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IV. Find the proper Ukrainian equivalent to the underlined law term(s)

445.Parliament can enact any law it chooses, or repeal obsolete laws which are any longer relevant and the courts must enforce it, though exception to this is EU law (…). Відміняти (скасовувати) застарілі закони

446.Since 1986 with the passage of the Money Laundering Control Act, organized crime members have been charged and convicted of tax evasion and money laundering (…). Ухилення від сплати податків

447.Since the adoption of the Act of Independence of Ukraine (1991), much has been done concerning human rights and in particular for the implementation of international human rights norms in Ukrainian legislation (…). Імплементація – введення в дію (реалізація) норм міжнародного права в рамках національної правової системи

448.Maintaining and upbringing (виховання) orphans (сирота) and children deprived of parental care shall be imposed on the state (…). Позбавлених батьківської опіки

If a person dies under unusual circumstances, an inquest (слідство) is held at a special court and the judge is called a coroner (…).коронер - судовий слідчий в Англії і США, який проводить розслідування у випадках насильницької (раптової) смерті

449.People respected George Washington, because he was an honest man and he turned out to be one of the greatest military leaders (…). Поважали, шанували

450.Every person has the right to protect his life and the lives of other persons from unlawful infringements (…). Незаконних (протиправних) посягань

451.Before World War II, Japan also had a jury system, but it was often criticised for the ease with which jurors could be bribed (…). Могли бути підкуплені

452.In China, law courts are still primarily (в основному) regarded as political instruments used both to control thefts and violence and to deal with political opponents (…). (для стримання (нагляду, контролю) крадіжок і насильства

453.We have to check whether applicants (кандидат, заявник) have a criminal record and whether there is enough evidence to start criminal proceedings against them (…). має судимість /кримінальне минуле / досьє злочинця

454.Germany has discontinued its jury system recently, replacing it with a system of lay (не-юрист) assessors (експерт, консультант) sitting together with professional judges (…). Припинила, перервала (дію) !!!

455.Committees of ten requires that all motions to amend a bill be tabled (внесені) in advance (заздалегідь)(…). Усі пропозиції, клопотання, прохання

456.In England an offence may be charged either on indictment or in a summary court (суд спрощеної юрисдикції) (…). Обвинувальний акт

457.Affidavits are widely used in preliminary legal proceedings (…). Письмові свідчення (у суді) під присягою

458.Justice is often represented as a woman with her eyes covered, holding a sword in one hand and a pair of scales in the other (…). Правосуддя

459.*** Scotland has its own legal system but it also uses an adversarial system of legal procedure (…). Конкуруючу систему

460.The Sixth Amendment guarantees an accused person the right to trial before an impartial jury (…). Неупереджені (безпристасні, справедливі) журі присяжних ///

461.The level of the fine depends on the circumstances of the case (…). Обставини справи

462.Putting these young men into prison alongside (поряд) hardened criminals is the surest (безсумнівний )way to make them reoffend (…). Закоренілий злочинець

463.The number of muggings has been reduced in this area (…). Грабіж з насильством (на вулиці) / хуліганство / груповий напад ///

464.The governments are determined to combat international terrorism (…). Побороти\ Боротись ///

465.The police are often called to settle quarrels, find lost people and aid accident victims (…). Надавати допомогу постраждалим від нещасного випадку

466.The thieves were informed to have been caught red-handed (…). Були спіймані на місці злочину (“на гарячому”)

467.Over fifteen million people have fled from their own countries because of human rights abuses, political pressure and economical hardships (…). Втекли зі своїх рідних країн

468.The League of Nations is considered to be the forerunner of the United Nations (…). Передвісником, попередником, предтечею

469.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional hereditary monarchy (…). спадкова

470.In addition to the rule of law, sovereignty of Parliament forms the second pillar (основний принцип, ідея) of the British constitution (…). Верховенство права (принцип)

471.Laws can be rejected, repealed or passed by a simple majority (…). Відхилені, відмінені або прийняті.

472.The Smiths stated that they were going to settle the dispute (…). Вирішити, владнати спір (диспут)

473.In the 6th century a commission consolidated all sources of law including the opinions of great legal scholars (…). Об’єднала

474.The Bill of Rights established authority of Parliament over the King (…). Владу (повноваження, повноту влади)

475.He was urgently (терміново) summoned to Washington for consultations (…). Був викликаний

476.The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount (…).Був врегульований у позасудовому порядку

477.Those arrested have been charged with public order offences (…). Порушення громадського порядку

478.Attempts by governments to persuade people to wear seat belts and to refrain (утримуватись) from drinking alcohol whilst driving have had limited success (…). Переконати (схилити) людей

479.Neglect cases involve children whose parents do not or cannot care for them properly(…) . Справи про недбальство /// (справи стосовно невиконання обов’язків щодо дітей)

480.The most important reason for punishing young offenders is to deter them from committing more crimes (…). Утримати

481.The suspected, the accused and the defendants have the right to legal counsel (…). Право на адвоката

482.Any violence or exploitation of a child shall be prosecuted by law (…). Будуть переслідуватись законом (в судовому порядку) +++

483.Citizens have the right to participate in the administration of state affairs (…). Управлінні

484.All acts must be submitted to both Houses of Parliament in the draft form of a Bill (…). Чорновому варіанті законопроекту / законопроект !!!

485.The courts should be independent of the executive and the legislature so that the judges can ensure that these bodies do not exercise their powers arbitrarily (…). Деспотично, свавільно

486.Some states in the USA have areas of law that have been comprehensively codified (…). Повністю кодифіковані

487.The lawmakers of new nations sometimes wanted to show that the legal rights of their citizens originated in the state, not in local customs (…). Взяли початок (походять, виникли) від держави

488.Children under ten cannot stand trial at all under English law (…). Відповідати перед судом


46. The accused person has the right to claim a jury trial if he/she is charged with any offence punishable by imprisonment (…). Вимагати


47. The law of New Zealand consists of the common law, statute law, enacted by the New Zealand Parliament, a number of United Kingdom laws, regulations, by-laws and other forms of subordinate legislation (…). Інструкції (регламент, правила), підзаконні акти ///


48. In England minor cases are dealt with summarily by magistrates’ courts presided over by justices of the Peace (…). У прискореному (сумарному) порядку


49. The inferior courts in the federal system have somewhat less political importance, since their principal duty is to settle routine cases where no constitutional question is at stake (поставлені на карту) (…). Нижчі суди \суди нижчої інстанції


50. Ukrainian labour legislation adopted a more logical and civilised procedure of the settlementof individual labour disputes (…). Вирішення (врегулювання) спорів


51. The European Parliament has 20 standing committees, each specializing in a particular field, such as the environment, transport, industry or the budget (…). Постійний


495. The European Parliament strongly condemns the use of the death penalty in all cases and under all circumstances (…). Рішуче (сильно) засуджує


53. In Europe and the world, Parliament acts to uphold human rights, freedoms and democracy (…). Підтримувати, захищати, зберігати


54. Each spring the Comission submits a preliminary draft budget for the following year (…). Розглядає


55. The ombudsman is empowered to receive complaints concerning maladministration by Community institutions or bodies from any EU citizen or any individual residing in a member state (…). Недобросовісне (неефективне, помилкове) управління


56. The European Parliament has enhanced the rights of air and rail passengers, not least for the elderly and for people with reduced mobility, who can now obtain assistance (…). Розширив права (збільшив, покращив)


57. The Ombudsman tries to find amicable solutions with the institution or body concerned (…). Знайти дружні (товариські, мирні) рішення


58. MPs took the view that economic, trade and financial benefits should contribute to respect for fundamental rights in the countries concerned (…). Члени парламенту

59. Parliament has dedicated itself to several great international causes such as abolition of death penalty, combating hunger in the world and the international campaign against impunity (…). Проти безкарності


60. Parliament provided steady support for the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998; its task is to pass judgements on the perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (…).

1) постанови щодо злочинців 2) постанови щодо проявів геноциду 3) рішення щодо винуватців геноциду 4) рішення проти геноциду 5) засудження геноциду.


61. The European Parliament is actively involved in the EU’s election observation missions to third countries to monitor whether voting procedures comply with international standards (…). Чи вибочі процедури відповідають міжнародним стандартам


62. Some police officers are assigned to gather intelligence about the activities of suspected criminals (…). Відомості, інформацію


63. Officers in the juvenile division of a police department handle cases involving youth accused of breaking the law (…). Розглядають (розбирають) справи


64. The head of the investigating committee mounted the investigation (…). Почав розслідування


508. The judge ordered the sequestration of the union’s funds (…). Накладання арешту \ конфіскація


66. After all, police had to make a warrantless arrest (…). Арешт без ордеру, необгрунтований арешт


67. The names of possible jurors are selected by the court from such sources as tax rolls, voting lists and telephone directories (…). Податкові відомості, виборчі списки і телефонні довідники

68. On the 30th of November they served a summons on him and his elder sister (…). Вручили судову повістку

69. The federal courts are often called the guardians of the Constitution because their rulings protect rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution (…).Охоронці, захисники


70. The making of a contract requires the mutual agreement (…) . Взаємна згода


71. The notary is the author of the document and therefore he is responsible for its consistency with the law (…). Його відповідність закону


72. Everyone has the right to own, use and dispose of his or her property, and the results of his or her intellectual or creative activity (…). Володіти, користуватись, розпоряджатись

516. A lawyer has several loyalties in his work: to his clients, to the administration of justice, to the community, to his co-workers and to himself (…). Кілька лояльностей (терпимостей) +++


74. The rule of law may best be grasped by contrasting it with opposite, i.e. arbitrary use of authority against any person or property (…). Верховенство права


75. The tasks of making laws, administering justice, governing and defending the country are carried out in the Queen’s name (…). Відправлення правосуддя


76. In 1982, when the Constitution was repatriated, an important addition was made to it: the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (…). *** була повернена назад


77. Today most prosecutions are undertaken by Crown attorneys, who are the agents of the federal Attorney General (…). Більшість судових переслідувань


78. The Speaker of the House of Commons only votes in case of a tie and can vote to support or defeat the issue put on vote (…). У Випадку розділення голосів порівну


79. The police want tougher laws to strengthen their power against traffickers (…). Жортскіші закони


80. Punishment in the form of property confiscation shall consist in compulsory seizure into the ownership of the state of all or part of the property owned by the convicted person (…). Примусове вилучення


524. Affray may be committed in private as well as in public places (…). Порушення громадського спокою (скандал, бійка)


82. The features of a crime are: its social danger, criminal unlawfulness, culpability and punishability (…). Винність


83. The High Court dismissed appeals against the judgements at the first instance (…). Відмовив в задаволенні апеляцій (відхилив апеляцію)


84. The parties also have a right to a certain number of challenges for which no cause is necessary (…). Відвід присяжного (свідка) \ оскаржень \ викликів ///


85. Officers, protesting the bribe system, have been fired, transferred and reprimanded (…). Звільнені з роботи, переведені на іншу роботу і отримали догану


86. International attempts to curb police corruption around the world received a boost when in 1979 the United Nations drafted the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (…). Підйом, посилення, підтримку


87. Loot in the oldest sence is reffered to goods seizure specifically in war, especially goods of great value (…). Мародерство (з -ing) \Здобич, награблене добро, грабіж +++


88. Criminal codes of different countries vary with regard to specific penalties that may be imposed for crimes (…). Спеціальних (особливих) покарань (санкцій )


89. He was sentenced to 36 months’ imprisonment, part of which was suspended (…). Була призупинена \була умовна\ була тимчасово відкладена +++


90. Probation and parole frequently depend on the availability of a job (…). Умовно-дострокове звільнення під чесне слово


91. Nowadays, international organizations which are to promote human rights, are against capital punishment (…). Підтримувати права людини


92. Two grades of treason existed in Early english law: high treason, directed against the Crown, and petty treason, which consisted of a crime against a subject, such as wife killing her husband, or a servant murdering his master (…). Державна зрада


93. In colonial days the penalty for conviction of treason followed the English law, providing for attainder, forfeiture or loss of property and the loss of all the rights of inheritance (…). Передбачаючи (забезпечуючи), обумовлюючи


94. Punishment often left physical marks on the condemned (…). засудженному


95. Burglars, for the first offence were to be branded on the forehead with the letter B, for the second offence, whipped in public (…). Січені (батогами)


96. In England death was a possible punishment for many thieves, in Massachussets only for repeaters (…). Рецидивісти (повторно скоїли злочин)


540. A system of criminal justice had to distribute powers among judges, jurors, legislators (…). Розділити (розприділити) владні повноваження \розмежувати компетенцію


98. The governor in some states pardoned with a lavish hand (…). Милував (робив помилування) щедрою рукою


99. In medieval times, a killer animal was put on trial for similar “crimes”, and the animals who got in trouble the most were pigs (…). Віддавались під суд, притягувались до судової відповідальності


100. Even special programs for children are full of gunfights, murders and scene of violence so it’s no surprising that juvenile crime record is constantly growing (…). Досьє злочинів, скоєних неповнолітніми


101. Terrorism means the use of threat of action if this action may influence the government or intimidate the public for political, religious or ideological reasons (…).Залякати


102. An organisation is concerned in terrorism if it promotes or encourages terrorism (…). Сприяє (підтримує) чи провокує (заохочує, стимулює)


103. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures, people of all races, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence (…). Суб’єктами (здійснення злочину) домашнього насильства

104. If a state fails to prevent and investigate acts of violence against women, then it sharesresponsibility for the abuses (…). Розділяє відповідальність !!!


105. International human rights law bans discrimination and violence against women (…). забороняє


106. Community mustn’t ignore impunity of domestic tyrants (…). безнаказаність


107. One of the oldest ways of detecting criminal activity is through surveillance (…). Нагляд, спостереження


108. Informants are the source of much useful information in investigations: they must be citizens motivated by civil duty (…). Інформатор, виказувач


109. Business and public records are consulted by investigators to locate wanted or missing persons (…). Розшукуваних (поліцією) чи без вісті пропавших


110. Firstly, anti-corruption laws should be updated; secondly, the national program should include measures to fight economic and social corruption (…). Вдосконалені, покращені, оновлені, доповнені, доопрацьовані


111. Fraud has existed perhaps long or longer than money (…). Шахрайство


112. Organized crime constitutes nothing less than guerilla war against society (Lyndon Gonson) (…). Партизанська війна


556. The judges are independent of the government and people appearing before them; this allows them to make impartial decisions (…). Неупереджені, справедливі рішення


114. Magna Carta required king John of England to proclaim certain rights (mainly of his barons), respect certain legal procedures and accept that his will could be bound by law (…). Воля (волевиявлення) могла бути обмежена (зв*язана) законом (правом)


115. Magna Carta was confirmed by later English kings (…). Була підтверджена


116. The Bill prohibited the monarch from levying taxes or customs duties without Parliaments consent (…). Накладення податків


117. In most countries, the procedure of habeas corpus can be suspended in time of national emergency (…). Під час надзвичайного стану


118. The House of Lords should not reject a budget passed by the House of Commons (…). Відхилити


119. The monarch abstains from attending cabinet meetings (…). утримується


120. The real importance of the rule of law today lies in the basic idea that the state should use its power according to agreed rules and not arbitrarily (…). Верховенства права


121. The text of the US Constitution doesn’t specify who has the right to vote (…). Не визначає, не встановлює


122. After all the evidence has been presented, the two counsels sum up the case making comment on it (…). Двоє адвокатів (барістерів)


123. In a civil trial the jury is empowered to set the amount of damages (…). Визначати розмір (суму) збитків


124. A few states require blood tests, and still other states have a short waiting period (1-3 days) before the couple can wed (…). Може вступити в шлюб


125. Horrified members of the public who witnessed a fatal road traffic grabbed the driver as he tried to flee the scene (…). Утекти з місця події


126. The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder (…).Щоб запобігти вчиненню злочинів та порушенням громадського порядку


127. During the Tudor period, to control the growing vagrancy problem, the idle people were put into “Houses of Corrections” and punished for their laziness (…).Проблеми з бродяжництвом


128. Similar cases must be treated similarly if the justice is to be achieved (…). Справедливість


129. In 1219 Henry III issued instructions to his justices on how to handle criminal cases (…). Розглядати (вирішувати) кримінальні справи


573. How are miscarriages of justice dealt with in England and Wales? (…) помилки правосуддя


131. The Scottish Parliament can amend the Acts of the UK Parliament (…). Може вносити поправки (зміни) \ може змінювати


132. We have to check whether applicants have a criminal record (…). судимість


133. The Queen carries out and legitimises acts of the state (…). узаконювати


134. Substantive law determines a wide variety of matters – for example, what is required to form a contract, what is the difference between larceny and robbery etc (…). Маатеріальне право


135. Some Commonwealth countries, notably India, have enacted criminal codes that are based on English common law of crimes (…). Прийняла (ввела)


136. The First Protocol provides that “every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possession” (…). Фізична особа


137. In Roman law the notarius was originally a slave who took notes of judicial proceedings (…). судових процесів,засідань


138. The notary is qualified as a public official, because the state delegates to him the powers of a public certification (…). Державний службовець, державна посадова особа


139. Everyone has the right to own, use or dispose of his or her property, and the results of his or her intellectual activity (…). розпоряджатись


140. In order to satisfy their needs, citizens may use the objects of the right of state and communal property in accordance with the law (…). Задовольнити їхні потреби


141. Judges rest their judgements upon the general principles enshrined in case law as a whole (…). Закріплені / збережені +++


142. Common law rights, powers, remedies, crimes are frequently distinguished from statutory right, powers, remedies, crimes (…). Повноваження (компетенція), засоби захисту права (судового захисту)


143. The monarchy is the most ancient secular institution in the United Kingdom, with a continuous history stretching back over a thousand years (…). Світська установа (організація)\ інститут


144. Queen Elizabeth II, who secceeded to the throne in 1952 is the head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Crown (…).успадкувала


145. Monarch confers honours and make appoinments to all important offices of the state (…). Приисвоює (нагороджує) почесні звання , нагороди


146. The Privy Council is the body on whose advice and through which the Monarch exercises most statutory and many prerogative powers (…). Виняткові права (прерогативи)


590. There are about 330 members of the Privy Council, which, however, only meets as a full body on the death of the Monarch (…). Таємна рада


148. The Home Secretary is concerned with the prevention of criminal offences, the apprehension trial and treatment of offenders, and with the prison service (…). Міністр внутрішніх справ


149. British citizenship can be gained by birth, adoption, registration or naturalization (…). За народженням, через усиновлення \ удочеріння


150. To be a genuine convention, a rule or principle must be regarded as binding (…). Обов*язковий


151.Counsel for the defence alleged that the defendant had acted in self-defence (…). Адвокат захисту (відповідача) \ захисник


152. One of the issues which particularly concerns Greenpeace is the damage to the environment caused by the use of nuclear bombs in experimental tests (…). Шкода навколишньому середовищу


153. A bilateral treaty is a binding international agreement in writing between two states (…). Двостронній договір


154. The defendant’s father was charged with bribery and corruption for trying to influence the judge by offering him a large sum of money (…). Давання хабара (підкуп) і схилення до отримання хабара (корупцію)


155. The majority in this court took the view that there was no ambiguity about the words of the Equal Pay Act, 1940 (…). Двозначність, невизначеність


156. In cases of conflict, EC law prevails over national law (…). Превалює, переважає над


157. Poor people in England are entitled to free legal advice and help called “Legal aid” (…). Безплатної юридичної консультації


158. Policies are carried out by government departments staffed by politically neutral civil servants (…). Державний службовець, чиновник


159. These codes cover the powers to stop and search persons or vehicles, searching of premises and seizure of property etc. (…) вилучення (конфіскації) майна


160. The UK is also a signatory of the European Convention of Human rights and this has been incorporated into UK law (…). Сторона, яка підписала угоду


161. All acts must be submitted to both Houses of Parliament in the draft form of a Bill (…). Повинні бути передані на розгляд


605. In March 1995, the central government suspended the Crimean Constitution following a year of political instability caused by attempts of local politicians to develop a foreign policy independent of Kyiv (…). Призупинив (дію)


163. The Geneva agreements are a balance of both committments and interests (…). Обов*язків, зобов*язань


164. When one government wishes to accredit an ambassador or a minister to another government, it is necessary that the appointee should be approved by the government of the country to which he is being assigned (…). Призначувана особа


165. Every human being has the inherent right to life (…). Невід*ємне (вроджене) право на життя


166. The recognition of a child as a full-fledged personality is the result of gradual formation of humanistic ideas in society (…). Повноцінної особистості


167. The child’s right to freedom of residence is realized depending on the age criterion (…).Свобода пересування, право на вільний вибір місця проживання. 168. The statictics shows that there are a lot of children deprived of the proper parental care in Ukraine (…). Позбавлених належної батьківської турботи (опіки)


169. The Convention defines a stateless person as one who is not considered as a national by any state (…). Особа без громадянства


170.Citizenship imposed against the will of individuals can result in abuse (…). Зловживання \ образа


171. A number of bystanders watched the robbers speed off in a stolen car (…). очевидців


172. To take someone to court means to prosecute someone (…). звинувачувати


173. The conviction of a number of senior executives has left the whole business community in shock (…). Чиновники вищого рангу


174. Fraud has a big impact on older people, as they sometimes loose their life savings (…).шахрайство


175. He was charged with a breach of currency regulations (…). Правила грошового обігу


176. Drug addiction is no excuse for holding up a petrol station (…). пограбування


177. The suspect couldn’t commit the crime himself, he must have had an accomplice (…). співучасника


178. The jury found her guilty of all charges (…). По всіх обвинуваченнях


179. Some countries have such strict laws that people protest against them (…). Жорсткі закони


180. The bank at the end of the street was held up by two masked men last week (…). Був пограбований


624. Anti-social behaviour adversely affects the communities we live in (…). Шкідливо впливає


182. This gang has been wanted by the police for about three years (…). Розшукувались поліцією


183. Probation allows a convicted person to remain at large, with his sentence suspended as long as he behaves lawfully (…). На свободі


184. In the Uk typical civil disputes are those between employees and employers (…). Працівниками і роботодавцями


185. Most people are released on bail after being charged with an offence (…). Звільнені на поруки (під заставу)


186. The verdict of a jury should be unanimous, though sometimes a majority verdict is acceptable (…). єдиноголосний


187. Unless the police obtain special permission, they are not allowed to detain a person for more than twenty four hours (…). Затримувати \ заарештувати\ утримувати під стражею


188. A convicted person may appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal in London either to have the conviction quashed or to have the sentence reduced (…). Покарання зменшене


189. There is no death penalty in Britain, except for high treason (…). Державну зраду


190. Maintaining and upbringing orphans and children deprived of parental care shall be imposed on the state (…). Утримання і Виховання сиріт

191. Germany has discontinuated its jury system recently, replacing it with a system of layassessors sitting together with professional judges (…). Непрофесійних радників


192. The thieves were informed to have been caught in the act. Схвачені в момент здійснення злочину


193. A person, whose copyright is infringed, is entitled to damages as compensation for infringement (…). Має право на відшкодування збитків


194. In recent years, legal philosophers have begun to study tort law (…). Деліктне право


195. Parents have a right to be given notice as soon as possible that their child has been detained pending court appearence (…). Право на отримання повідомлення, сповіщення


196. Parliament passes Acts or statutes which prohibit, regulate, authorise, delegate or ratify a very broad range of activities (…). приймає


197. In England, the ultimate legislator is Parliament (…). Основний законодавець ///


641. Nobody is above the law; public authorities can be successfully sued in the civil courts (…). Органи державної влади


199. Minutes are the records of what takes place in court (…). протоколи


643. A subpoena is a command that a person appear in court to testify (давати свідчення), and it is issued by the clerk under the seal of the court (печатка суду) and served (вручати) by the marshal (…). Виклик (повістка) до суду




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