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Look through the list of the occupations and answer the questions below

1) Which is the most interesting? 5) Are any of them damaging to society?
2) Which is the most boring? 6) Which is the best paid?
3) Which is the most useful to society? 7) Which is the most dangerous?
4) Which is the least useful to society? 8) Which is the most difficult?


actor/actress disk jockey mechanic shop keeper
airliner pilot doctor nurse stunt man/каскадер
astronaut electrical engineer painter sailor
astronomer factory worker newspaper editor/редактор taxi driver
biologist film director oil company executive TV presenter/ведучий
boxer farmer plumber teacher
builder footballer priest /священик soldier
cartoonist firefighter psychiatrist veterinary surgeon
company director historian racing driver window cleaner
computer programmer housewife postman/woman writer
cleaner lion hunter/мисливець policeman/woman lawyer


Ex. 7 Write down one job from the box that would probably be impossible for these people.

a firefighter a sailor an accountant a pilot a mechanic a police officer someone in the army, navy or air force a doctor, nurse, surgeon or vet

1) Someone who didn't go to university __________

2) Someone with very bad eyesight (= cannot see very well) _____________

3) Someone who is always seasick on a boat ____________

4) Someone who understands nothing about cars ____________

5) Someone who will not work in the evening or at weekends ___________

6) Someone who is afraid of dogs __________

7) Someone who is afraid of heights and high places __________

8) Someone who is terrible at numbers and maths __________

9) Someone who doesn't like to see blood (= the red liquid in your body) __________

10) Someone who is a pacifist (- is anti-war) __________


Ex. 8 Respond to the statements below, as in the example.

Example A: She's a police officer.

B: Really? When did she join the police force? (army/ navy air force/ fire brigade)


1) A: She's a soldier. B: .............................................. ?   2) A: He's a fighter pilot. B: .............................................. ?  
3) A: He's a sailor. B: .............................................. ?   4) A: He's a fireman. B: ........................................... ?


Заняття 2.21 Запорука успіху в діловій сфері життя

Ex.1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary:

increasingly – все більше

opportunities – можливості

broad – широкий

to offer – пропонувати

advertising – рекламування

available – можливі

stockbroker – біржовий брокер

clerical work – робота службовця

purchase – закупка

processing – обробка даних

accounting – бухоблік

personnel – персонал, кадри

aptitude – схильність

capability – можливість

cluster – тут: група

handling – торгівля, продаж


Ex.2. Read and translate the text:

Careers in Business

Business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today. Consequently, the opportunities for business career have grown in variety and number. Originally the word “career” meant “road” or “path”; today it means a “progress through life” or a “job path”. There are four broad fields, or areas, of business that offer exciting careers: management, marketing, accounting and finance. Within each of these fields there are specific jobs in which one can specialize. For example, within the field of marketing one can specialize in market research, advertising, buying, selling, or distributing. The table below shows general career opportunities that are available in the various fields of business.


Business Fields and Careers

Management Marketing Accounting Finance
general manager personnel manager production manager researcher advertiser distributor bookkeeper private accountant public accountant   banker financial analyst stockbroker


Jobs in businesses are offices range from administration to general clerical work. These jobs exist in both small and large companies. Some typical occupations are cashier, purchasing agent, typist, and complaint clerk. This cluster includes word processing, accounting and financial detail, management, personnel, and materials and product handling. Although most jobs are done indoors, mail carriers and material handlers often work outside. A lot of occupations – managers, accountants, analysts – require higher education, others like secretaries and clerks – at least secondary education.

In choosing a business career, there are several questions one may want to ask. Firstly, does the work interest you? Are there any areas of business for which you have an aptitude or special capability? What are the opportunities involved, such as salary, a chance for advancement, and demand for the job? Answers to these questions and careful planning will help you to choose a successful career in business.

Ex. 3. Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of activity is business nowadays?
  2. What does the word “career” mean?
  3. What careers do four fields of business offer?
  4. What careers does management/marketing/accounting/finance offer?
  5. What questions the person may want to ask in choosing a successful business career?



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