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Regular Routine of an Oxford Student

1. This is how a student at Oxford spends his day. His working hours are from 9 to1. At 9 o’clock he meets the tutor and discusses with him his daily program of studies. Then he goes to the library or to the lectures. So, he spends the morning in work

2. In the afternoon between 2 and 4 nobody works. Every Oxford student goes in for sport. From 2 to 5 the students play sport games and do all kinds of exercises. The most famous sport is rowing.

3. After 5 o’clock tea studies begin again and from 5 to 7 the student usually works in the library or in the laboratory till dinner time.

4. 7 o’clock is a lunch hour. As the students and the teachers live in the college they all gather in the dining hall, including the dean. They all have dinner together. After dinner the students have club activities. They attend debating societies, folk groups or French speaking clubs. Every evening from 5 to 10 societies hold their meetings and invite freshers to come.

5. At about 10 o’clock the students sit down to work again for two hours. Some students like to go to the theatre or to the cinema, some go out with their girlfriends. But the students must be back by 12 o’clock. There is a strict rule: if a student comes back after midnight he goes to see the dean next day. He gives the explanation and sometimes the dean fines him.


Задание VIII. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. When do the classes at Oxford University begin? 2. Who heps the students in their studies? 3. When do the students go in for sport? 4. Where do the students go after dinner? 5. What does the dean do with the students who are late?



Вариант № 10


Задание I. Образуйте, где возможно, множественное число существительных; переведите на русский язык:

Country, crisis, fish, sea, bread, wife, lady, gentleman, booking-office, cotton.


Задание II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на притяжательную форму существительных:

1. our country’s rich harvest of wheat;

2. Mr. Thompson’s interesting tutorial in modern languages;

3. first-year students’ active part in the scientific conference;

4. the joint stock company’s initiative;

5. the plants’ research laboratories.

Задание III. Употребите прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужной форме (сравнительной или превосходной степени); переведите на русский язык:

1. Cathrene is the (industrious) student in our group. 2. Scrap is (efficient) in steel production than any other raw material. 3. The EAF shop is (well-equipped) than any other department at our metalluegical plant. 4. My composition about Pushkin’s poems was the (long). 5. (Good) do well than to say well.


Задание IV: а) Напишите словами следующие количествен-

ные числительные:

13, 30, 0, 28, 43, 155, 5.938, 729, 436.019, 99;

б) Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя порядковые числительные:

третье задание, сотый вопрос, девятая лабораторная работая, тридцать первая страница, пятый реферат, двадцать третья годовщина.



Задание VII. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык:

About Myself

1.My name is Alice. I am a second-year student now. The University I am at has a high reputation as it trains qualified specialists. I take language studies at the University. I want to become a teacher of Spanish. I can speak Spanish a little but I don’t think Spanish is an easy language to study.

2. My family is miles away from the city I study in. I live in the student’s hall like many other students do. We take many compulsory subjects. I keep regular hours to be in time for classes. It takes me twenty-five minutes to get to the University by bus. Only four students of our group are from Voronezh, the others either come from different parts of our country or from abroad. We usually have a lot of things to talk about.

3. There is a very good language laboratory at our University.

It has modern equipment. We spend a lot of time in the laboratory listening, imitating the sounds and intonation. It helps us to learn the language without much difficulty.

4. I come to the hall from the University at about a quarter to five every evening. I live in a single room and have nobody to speak Spanish to. I go to the girl next door and we do our lessons together. We are always ready to help each other. We work very hard to master the language.

5. Sometimes we go out in the evening. We go to the pictures if there is something new on or to the club if there is a dancing party there. But we often stay in, watch an interesting film on TV or listen to good music.


Задание VIII. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту:


1. What is the girl? 2. Where does she live? 3. Does Alice get to the Institute by metro or by bus? 4. Why does Alice go to the language laboratory? 5. How does the girl spend her spare time?



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Вариант №


Выполнил: студент гр.__________



Проверила: Боброва Н.В.


Новотроицк, 2015 г.



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