет и показывает Смии)

Michael:Look, it is much better than your map.

Smee:oh, it looks great.

Michael:and if you choose this…

Smee:“Angry Birds”?, what is it?

Michael:You just try, it is so interesting thing.

Smee: oh, it is great (Садится и играет, Дети освобождаются и собираются сбежать, но натыкаются на Капитана Крюка)

Captain Hook:Oh, Where are you going? (Смии откладывает планшет и становится рядом с капитаном)

Wendy: Oh, no.Дети пятятся назад (Выходит Тинкер Белл)

Tinker Bell:Peter Pen, the pirates are here (Выбегает Питер Пет)

Peter Pan: Don`t touch them, Captain Hook.

Captain Hook: Hi, Peter! Do you really think that you can win? Ha..ha..ha

Музыка, дерутся на шпагах, Питер Пен побеждает

Peter Pan: Promise that you will leave Neverland and will never return.

Captain Hook: I promise. (убегает с помощником)

John and Michael: you have saved us.

Wendy: Thank you, Peter.

Michael: it is time to go home. I miss my parents.

Wendy: you are right, our parents are waiting for us.

Peter Pen:Follow me, I will show you the way.(улетают за кулисы)


Выходят ведущие

Winkie: Yes, it is time to go home.

Sparkle: The children spent great time. They visited Neverland, saw many interesting creatures, met pirates.

Winkie: and Peter Pan taught them to fly.

Sparkle: Mr Darling and Mrs Darling were happy when their children returned

(Выходит Питер Пен и Тинкер Белл)

Peter Pan: I like this story and I can listen to eat every day.

Winkle: it is a kind and nice story. And there is some magic in this story.

Sparkle: Unfortunately, nowadays people

Winkie: especially adults

Sparkle: right, adults don`t believe in magic. They don’t believe that dreams can come true.

Peter Pan: but it is so easy, the main is to believe and to trust.

Tinker Bell: Dreams do come true if only we wish hard enough.

Peter Pan: You just think lovely, wonderful thoughts and they lift you up in the air.

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